Sunday, July 29, 2012

No umph!

Today, we worshiped with Hudsonville UCC in an outdoor sevice,  as a celebration between two church's uniting for VBS. it was geat to show others what VBS was about this past week as the kids sang and Pastor Dave  talked about our hearts.

Half way through the service Kent had no more umph.  He was exhusted. We had a busy week celebrating with the little kids but this "big" kid just ran out of steam.   This next week we will await a scheduled PET scan  and a treatment later in the next weeks . 

Lydia is going to try her week out at Camp Geneva .   I pray she will have a good week and that she will have some great counselors to walk next to her and show her learning about God.  She will be spending the nights out at the cottage because it is just down the road and is easy to get there with my parents as the drivers.  She will be at camp with her cousin Jake.  Hopefully they have a great week together.

Kent and I will continue work this week, when we are not seeking medical care for Kent.  Please pray for him as many things are weighing heavy on his heart which he chooses to leave unmentioned at this point.  Each day we are given new grace.  Each day we are thankful for the MANY friends that circle us with their love.  We are so greatful we serve the great physician!  Love to all!   Leah

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pumped up?

Today was a better pump disconnect day than previous ones.  I expected nausea as I've the last three treatment pump disconnect days.  So far not a huge appetite but no Nausea.  I would say I ate more today than Saturdays the last several treatments.

Due to the Nasty headache I had Friday I didn't get my work day in until today.  Not a lot of energy today but overall things seem to be a little better than it has been following previous treatments.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Growing or Going???

Today is treatment number 4.  I am currently getting Avastin which I'm sure has another name but it is my first med out of many.  They are reducing one of the Meds which is causing both tingling in my fingers and keeping my white counts lower than they want them to be.  They are also running it longer as to help minimize the tingling somewhat.  The rest of the day will likely be devoted to naps and try to eat what I can. 

Sometime before my appointment with the Oncologist two weeks from today I will have a Scan scheduled so they figure out if the Cancer in liver and tumor in Colon are getting smaller or not.  Today the doctor told me to mentally get ready for a couple more round of chemo.  The scan will determine whether those happen or he will get me ready  for surgery on my Liver.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement and support.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Apoligies are in order!

BUSY! That explains our life right now.  We are currently involved in a lot of extra nightly activities that are taking place of time to blog.  We are currently majorly involved with our Vacation Bible School. All 3 of us are enjoying spending time with 80 + kids the first night and 90 the second night, after an incentive of a candy bar for those who brought the most friends from no other than good ol' Pastor Dave!  Along with that, Kent and I have been working full days. We have taken on other tasks and making sure Lydia is well cared for.

Lydia tried her hand at a new adventure... Gilda's Club has a camp for those children who have a loved one or themselves face cancer.  Camp Sparkle! She loved it.  Today they traveled to India .  They met some people from India and was offered to try food from India.   She declined saying it wasn't Gluten free.  I (her mom) think that was a way of saying no thanks! She tried to dance as they do in India as well! She does have her dad's rhythm,  thank goodness!  It might be embaressing otherwise. 

Kent will have chemo #4 on Thursday if everything goes as planned. He has a blood test right in the cancer clinic in Holland so hopefully he will be able to know the results right away and we'll be a all clear for Thursday.  We meet with Kent's Oncologist as well, so maybe he will tell us more of the plan on what is next and when we will have a scheduled PET scan to see if the Chemo is doing its Job.    Kent is anxious to see and frankly so am I.  We will pray that the many prayers that have been lifted will be answered.  Thanks so much for ALL your Love! 


