Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is our anniversary.  15 years ago we were married and so normally we would celebrate that in some way and then go to the relations Birthday/Christmas get together in the evening.  For several days both Leah and I expected to spend this anniversary very different.  We expected to have a conversation while I was sitting in the Chemo suite getting my 4th treatment.  What you have to understand is the normal procedure on a typical visit is first a Lab Blood draw, second a visit with the Doc or Nurse Practitioner or Chemo Nurse, then third and finally you get your treatment.

So today I had my blood draw and then met with the Nurse Practitioner expecting counts to be somewhat low but high enough for treatment.  We talked about how the last couple of weeks went and what to do about certain symptoms like the Neuropothy (numbness in fingers and toes).  She prescribed a Medication that should begin to help with that symptom.  I was told in 3 or 4 weeks I may start to notice some improvement.  Here's hoping I actually feel some improvement.

After the usual once over the Nurse Practitioner did she looked at my counts.  My neutrophils or Infection fighting white blood cells were at 600.  For a reference 7,000 is the low end of a normal range and the high level of normal is 15,000.  I have teetered around 1000 or 900 for the last several treatments both in this round and the first round this summer.  Due to the extremely low count today they decided to send me home without treatment.  I will return next week with hopefully wbc being high enough to do treatment.

In the meantime my off day allowed Leah and I to have a small celebration of our 15 years together.

To everyone thank you for your continued prayers.  They are much needed and greatly appreciated.


Monday, December 17, 2012

who you touch!!

Leah and I stopped in at the grocery store tonight to pick up some much needed Milk.  I stayed in the car as Leah went in and picked up a couple items.  While Checking out the cashier asked Leah how her husband was?  Leah asked what she meant since we really don't know her that well.  The cashier told her the last time we were in together I was about to begin my chemo round.  The cashier remembered Leah and what we had told her almost a month and a half ago.  She continued to tell Leah she was praying for me. 

Of all the people you talk to many of them you never expect to impact.  It just goes to show you that if you share your story, people are listening whether you think they are or not.  Sharing "His" story seems like the right thing to do whenever possible.  It intersects with each persons story so sharing your story seems like the natural transition.

I have completed my third treatment of this round.  Once again they pumped it through 4 hours faster due to us arriving around noon.  When they do that it is much harder on my stomach but I still manage to keep all my food down and have to eat every couple of hours.  My symptoms usually turn around and come back to "normal" on Tuesday after treatment.  Therefore I am looking forward to tomorrow.

As for the Cashier in the store.  Thanks much for your thoughts and prayers.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanks and LOVE!

Greeting to all as December is upon us!

Sorry we have not written in such a long time!   Kent had Chemo on Thursday, November 29th and seemed to not tolerate as well as the last round.  Kent is in the second treatment of round 2 chemo.  This past week his Chemo nurse was on a much deserved vacation to Ireland and so we had another wonderful chemo nurse! (many Thanks! to these chemo nurses for all they do!)   To fill you all in a bit... Kent receives Chemo for about 4 hrs plus pre medications in the Cancer Treatment Center and then wears a pump home to continue the chemo  over 41 to 46 hrs and then returns to get the pump removed on a Saturday.  This week the nurse ran the chemo pump faster and Kent felt some of the side affects more than other treatments.  He was weak and had a bit of nausea.  When he felt like this he would eat, and it "cured" the nausea for the most part.  Over all he did pretty well and we are thankful that he is still able to carry out work as well.  Many of you ask how he works on Chemo weeks.  He works the first part of the week at work and then the day of Chemo depending on how he feels does a little work or play ~ ( he loves to watch videos,do games or a snooze.) He then works on Friday at home and returns to work on Monday.   This seems to work well for him and we are thankful for that. 

I hope you all are able to enjoy getting ready for the Holiday's as we are at our house. It is starting to look like Christmas ! ( at least inside ) :)   This year we will look at Christmas a little differently.  This year we have been reminded to Cherish LIFE!  We are thankful to Kent's mom who put a wreath out this Thanksgiving setting the stage for this Christmas!   She put a foam wreath that was bare and put many foam leaves out so we could write what we were thankful for..... Kent wrote LIFE! I wrote the many Christian Doctors that  GOD has placed in our lives to sustain LIFE! and Lydia wrote her Christian School and Church which she loves!   My Dad has also set the tone for us this Christmas as his sermons have been on LOVE!

This year I think of many people and family that Struggle this holiday season....and need LOVE!  This year Kent's dad struggles with daily tasks that we take for granted as he struggles with a form of Alzheimer's .  We also think of his mom whom has the task of giving him the love and care he needs to be cared for.  We pray for Strength for her and we say to them, "WE LOVE YOU!   We pray for our niece who struggles with Diabetes at age 9 and all that goes with that! WE LOVE YOU!  We also pray for grandparents, in Jenison who that in their 80's and  90's are somewhat independent and can care for themselves. WE LOVE YOU!  Then I am thankful for my Gram in Chicago who went for Independence to dependence  in early NOV. after a fall and major brain injury.  I am thankful for her because she has been a great role model for me and my faith.  Her life and faith has touched many people and now it is our time in her time of need to say, WE LOVE YOU gram!   I also would like to say to my parents who caretake for their parents and children and who also are walking with cancer themselves, WE LOVE YOU! 

Lastly at this Christmas Season, WE LOVE YOU JESUS!

Much Love~ Leah for Kent and Lydia