The phrase, "There is no place like home.", has new meaning. Kent has simply amazed me. Home is where I feel like he will heal best. He has some pain yet but is getting to be manged pretty well. I called him this morning to tell him I loved him and that I would see him after church and he told me that the resident from surgery and the general surgeon came in to see him and they asked , "So would you like to go home." Kent said, "Yeah Sure!" He waited for me to get out of Church and then I came to visit him and a few hrs, and later was discharged. So thankful. I stayed with him 2 nights and 1 came back to Lydia.
Through this whole journey I know why the Lord gives us a spouse. Kent and I each now have been in the ICU, Each have 2 of the same Doctors (not recommended) :) and support each other through some pretty intense health situations. We have done things for the other that you would only trust your spouse for. I leave you with this today~ Support you loved one, through whatever challenge health or other... This has made Kent and I say thank You Lord for marriage and family who truly are there for each other!
PS~ Kent would love to have visitors! He seems to enjoy the company and it brightens his day! Thanks to all! Good night from HOME SWEET HOME!
~ Leah
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
With it!!!
Now that I am conscious and coherent I thought I would take my crack at writing a a post. The last couple of days have been filled with medications to knock me out and sedate me as well as medications to fight the pain. Most of the medications I have dealt with fine with the exception of one. I don't really remember its name all I do remember is that it gave me moments of forgetfulness and hallucinations. Those were not fun moments to have. If you ever want to hear about them feel free to ask Leah or I wee can each give you plenty of stories with our side of the spin on them.
Per my health I am on the mending stretch. I have today gone to the bathroom on my (of the liquid variety) and tonight I started producing a few gas bubbles (of the not so liquid variety). Besides that I have made 4 trips around the required walking portion of the wing I am on. I faintly remember walking around one of these with Leah when she was in the hospital several years ago.
I'm sure i haves more on my list of goals over the next few days how many those end up being. The doctor told us yesterday my day to go home would likely be Tuesday. We have heard other answers from other people but at this point I'm sticking to what my Doctor tells me and take every other opinion as a slim possibility.
For now back to relaxing and or healing.
Per my health I am on the mending stretch. I have today gone to the bathroom on my (of the liquid variety) and tonight I started producing a few gas bubbles (of the not so liquid variety). Besides that I have made 4 trips around the required walking portion of the wing I am on. I faintly remember walking around one of these with Leah when she was in the hospital several years ago.
I'm sure i haves more on my list of goals over the next few days how many those end up being. The doctor told us yesterday my day to go home would likely be Tuesday. We have heard other answers from other people but at this point I'm sticking to what my Doctor tells me and take every other opinion as a slim possibility.
For now back to relaxing and or healing.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What am I Chopped Liver!
Greetings from the ICU!
Today was a Big day for Kent. The day started off a little later than we hoped.
A 10:30am surgery ended up being 12:45 pm. When Kent was taken back he was roughly in Surgery 2 hrs before they called us with an update. They said that things were moving smoothly they were able to use his port for things they needed to. They then told us that they were looking at the left lobe to see if ablation could happen and I am happy to report they could. At this time Kent was able to have His right lobe of the liver out, left lobe had 2 spots or "tumors" ablated and the Dr.was able to assess the tumor in the colon and it is definitely shrinking. Over all Kent is doing well! The Surgery roughly was a total of 4 hrs. He is in good spirits and at the moment resting well, as much as he can. We would like to thank you all for your love a support. Your prayers have all been so appreciated.
Okay, so do you want to know where I got this title? Thanks for askin' While we were arriving for dinner at my parents Kent, Lydia and I were walking into the house and my 3 year old nephew asked me and Lydia if we were ready for a hug our response was you bet. A hug we got! Kent told Lukas "I didn't get my hug. What am I Chopped Liver? We all laughed. In all seriousness we are grateful for the surgeons the Lord has given us. Nurses to give us continued care and loved ones who sat by our side. If you are reading this you have probably said a prayer on Kent's behalf. We thank you and Love you! Blessing to all, and to all a good night. - Leah
Today was a Big day for Kent. The day started off a little later than we hoped.