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hairpin Corner

Yesterday was a rough day for both energy and appetite.  I would rather have stayed in bed after getting to sleep basically at 4 in the AM on Monday morning.  I was encouraged to work anyway so we could save our days for treatments.  I know I have to but I still mentally have a difficult time not spending my PTO days for "fun" days.  When I got home from a full day at work I got a package in the mail from my Brother and Sister-in-law containing a card and Blanket.  The card noted the blanket was for days I was not feeling well.  Pretty appropriate for most of my day Yesterday.  I, of course cried due to the kindness and wrapped up in the blanket almost immediately.  I would like to say the blanket had some part in helping me feel better

Last night at about 9 I turned the corner on both energy and appetite.  It is rare I would want cold grapes at that time of night on Chemo week but sure enough that sounded good.  I have come to realize that when food sounds good I eat.  So grapes it was and not just one cup full but two.  Today was more of the same.  More energy at work and more of an appetite.  I was thankful for the increased appetite both for my team lunch and dinner with my family.  I ate good today and I almost feel like I'm boasting when I say that but when you despise food for 5 days I guess you have a small reason to boast. 

Last Sunday I had very little energy but managed to muster Just enough to celebrate Lydia's birthday at her favorite restaurant with many of her friends there.  Besides the flowers you see in the photo she also got a Pink sharpie and a pink coverse shoe turned into a pencil case full of mechanical pencils for the new school year.  She was so excited and immediately asked if she could have her "shoe" at school as a pencil case.  I would imagine this will be tolerated in her classroom.  She will no doubt be the coolest kid in her class for at least her 15 minutes of fame.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lazy Day.

Today I was unleashed from my pump.  Hooray for that.  I managed to eat half an omlette when arriving home along with a small cup of fruit.  After that it was off to the first nap of the day.  I slept for roughly 3 hours and then woke up for a little bit only to lull back into sleep for a few minutes at a time.  I woke up enough for my "health shake" as well.

We brought Lydia to a Movie for something fun for her to "do" before her birthday.  Of course that took all the energy I could muster but worth seeing the smiles on my daughter's face.  We came home and after talking with my friend for a few minutes I had 2 pieces of  left over pizza for dinner.   Now I am watching the "American Girl" movie on TV with my family before we head off to bed. 

I am trying to save up some energy for Someone's 8th Birthday tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today was my two month anniversary since being diagnosed with colon cancer.  Two months of survival on my way to being cancer free.  Obviously I am quite a ways away from remission but looking forward to that moment each day.  Since tomorrow I am scheduled for my third treatment and since my white blood count was low last time, I went for a blood draw this morning.  I did so in order to not have to go down town if I am going to get turned away anyway.  Unfortunately I still don't know my counts due to Spectrum's computer network being down all day.

 I talked with a dear friend of ours to wish her a Happy Birthday tonight.  She works for Spectrum and while expressing her own frustration of the network outage she did confirm it was back up to some capacity tonight.  Hopefully if I don't have a treatment tomorrow they can let me know prior to my arrival time.

Quite an anniversary gift to get a blood draw and make multiple phone calls to the doctor's office.  Oh well.  I was warned Chemo would be inconvenient.  This is evidently what my doctor meant when he said that.  I am trying to have a perspective that my schedule is fluid.  Not an easy perspective for a left brained individual to have.  Maybe the Lord is teaching me flexibility.  I thought I was pretty flexible already.  I think we're about to find out exactly how flexible I am.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Boy in a bubble

Sorry to those of you regular reader who expect to see an almost daily update from one of us.  I realize it has been a week since my last post.  Our family has been spending time in the Hoffmaster State Park campground this week with my sister's family and my parents.  Lots of relaxing time has been had through the week so far even though I'm making the commute in to work each day.  It will be good next week to not have to drive through Spring Lake and Grand Haven twice each day.

In regards to my health I have spent the last week trying to keep a sanitary lifestyle.  W ithout physical reminders I have been trying to be a boy in the bubble all week.  This consisted of bringing paper towel with me to the bathroom in order to escape without touching the handle.  I also was on the spot for others not having sanitary fingers.  Wash your hands is a favorite saying of mine around our camp site.  Our evening at Craigs cruisers for Go-karts and Mini golf was very fun but also included clorox wipes for hands and golf Clubs and Golf Balls (yes even the balls).  So far a week later other than typical symptoms I am doing well and have not gotten sick.  For that I am thankful.  I suppose the constant hand washing is paying off.  At least the paper-towel industry isn't going to suffer any time soon.
