Friday, November 17, 2023

Give Thanks!

Some time between 10-12 years ago at Thanksgiving we gathered with my family for a celebration.  My Mom had a craft foam leaf wreath and the task presented to us was to take a leaf or more and write on the leaf what you were thankful for.  That year there were one or more leaves which contained the names of my doctors and nurses as I went through my first cancer journey.  

This year I have a few new names I would add to the doctor and nurses "leaf" and one in particular whose name I know and have not met.  She will become my new Oncologist.  This year I have a few more leaves I would like to add to the wreath.

One of the leaves would be dedicated to family. Two names I need to mention are Lydia and Leah.

Lydia has been my most loving daughter for 19 years and her heart for me and for others just makes me smile on a daily basis.  Tonight I got to hear how God tapped her on the shoulder through what others were telling her what to do.  It is exciting to see God moving in her life and using others to assist in that.  She cares deeply for others and I am appreciative of her for that. 

Leah has been the best cargiver and spouse as we trudge through this journey together.  In most every way she has been what I am unable to be.  She often goes above and beyond caring for me during treatments and even days in between treatment.  She is a rockstar when it comes to anticipating what I need and already having thought about it and executed it ahead of time.  Our often repated phrase is "10 Steps" as that's how far ahead she is.  Leah also cares deeply and I reap the direct benefits from that too.

Both Leah's Mom and my Mom have been super helpful when there is something we need whether it comes down to a treatment or just something else not related.  I appreciate their willingness to use their time and energy to help out when there is something we need.

My final leaf I still count as family, but is technically church family.  I have the pleasure of being associate with 2 churches and there are people in both communities that care for me and pray for our family as we keep trudging.  I appreciate the teachings and the worship in both churches and hope to continue that for many years into the future.  

Even if your name or title didn't appear in this post, don't think I'm not thankful for you.  Each one of you who put prayers or encouragement here or in another methods, you may not know but those are so appreciated and I'm thankful for each of you as I go through those interactions.  I read the comments here often and will long into the future.

What or who are you truly thankful for?  I feel so full from all the people that help us out in any manner.  It's humbling to know especially when you are at your worst there are hundreds or thousands of people out there praying with my name on their lips.

As I close I have 1 piece of  information relating to my medical journey.  Today I got a message from Cancer and Hematology through My care space portal.  They aouthorized my CT and gave me the number to schedule that.  Thursday November 30 in the morning I will have my CT.  This will be 6 days after treatment number 12.  That treatment is Friday the day after Thanksgiving day.  

Pray I recover from this treamtent quickly and also Pray for good results from the CT and continue to pray the tumor surgeons will be open to the possibilty of surgery.



  1. A cheerful heart is good medicine ❤️!

  2. Praising God with you on all of these “leaves” of Thanksgiving. Gos is good and has blessed you abundantly with a wonderful family, medical team, and church family. This post made me smile because, despite the hardship you are going through, you are praising God! We continue to pray for you daily. Thank you for letting us know about your next round of chemo and your scheduled CT scan, so that we can be in prayer about that too. 😊

  3. And through it all - YOU continue to help people too. I am thankful to be the recipient of your help. Today it will be getting our Christmas Trees. We usually do this the day after Thanksgiving but since that has become “chemo day” this year, we will go today.
    Your “Family of Three” have all taken seriously the commandment to
    “Love your neighbor.” I see it in everything you do.
    Thank you for your continued joy and trust in Jesus’s as you navigate this cancer journey again.

  4. My prayers continue for you and your precious family. Surgery with a complete removal of the cancer would be wonderful but we all know God can take this cancer away even without surgery. Love you all! Aunt Carole

  5. You are an inspiration to so many, Kent. You keep moving forward in faith! Praying for a “good” 12th round of chemo and miracles to be reported in the CAT scan.
    June Lull

  6. Prayers continue for you Kent and your loving family! Praying for healing and the possibility of surgery!


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