Thursday, July 25, 2013


Today we met with my Oncologist.  He told us about the results of the scan.

Before I tell scan results I need to explain that a PET shows activity level the CT shows size and location.

So my oncologist explained that the PET shows that there is no active cancer.  Good news right?  Well sort of.  The CT shows there are 2 spots in the Liver and both shrunk.  Good news right?
Well sort of.

This is all really good news but if you were there when I got the report in May from my previous scan they saw 4 spots in the liver and a nodule outside the liver.  So now you are asking what happened to the other 2 spots and the nodule.  They are suspecting they are Fluid collections or post surgical inflammation.  Actually they also said the area they reconnected my colon also showed activity in May and that also shows no activity.

So here's the plan.  We had a 3 month follow up with my Liver surgeon just as a precautionary measure.  That appointment is Jul 31st.  That will be my surgical consult appointment.  There we will discuss the possibility of RFA or Radio Frequency Ablation.  With that they Burn the spots out of the liver.  The spots are at a size they are still visible so this is a great time for surgery.  Also while in surgery the hope is the surgeon will do an ultrasound on the other spots to see what those are since those are not suspected as cancer.

So overall this is really good news, we just need to find out what the future holds.  More sit and wait but that should be o.k.

-- Kent

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hot Spots!

Today, it was hot! You couldn't find a cool spot anywhere outside.  Patios at restaurants were not even sitting anyone outside.  Children all over were in sprinklers or pools, in AC or in front of fans.  The Miranda park party even had mister fans and Fro Yo stores and Ice cream shops were most likely lined out the doors.
 While you all were trying to stay away from Hot Spots there was a Radiologist at a cancer center in GR trying to find hot spots of cancer in Kent.  Kent is often full of nerves and scared to go for PET Scans.  Today was no exception.  Hot spots scare him.  They usually mean that there is active Cancer.  So Kent is trying to stay cool and praying for no Hot spots.  We won't find out until our appt. on July 25. We ask you to pray for no hot spots!  Tonight a friend that we know from attending a local restraint for years, gave Kent a little pep talk that she was Praying and dotting her I's and crossing her T's.  There are a lot of people that are routing for you.  We are not sure how much faith she has but Kent took that to heart and applied it to God is right by his side along with several fiends who have walked right by us.  He also told me the song they were playing in the Scan as he was starting was 10,000 reasons .  I have no Doubt that God is right by his and our side.  

We are blest! We are so thankful! Today as we were away, we came home to our Lawn mowed! Wow! In 94 plus degree weather. I can't say enough thank yous to this individual.  People constantly call, send letters, texts, make meals, and do house maintenance without provisions, and do favors that make us tear up.  THANK YOU!  You all help us and we are humbled and thank you for helping us through the hot spots.

Kent will Have a few appts. in the next few weeks that will determine his next phase of treatment and it will go as follows-- 1. July 25 , he will have a DR. appt. at 8:30 am discussing the PET scan and talking over what is best for him and then  treatment to follow. 2. July 31, at 1pm he will meet with his surgeon to discuss surgery and what his idea of treatment will look like.  Please pray as we hope to get good results and we are all are on the same page in a treatment plan.

On another note I just want to say a thank you to those who have helped Lydia cope with the loss of my dad, for taking her during times when she was down and needed a little encouragement.  She has had many people care for her and Kent and I have really appreciate all of you. 

So the next time you are in a Hot spot could I ask you to think of Kent and our family as hot spots are not just outside for us but a medical reality.   We love you all and pray daily for all of you as you have been a blessing to us during hot spots. 

Leah, for the whole De Young Clan!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I believe it is safe to breath again.  I've blown all the dust off and the cloud of dust from the last month is sure to have settled by now.  The last month has been very busy for us with Vacation Bible School prep, late spring cleaning, and medical treatments.

Today I am getting treatment number 5.  We met with the Doc this morning to go over how treatment has been going.  The meeting was mostly par for the course.  The two things that were "new' were the following.  First we found out today that My CEA level had gone up at my Pet scan in early May.  I was surprised to find this out.  From the very beginning of treatment a year ago my CEA level has run in the normal range.  This is the main reason I have Pet scans to see what the progress is.  The doc indicated since the CEA was up at the last PET scan it had fallen down back into the normal range.  This is optimistic news.  However since we are talking about miniscule changes neither the doc or I want to rely on only the CEA test and want to see what a PET shows.  My CEA had gone up to 4 which is 1 pt above normal.  It is now back to 2.5 as of today which is right in the middle of the normal range.  So this coming week a PET CT scan to show size and activity level. 

The other thing that was "new" is reducing the amount of one of my medications.  Chemo therapy these days is as much about the Cancer Killing drugs as it is for side effect controlling drugs.  This Chemo has a side effect of diarrhea and a medication to counteract it.  Since I have been fighting constipation the last several treatments, the doc chose to lower the dose of the medication the counteracts the diarrhea.  Not sure I'm excited about more of that however it might be better than constipation.

I'm  praying for really good results from the PET then we meet with the doc in 2 weeks to discuss the results of the scan, what that means for future treatments, and where we go from that point.  This likely means another discussion with my surgeon as well as another doc that offers a "new" treatment here in town.  This treatment is not something we are willing to do at this point since we noticed negative results in the long term from this treatment when Leah's dad had it.  If and when we meet with this doc we will point  him to the research we've found and he will need to convince us this treatment is 100% effective in the long term.

In 2 weeks we have VBS Monday - Wednesday, then Thursday is Doc appointment and possibly treatment # 6.  Then we hope to find some time this summer to pack in a short vacation not to far from home. 

We would love prayers for the 25th of July.  That is when we'll start planning what the future of treatments looks like.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has been so supportive the last couple of months.  From those who watch Lydia during treatment days, to those bringing meals to our home or to treatment, to those caring for the home and yard.  I especially want to thank all of you for your prayers and emotional support. Our family really appreciates these ways you care for us.