A 10:30am surgery ended up being 12:45 pm. When Kent was taken back he was roughly in Surgery 2 hrs before they called us with an update. They said that things were moving smoothly they were able to use his port for things they needed to. They then told us that they were looking at the left lobe to see if ablation could happen and I am happy to report they could. At this time Kent was able to have His right lobe of the liver out, left lobe had 2 spots or "tumors" ablated and the Dr.was able to assess the tumor in the colon and it is definitely shrinking. Over all Kent is doing well! The Surgery roughly was a total of 4 hrs. He is in good spirits and at the moment resting well, as much as he can. We would like to thank you all for your love a support. Your prayers have all been so appreciated.
Okay, so do you want to know where I got this title? Thanks for askin' While we were arriving for dinner at my parents Kent, Lydia and I were walking into the house and my 3 year old nephew asked me and Lydia if we were ready for a hug our response was you bet. A hug we got! Kent told Lukas "I didn't get my hug. What am I Chopped Liver? We all laughed. In all seriousness we are grateful for the surgeons the Lord has given us. Nurses to give us continued care and loved ones who sat by our side. If you are reading this you have probably said a prayer on Kent's behalf. We thank you and Love you! Blessing to all, and to all a good night. - Leah
Monday, September 24, 2012
Phone Home!!
The last couple of weeks have been interesting. Last Thursday I got a call telling me I was being reffered to West Mi Heart center. When I asked why they told me my pre-op EKG showed I likely had a heart attack in the last few years. WOW!!! That was when the anxiety started. They told me they had trouble with the machine during the pre-op so I doubted it actually showed a heart attack but they insisted on a stress test. As if I wasn't stressed enough I had my stress test on Friday. It consisted of Ultrasounds before and after a 6 minute "walk" on the treadmill. We tried getting results yet Friday but were unable to get any results.
Today was full of phone calls. The first of those was from my Primary Care Doc. They looked at the test and said I passed and said I was cleared for surgery. Next I got a call from the Procedure Prep department. They asked hundreds of questions from do I smoke or drink to do I feel safe where I am living. I answered them all to the best of my ability. They gave a surgery time of 10:30 with an arrival time of 8:30. This Thursday at 10:30 for roughly 4 hours I will be getting my Liver's right lobe removed in order to remove the Cancer in it.
I was supposed to meet with a cardiologist tomorrow to go over the stress test. Leah spent hours on the phone with my Liver surgeon, my Primary Care doc, and the office of the cardiologist. After all her back and forth phone calls the Liver Surgeon and Primary care Docs both clear me for surgery. The Cardiologist won't clear me without seeing me but I believe Leah convinced his office we would not be coming unless they called and insisted.
So for now T- 3 and counting.
Today was full of phone calls. The first of those was from my Primary Care Doc. They looked at the test and said I passed and said I was cleared for surgery. Next I got a call from the Procedure Prep department. They asked hundreds of questions from do I smoke or drink to do I feel safe where I am living. I answered them all to the best of my ability. They gave a surgery time of 10:30 with an arrival time of 8:30. This Thursday at 10:30 for roughly 4 hours I will be getting my Liver's right lobe removed in order to remove the Cancer in it.
I was supposed to meet with a cardiologist tomorrow to go over the stress test. Leah spent hours on the phone with my Liver surgeon, my Primary Care doc, and the office of the cardiologist. After all her back and forth phone calls the Liver Surgeon and Primary care Docs both clear me for surgery. The Cardiologist won't clear me without seeing me but I believe Leah convinced his office we would not be coming unless they called and insisted.
So for now T- 3 and counting.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Gold medal winner Pt 2

She told me she imagined it was lonely going through chemo treatments. So to feel what that might be like she ran alone and didn't listen to music. Both through the 12 weeks of training and the marathon today. During her time in training as well as today she used her time being alone in a conversation with God. Conversation topic was Kent De Young and curing cancer.
