It is Saturday! Friday is behind us. We are very happy to report Kent is doing very well. This morning he is awake and for the most part controlling pain well. At the moment he has an epidural for pain, a Tylenol drip,and fluids. He has been rating pain at a 5 this morning.

Kent has been told that he may be on clear liquids, and that gravity will help move things along. So walking was important. Two general surgeons came in this morning looked at the incision and said it was looking great. They also asked Kent how he was doing and his overall response was good.
I did stay the night last night but not in Kent's room. :( We had a 2 for 1 special ) Kent had a male room mate and so I was offered an alternative option. Our very dear friend has called the 7 floor "home" off and on for roughly 60 days now due to some complications with her battle with cancer. She graciously offered her couch as a resting spot for my tired eyes. I was so grateful to her and pray so much for her return to health. We are also 2nd on the list for a private rm. Here's hoping.
This morning Kent and I are sitting watching TV together and talking about the last days events. He is a little fuzzy on some things and likes the reassurance of what in fact was done to him. Kent gets very tired often and for the most part doesn't have a problem sleeping. Last night they did give him some benadryl so that he could stay asleep longer periods of time.
I want you all to know I am soooo proud of him. In the last year he went from hating Doctors to embracing each word of advice they have to say concerning his cancer. He really has been a trooper. In this whole journey I have seen him grow in knowledge and understanding for both those who struggle with cancer and those who are helping those with cancer. We have always been there for each other in a health situation and I will stand by him encouraging him, for after all he has done the same for me.
Thank you to ALL YOU Prayer warriors! We couldn't do it without you. Lastly thank you to our Awesome God for healing and restoring strength to Kent!
This is all such great news! We are praying for a quick recovery!