Wow! What a day Kent has had!.
Despite a nite filled with little sleep and a roomie he is adjusting well to home. He came home at about 3:30 pm . Kent walked from his 7 th floor home to the front lobby and was tired when he got there. We then waited for Kent's mom to take us home. He rode home and held the seat belt not to touch his almost 2 ft. incision. He is resting comfortably in his recliner and we are having a small meal of soft foods. (the diet he is on for 4 weeks). He will get a very good night sleep tonight and I am excited not to run back and forth to the hospital. Kent's body and emotions are very weak but he truly amazes me on how "strong" he is.
We will be resting very comfortable without Nurses and Dr's. coming in but I will tell you when you are in the Hospital as much as our family has been in you know them all by name and you know their story. Many nurses would share their story. Give us a hug or special treatment. I have always been taught that you do onto others as they would do onto you.. Kent and I embraced that as we stayed up there. Each of them took such good care of Kent and each had a smile as they did it. We can't say enough Thanks to all of them for their kindness and love.
As he recovers we would love to see you. We are blessed by all of you. Thankful we are to all of you for your prayers love and encouragement. Many thanks to you all.!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
late nights and early mornings.
Today is Tuesday currently the time is 7:30 a.m. I am still "hanging" out in the hospital 5 days after surgery. I am disconnected from IV's and Epidural and doing o.k. on oral Pain meds. I am still waiting for the "movement" everyone talks about on this floor. Once that happens I'll be running for the doors. Per the late night I decided to watch a show of mine a little later last night. I turned in around 11:00 sometime expecting a promised full night of rest. Unfortunately my nurses were not any better at predicting the future than I am. promptly at midnight another nurse barged in turned on the lights and staged the other half of my room and kept looking at it light she was going to win an award for her arrangement. She told me the floor was full and I was getting a roommate. After about 20 minutes of "staging" she left. at 1:00 the Admission arrived. By the time he and His wife settled in and all their information was gathered it was likely close to 2:00 a.m.
After getting back to sleep again, his Lab draw bounded in the room and turned on all the lights at 3:00 am.
I was lucky I guess because the next time I saw anybody was 6:00 am for another Blood draw for him. Nothing for me today. "Yay". Needless to say I am wide awake but very tired today after not sleeping a whole lot.
Last night when my nurse was in at 9:00 p.m. she said if I was awake in the middle of the night I should go for a walk. I don't think I have ever done this before in my life but last night I ended up taking two walks in the middle of the night. My nurse must have been on break both times since she said she didn't see me either time.
I would really appreciate prayers that I have a considerable movement today to send me home with confidence of everything working properly.
After getting back to sleep again, his Lab draw bounded in the room and turned on all the lights at 3:00 am.
I was lucky I guess because the next time I saw anybody was 6:00 am for another Blood draw for him. Nothing for me today. "Yay". Needless to say I am wide awake but very tired today after not sleeping a whole lot.
Last night when my nurse was in at 9:00 p.m. she said if I was awake in the middle of the night I should go for a walk. I don't think I have ever done this before in my life but last night I ended up taking two walks in the middle of the night. My nurse must have been on break both times since she said she didn't see me either time.
I would really appreciate prayers that I have a considerable movement today to send me home with confidence of everything working properly.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
2 for 1 special
Nurse Leah Reporting for Duty.....
It is Saturday! Friday is behind us. We are very happy to report Kent is doing very well. This morning he is awake and for the most part controlling pain well. At the moment he has an epidural for pain, a Tylenol drip,and fluids. He has been rating pain at a 5 this morning.
Kent has basically had two surgeries in one yesterday... The liver surgeon did do an ultrasound of the liver and found one spot and he used the word "microwaved" it, he also found the original liver resection site showed some scar tissue but had little to no concern at this point. The colon surgeon then came along side and did his part , he removed about a foot of colon not all tumor. The size of the tumor was 5 cm circumference by 2 in long. The surgeon said that lymph nodes and surrounding colon looked great. Kent has a HUGE incision. Kent was able to not have to have a colostomy bag( a huge answer to prayer!)
