Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No Activity

When you look at this title, you may think it refers to what is happening on this blog.  Unfortunately this blog gets very little activity when Life resumes a busy and normal schedule.  While many of us live a normal life most of take it for granted.  When your schedule includes Chemo every other week for the better part of 2 years and you have many side effect that come along with it, you really appreciate living a normal life when you don't have to see Doctors and Nurses every other week.

My last scan and Doctor's appointment was early October and at that point he scheduled me to have another one in January.  Last week Wednesday I had a PET-CT scan and today we met with the Oncologist to go over the results.

He walked in the room and said "your scans look great".  The report form the scan said there was "No Activity"  This means any of the Lesions left in the liver were not active Cancer.  I had been wondering if the remaining lesions were active and just not growing for several months or if they were not active.  This scan answered the question for us.  The report also said the lesions were shrinking.  My doctor said this is due to scar tissue shrinking after time.  On other thing we talked about was my Port.  He said at some point in the not so distance future he will want my port removed.  He obviously wants to wait for a few scans to pass to make sure there is no more activity.

Until then my future looks like the following.  In 6 weeks I need to have my port flushed. this should happen every 6 - 8 weeks.  In early April I will have another PET-CT scan and then meet with my oncologist yet again to go over the results.

Thanks so much to everyone for your prayers and support.



  1. Kent and family - so happy for your good report. The anxiousness of waiting and wondering is hard. We think and pray for you constantly, so great we have a God to lean on. Love you guys. Donna

  2. Congrats on the good news! I think of u often. give the girls my love.
    - Katy berry


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