By this point I am simply amazed and extremely blessed but there is more. She endured injuries to ankles and knees during training and nearly was not able to run. I believe it was God healing her to continue their conversation time. Thank you Aunt Pam for your conversations with God. Thank you for your determination to continue. I consider you a real Gold medal winner. There probably aren't many people who run with this much determination with someone like me in mind the whole journey. I am deeply honored.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11 has a different meaning for me this year. First off I want to thank the service men and women for the fine job they all do. I Think of our friends in the military who are being deployed and who are stationed in our homeland. God bless as you serve our country.
Besides the history of 9/11 eleven years ago, this day has a special meaning for me. 4 Months ago today I was diagnosed with colon cancer. That is a day I will never forget. That day my world was turned upside down. Since then the past 4 months have been challenging at times. For the most part I have to say this journey has not been as terrible as I had expected it might be. I know there are people going through their own cancer journey who have felt much worse than I going through treatments.
May God Bless those (who like me) are going through their own journey with cancer.
Besides the history of 9/11 eleven years ago, this day has a special meaning for me. 4 Months ago today I was diagnosed with colon cancer. That is a day I will never forget. That day my world was turned upside down. Since then the past 4 months have been challenging at times. For the most part I have to say this journey has not been as terrible as I had expected it might be. I know there are people going through their own cancer journey who have felt much worse than I going through treatments.
May God Bless those (who like me) are going through their own journey with cancer.
Friday, September 7, 2012
We Are Blest.
This week there were many things put back into routine. As school has begun so have the routines of early Bed times, lunches made the night before, clothes laid out and the thought of what each will have for breakfast. Even my texting fingers are back into the swing of things as my mom likes a warning that we are on our way to my sisters where she watches the kids in the mornings as they get ready for me to pick them up as school is all of our destination.
One other thing was, outdoor playing and relaxed mornings with a bowl of cereal for Lydia and a cup of "Joe" for me, was replaced with books and pencils for Lydia and making up the preschool classrooms ready for our 101 preschoolers this year for myself.
Another Routine put back into our schedule is that we attended Gilda's Club again. This has proved to be a good support to Kent and Lydia and myself follow along as we are not left out of the support groups. Lydia attends a group of about 8 or 9 kids in which they discuss many topics. Some of them are related to Cancer and others are not. Lydia has made many friends that she now knows by name and hugs as she leaves. Kent often comes out of support group with a smile and talking with someone that he came out of support group with. I, myself is finding that I may be put into my group not as someone that is gaining but an encourager, This past week I learned that the 3 of us are Blest just as my title says. It is often that I become discouraged and think," how and why me,." and I think about those that are in our Gilda's family and we are simply Blest.
We often say a prayer, for all those who include a prayer for us. We often say, "how would we manage without those around us who help clean, grab a grocery or mow our lawn. For the ones who take Lydia so that we can go to a chemo treatment or Dr. Visit. Those who spend a moment to send a text of encouragement or send a kind gift that we so don't deserve. WE CAN'T SAY THANKS ENOUGH! We love and thank God for each of you. We appreciate each of you. As I sign off for now please know you mean the world to us and couldn't face this mountain climb without YOU! Much Love
One other thing was, outdoor playing and relaxed mornings with a bowl of cereal for Lydia and a cup of "Joe" for me, was replaced with books and pencils for Lydia and making up the preschool classrooms ready for our 101 preschoolers this year for myself.
Another Routine put back into our schedule is that we attended Gilda's Club again. This has proved to be a good support to Kent and Lydia and myself follow along as we are not left out of the support groups. Lydia attends a group of about 8 or 9 kids in which they discuss many topics. Some of them are related to Cancer and others are not. Lydia has made many friends that she now knows by name and hugs as she leaves. Kent often comes out of support group with a smile and talking with someone that he came out of support group with. I, myself is finding that I may be put into my group not as someone that is gaining but an encourager, This past week I learned that the 3 of us are Blest just as my title says. It is often that I become discouraged and think," how and why me,." and I think about those that are in our Gilda's family and we are simply Blest.
We often say a prayer, for all those who include a prayer for us. We often say, "how would we manage without those around us who help clean, grab a grocery or mow our lawn. For the ones who take Lydia so that we can go to a chemo treatment or Dr. Visit. Those who spend a moment to send a text of encouragement or send a kind gift that we so don't deserve. WE CAN'T SAY THANKS ENOUGH! We love and thank God for each of you. We appreciate each of you. As I sign off for now please know you mean the world to us and couldn't face this mountain climb without YOU! Much Love
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Up up up.
