Friday, November 2, 2012

Back to normal!!

For the past two weeks I have been on antibiotics to cure "diverticulitis" and also clear the fevers and Night Sweats.  Those things it has done but those meds whacked me out.  I was a different person both Physically and Emotionally.  I Normally laugh at most things but during this time along with all the other side effects I could find very little if anything to laugh about.  Of course the Medications messed with the Digestive system from the top side all the way to the bottom side.  I finished those medications on Wednesday noon.  I waited to see what would change after the meds stopped.  My attitude improved on Thursday as did bodily functions back to the normal range.  You can ask Leah but as we left for Gildas club on Thursday evening I was as giddy as a young schoolboy.  It's amazing what those medications can do to you.

This next week we have a final follow up with the Surgeon and then we have another meeting with the Oncologist.  He will tell us when we start chemo treatments again.  Likely it will be the week prior to Thanksgiving.  This will give me the chance to feel somewhat "normal" during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Onward and forward with treatment.  I will be really happy when I can say I am cancer free and can live like a normal person on a semi consistent basis.



  1. Ah, yes, anyone will tell you that those antibiotics are hard on all systems.
    Thanks for braving the cold and coming to the boys' party at Post family Farm. I'm sure this was a stretch for your endurance.
    I hope you continue to get back your strength and your humor.:)
    Love you,
    Mom B

  2. You? Not laugh and smile?

    Wow, I bet everyone is glad that is over.

    BTW whenever you feel down or just need to talk, I'm only a phone call away. :-)
    Just make sure you are drinking a Pepsi when you call, so I can see if I can make it come out your nose again. :-)

    With much love and affection,

    Chemo Buddy


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