Today we went to the zoo for Lydia. Since our church will be at John Ball zoo in a couple weeks we decided not to go there but instead made the short drive to the Battle Creek area to go to Binder Park zoo. When arriving and entering after paying our fee we went to the Africa exhibit to feed the Giraffes since that closed earlier than the rest of the zoo. On our way to that exhibit we ran into friends of ours from church and their extended family. It was great to see them there several times today. It was sort of funny to bump into them in Battle Creek at the zoo when we both live just a few miles apart.

We went on to feed the Giraffe's. What beautiful animals. I could stand there almost all day. Had I not been pulled away by my family I might still be standing there. I have plenty of pictures to show for it. I even saw a Giraffe run today which I believe I have never seen.
We got caught in the rain a little while while watching monkeys jump around but didn't get overly soaked. Thanks to Leah we managed to find solid cover for a while. A few drips during the day but nothing to damping.

After the Rain we went to see the Snow Leopard and the cheetah. Both amazing cats. Cheetas being the fastest animal on earth can run 70 MPH. Next time you are driving down the highway think about that and watch out if there is a large cat keeping up with you :-).

When we got by the snow leopard it was in the back of it's cage rubbing it's head against a tree and yawning. We expected to see it take a nap. It proceeded to get up and and stretch and then come and take a drink out of the small pool right in front of the window. He turned to look at us a few times during and after his drink. Lydia at one point asked what he ate and I told her they ate 8 Year old blonde girls. She didn't like that idea to much but I didn't get in to much trouble from that.
We made the trip home and now it is time for bed before another busy and eventful day tomorrow.
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