Every morning I have a routine as I wake up and get ready for my day. One of those steps is to step on the scale. Over the past 5 treatment weeks that number has read 145 ish. Not today. That number read 150 instead. I know normally people aren't usually excited about weight gain but after losing 15 lbs I am elated about the 5 pound gain. I hope to put on a few more before surgery
I told many people in the last week it would be good to live like a normal Human for a few weeks. I plan to continue to do that as much as possible but occasionally I will have something a Cancer patient has on their schedule. Tomorrow is my Pre Operation appointment. Normally my Primary Care Physician would perform this but his schedule is full until after surgery is schedule so I get the PA to do what is needed. Just wait the BP will be high again due to the white coat and yet another new person I'm seeing. She will likely criticize me for the high BP even though it is normally not.
One other thing not normal occurred tonight. During dinner we were presented with bread. It looked so good the I ignored my gluten free diet for just a minute and caved in to the temptation of 1 small slice of bread. It is the first bit of gluten I have had in 4 + months. Of course I was careful not to have enough to do anything serious. After no real bread for 4 months it didn't even taste like I thought it would. Oh well back to my gluten free diet.
I told many people in the last week it would be good to live like a normal Human for a few weeks. I plan to continue to do that as much as possible but occasionally I will have something a Cancer patient has on their schedule. Tomorrow is my Pre Operation appointment. Normally my Primary Care Physician would perform this but his schedule is full until after surgery is schedule so I get the PA to do what is needed. Just wait the BP will be high again due to the white coat and yet another new person I'm seeing. She will likely criticize me for the high BP even though it is normally not.
One other thing not normal occurred tonight. During dinner we were presented with bread. It looked so good the I ignored my gluten free diet for just a minute and caved in to the temptation of 1 small slice of bread. It is the first bit of gluten I have had in 4 + months. Of course I was careful not to have enough to do anything serious. After no real bread for 4 months it didn't even taste like I thought it would. Oh well back to my gluten free diet.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Snow Lepards, Cheetas, Giraffes and Great Friends oh My!
Today we went to the zoo for Lydia. Since our church will be at John Ball zoo in a couple weeks we decided not to go there but instead made the short drive to the Battle Creek area to go to Binder Park zoo. When arriving and entering after paying our fee we went to the Africa exhibit to feed the Giraffes since that closed earlier than the rest of the zoo. On our way to that exhibit we ran into friends of ours from church and their extended family. It was great to see them there several times today. It was sort of funny to bump into them in Battle Creek at the zoo when we both live just a few miles apart.
We went on to feed the Giraffe's. What beautiful animals. I could stand there almost all day. Had I not been pulled away by my family I might still be standing there. I have plenty of pictures to show for it. I even saw a Giraffe run today which I believe I have never seen.
We got caught in the rain a little while while watching monkeys jump around but didn't get overly soaked. Thanks to Leah we managed to find solid cover for a while. A few drips during the day but nothing to damping.
After the Rain we went to see the Snow Leopard and the cheetah. Both amazing cats. Cheetas being the fastest animal on earth can run 70 MPH. Next time you are driving down the highway think about that and watch out if there is a large cat keeping up with you :-).
When we got by the snow leopard it was in the back of it's cage rubbing it's head against a tree and yawning. We expected to see it take a nap. It proceeded to get up and and stretch and then come and take a drink out of the small pool right in front of the window. He turned to look at us a few times during and after his drink. Lydia at one point asked what he ate and I told her they ate 8 Year old blonde girls. She didn't like that idea to much but I didn't get in to much trouble from that.
We made the trip home and now it is time for bed before another busy and eventful day tomorrow.
We got caught in the rain a little while while watching monkeys jump around but didn't get overly soaked. Thanks to Leah we managed to find solid cover for a while. A few drips during the day but nothing to damping.
We made the trip home and now it is time for bed before another busy and eventful day tomorrow.
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