Kent has been told that he may be on clear liquids, and that gravity will help move things along. So walking was important. Two general surgeons came in this morning looked at the incision and said it was looking great. They also asked Kent how he was doing and his overall response was good.
I did stay the night last night but not in Kent's room. :( We had a 2 for 1 special ) Kent had a male room mate and so I was offered an alternative option. Our very dear friend has called the 7 floor "home" off and on for roughly 60 days now due to some complications with her battle with cancer. She graciously offered her couch as a resting spot for my tired eyes. I was so grateful to her and pray so much for her return to health. We are also 2nd on the list for a private rm. Here's hoping.
This morning Kent and I are sitting watching TV together and talking about the last days events. He is a little fuzzy on some things and likes the reassurance of what in fact was done to him. Kent gets very tired often and for the most part doesn't have a problem sleeping. Last night they did give him some benadryl so that he could stay asleep longer periods of time.
I want you all to know I am soooo proud of him. In the last year he went from hating Doctors to embracing each word of advice they have to say concerning his cancer. He really has been a trooper. In this whole journey I have seen him grow in knowledge and understanding for both those who struggle with cancer and those who are helping those with cancer. We have always been there for each other in a health situation and I will stand by him encouraging him, for after all he has done the same for me.
Thank you to ALL YOU Prayer warriors! We couldn't do it without you. Lastly thank you to our Awesome God for healing and restoring strength to Kent!
It is Saturday! Friday is behind us. We are very happy to report Kent is doing very well. This morning he is awake and for the most part controlling pain well. At the moment he has an epidural for pain, a Tylenol drip,and fluids. He has been rating pain at a 5 this morning.

Kent has been told that he may be on clear liquids, and that gravity will help move things along. So walking was important. Two general surgeons came in this morning looked at the incision and said it was looking great. They also asked Kent how he was doing and his overall response was good.
I did stay the night last night but not in Kent's room. :( We had a 2 for 1 special ) Kent had a male room mate and so I was offered an alternative option. Our very dear friend has called the 7 floor "home" off and on for roughly 60 days now due to some complications with her battle with cancer. She graciously offered her couch as a resting spot for my tired eyes. I was so grateful to her and pray so much for her return to health. We are also 2nd on the list for a private rm. Here's hoping.
This morning Kent and I are sitting watching TV together and talking about the last days events. He is a little fuzzy on some things and likes the reassurance of what in fact was done to him. Kent gets very tired often and for the most part doesn't have a problem sleeping. Last night they did give him some benadryl so that he could stay asleep longer periods of time.
I want you all to know I am soooo proud of him. In the last year he went from hating Doctors to embracing each word of advice they have to say concerning his cancer. He really has been a trooper. In this whole journey I have seen him grow in knowledge and understanding for both those who struggle with cancer and those who are helping those with cancer. We have always been there for each other in a health situation and I will stand by him encouraging him, for after all he has done the same for me.
Thank you to ALL YOU Prayer warriors! We couldn't do it without you. Lastly thank you to our Awesome God for healing and restoring strength to Kent!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Most people look forward to Friday. This week the De Young family would just like to get Friday the 22nd over with. It isn't that we want to skip it. We want the cancer gone and hopefully Kent to live cancer free but this week Friday is the big surgery. We are confident in our Heavenly Father, Confident in the Surgeons whom we believe to be christian, and confident in the power of prayer that we will be carried through this.
Kent and I are very anxious about this surgery. Kent for obvious reasons and I just because I have walked this road with my Dad and now again with Kent. The 2 most important men in my life fighting so hard to be cancer-free. I sometimes wish that I could take the pain for them. My heart aches when they are not well.
Many of you have asked me what is happening in this surgery and I will try to brief and not give to much TMI. Kent will have 2 surgeons in his surgery. The first will be the liver surgeon. He will do a ultra sound right on the liver itself. He will then determine if the liver has "hot spots" on it and then do an ablation or "cutting away" of the tumor that remains in the liver. Then he will pass the "torch" to the Colon Surgeon. The colon surgeon will do a colon resection. ie... Take out the tumor and then reconnect the two good parts of the colon. We are hoping that he will not have to have a colostomy bag, but we will take each obstacle one step at a time .
We don't get to say it often but we would like to take a moment to thank so many of you. Each in your own way you all have stepped along side of us , journeyed with us and loved us through good times and bad. You all have made a difference in our life and we can't say enough what that means to us.
I would like to ask if I could for prayers for Kent and my Dad. Both on a cancer journey, both needing love, strength and hope for a cure. Both at times weak and no hope and other times feeling so much hope from all of you our friends and family. Kent and Dad, your family loves you so much and want in whatever way to stand right next to you. LOVE you both! Leah
Most people look forward to Friday. This week the De Young family would just like to get Friday the 22nd over with. It isn't that we want to skip it. We want the cancer gone and hopefully Kent to live cancer free but this week Friday is the big surgery. We are confident in our Heavenly Father, Confident in the Surgeons whom we believe to be christian, and confident in the power of prayer that we will be carried through this.
Kent and I are very anxious about this surgery. Kent for obvious reasons and I just because I have walked this road with my Dad and now again with Kent. The 2 most important men in my life fighting so hard to be cancer-free. I sometimes wish that I could take the pain for them. My heart aches when they are not well.
Many of you have asked me what is happening in this surgery and I will try to brief and not give to much TMI. Kent will have 2 surgeons in his surgery. The first will be the liver surgeon. He will do a ultra sound right on the liver itself. He will then determine if the liver has "hot spots" on it and then do an ablation or "cutting away" of the tumor that remains in the liver. Then he will pass the "torch" to the Colon Surgeon. The colon surgeon will do a colon resection. ie... Take out the tumor and then reconnect the two good parts of the colon. We are hoping that he will not have to have a colostomy bag, but we will take each obstacle one step at a time .
We don't get to say it often but we would like to take a moment to thank so many of you. Each in your own way you all have stepped along side of us , journeyed with us and loved us through good times and bad. You all have made a difference in our life and we can't say enough what that means to us.
I would like to ask if I could for prayers for Kent and my Dad. Both on a cancer journey, both needing love, strength and hope for a cure. Both at times weak and no hope and other times feeling so much hope from all of you our friends and family. Kent and Dad, your family loves you so much and want in whatever way to stand right next to you. LOVE you both! Leah
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Between now and then
When I refer to this title there are a lot of this and that will happen between now and Feb 22 (or then.)
Today and every Monday and Wednesday Lydia goes to Sylvan Learning, to give her a little academic boost. Today is no different except we will go and have a monthly conference with her teacher(my cousin) The last time we heard how well she was doing with my cousin, we were so excited because between the last conference and this one Lydia has excelled so much. When she started Sylvan she was a 3rd grader doing work as a 1st grader would do -- to date, she is a 3rd grader doing work as if a 5th grader was doing the work. We couldn't be more proud of her. Her life as an 8 yr. old has been turned upside down when cancer entered in the picture and that accomplishment makes us as parent's so proud. So we are excited to see how well she is doing now.
Even before the Sylvan Conference we are honored to have her Jenison Christian school conference. We will have this early by a week or so due to us having some schedule conflicts when conferences are. I can't wait to hear how she is doing at this point in the school year. Lydia has always been a great girl with a great personality. We are proud of her and can't wait to hear how this Blondie , blue eyed girl is doing.
Then of course we have Valentine's day, and the many things that go along with this holiday. Lydia has already addressed her important cards,( maybe I could get her to do mine as well. All my preschoolers need a little something sweet as well :0) ) Then this week Sunday or the following my mom always makes a Valentine Dinner invites all of us kids , grand kids and my Dad to celebrate. She does this by buying a little something special for each of us and then goes around and tells us why she loves us and how proud of us she is. This year no different than any other I will have my Kleenex's on hand and a hug for her as she is and has shared in the meal her talent, showed us her love and cared for us all as she does so well every day of every year. We love her for it.
Then, we get to Surgery week. The 22nd of February is the big day. Kent is a little nervous. He is scared of the unknown and the care after is a little scary to me as well. The last surgery, they worked on the liver, this surgery, they will focus on a Colon resection and the colon surgeon and the liver surgeon will work together. The Liver surgeon will go first and he will do an ultra sound right on the liver to make sure there are not any more tumors and see about removing by ablation. At this point Kent only has the left lobe of his liver and it has grown to a healthy size to have work on it. Then the Colon Surgeon will come in and work at removing the tumor in the Colon. Kent had a colonoscopy back in May and when they did this they tattooed the tumor, so the Surgeon will know exactly where and then remove. They will hopefully remove with the hope that they will not have to put in a colostomy bag. If you need to know how to pray please pray he doesn't need a colostomy bag. The Surgeons have both told us they work well together and we are very grateful for the medical team we have.
So between now and then here is what you can do! PRAY! PRAY, that the surgeons will have the best possible success in taking all that cancer out! PRAY that Kent will feel peace, PRAY that his nerves will be calm until then. PRAY that the prep before surgery goes well, PRAY that his family as they stand next to him will be the best support they can be. In return we will PRAY for each of you as you walk your own struggles. Lastly My PRAYER is That each person with cancer, that walks in my path will someday be CANCER FREE !
Today and every Monday and Wednesday Lydia goes to Sylvan Learning, to give her a little academic boost. Today is no different except we will go and have a monthly conference with her teacher(my cousin) The last time we heard how well she was doing with my cousin, we were so excited because between the last conference and this one Lydia has excelled so much. When she started Sylvan she was a 3rd grader doing work as a 1st grader would do -- to date, she is a 3rd grader doing work as if a 5th grader was doing the work. We couldn't be more proud of her. Her life as an 8 yr. old has been turned upside down when cancer entered in the picture and that accomplishment makes us as parent's so proud. So we are excited to see how well she is doing now.
Even before the Sylvan Conference we are honored to have her Jenison Christian school conference. We will have this early by a week or so due to us having some schedule conflicts when conferences are. I can't wait to hear how she is doing at this point in the school year. Lydia has always been a great girl with a great personality. We are proud of her and can't wait to hear how this Blondie , blue eyed girl is doing.
Then of course we have Valentine's day, and the many things that go along with this holiday. Lydia has already addressed her important cards,( maybe I could get her to do mine as well. All my preschoolers need a little something sweet as well :0) ) Then this week Sunday or the following my mom always makes a Valentine Dinner invites all of us kids , grand kids and my Dad to celebrate. She does this by buying a little something special for each of us and then goes around and tells us why she loves us and how proud of us she is. This year no different than any other I will have my Kleenex's on hand and a hug for her as she is and has shared in the meal her talent, showed us her love and cared for us all as she does so well every day of every year. We love her for it.
Then, we get to Surgery week. The 22nd of February is the big day. Kent is a little nervous. He is scared of the unknown and the care after is a little scary to me as well. The last surgery, they worked on the liver, this surgery, they will focus on a Colon resection and the colon surgeon and the liver surgeon will work together. The Liver surgeon will go first and he will do an ultra sound right on the liver to make sure there are not any more tumors and see about removing by ablation. At this point Kent only has the left lobe of his liver and it has grown to a healthy size to have work on it. Then the Colon Surgeon will come in and work at removing the tumor in the Colon. Kent had a colonoscopy back in May and when they did this they tattooed the tumor, so the Surgeon will know exactly where and then remove. They will hopefully remove with the hope that they will not have to put in a colostomy bag. If you need to know how to pray please pray he doesn't need a colostomy bag. The Surgeons have both told us they work well together and we are very grateful for the medical team we have.
So between now and then here is what you can do! PRAY! PRAY, that the surgeons will have the best possible success in taking all that cancer out! PRAY that Kent will feel peace, PRAY that his nerves will be calm until then. PRAY that the prep before surgery goes well, PRAY that his family as they stand next to him will be the best support they can be. In return we will PRAY for each of you as you walk your own struggles. Lastly My PRAYER is That each person with cancer, that walks in my path will someday be CANCER FREE !
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