Monday, August 19, 2024

A clearer picture

I might as well apologize before I get started.  This post will be information packed and I'll do my best to explain everything but its still all swirling around in my brain freshly as I haven't had the appropriate amount of time to fully absorb this all. 

Last week Monday (8/12)  I had a CT scan. This is the standard way they check progress at least for my case.  So all week it has been wait and watch.  Today was my Doctor's appointment to go over the scan results but in my case I read it when I have access to it since we all want to know what it says and several of us are nervous until we get the information.  It was Friday afternoon when we got the results of the scan.  Leah came into my office exclaiming that I got a test result.  Sure enough I checked my phone and once logging into the app I had full access to the Report that the Radiologist writes based on the imaging.

Most of this report was good from the standpoint things were stable.  There were two things to note.  First the size of the tumor, and second there was a new location something was spotted.

The size of the tumor was compared to a scan I had in November (post chemo and Pre Surgery)  The report said the tumor compared to the November scan and was stable.  If you read the blog regularly in November the Size of the Tumor decresed and then after a break I had surgery to remove "Half" the tumor.  Yet the report read as if it was similar to the size of the tumor on Nov 30.  When we asked Doc about this she is willing to talk with the Radiology Doc about what he meant, however there is a tiny little phrase in the line stating "PostSurgical changes....."  meaning this isn't the same as November since it was operated on.  I have more to mention about the tumor which will come later.  Hang with me please.

A new location was spotted. This is along the liver capsule which I learned today is the rim around the outside of the liver  There is a ligament that ties your liver to the abdominal wall which is normally located between left and right lobe.  Since I really only have a left lobe it's really difficult to tell where that ligament lies that is the location where this new thing was found.  What is it you ask?  Well according to the report it is "Possibly subcapsular fluid indeterminate in etiology, probably less likely the tumor spreading along the capsule"  Which really says this is either fluid or tumor spreading.

Today my Oncology Doctor wanted to schedule a PET scan for 12 weeks from now.  Leah and I both asked for something sooner.  They walk a tight rope of what scans they can throw at you without giving you more radiation.  What everyone in the exam room agreed to is what follows.  Doc will present my case at Tumor Board on Thursday morning.  During the next week or so I will be having an MRI.  Then in roughly 2 weeks I will meet with my Oncologist again to talk over what Tumor Board had to say and go over the results of the MRI.  The MRI will give a clearer picture of what we are all looking at.  The MRI has more detail.  Likely in 2 weeks my Oncologist will order a PET CT to be taken in 8 weeks.  This test will tell where there is activity.  Between these tests we should get a good Idea of what is where and what it is doing.

At the end of the appointment we walked out and down to the ground floor and waited outside for them to bring around our vehicle.  While waiting Leah talked with her Mom and then hand the phone to me to give detailed information.  Walking across the street was my Radiation Oncology doctor.  We had a good chat with her outside the building about the details we learned and she said she was going to start looking at the report and wait for the MRI.  She will then want to meet to discuss what radiation did indeed accomplish. 

So again we are in a wait and watch kind of time until the tests come back and clear up the remining questions.  We'll post again after the next Doctor's meeting.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Waiting begins.

Today is 1 Month from the day I graduated from radiation and chemo.  I'll be honest it has been a long and good month.  I feel like I'm finally getting back to my normal diet, as it changed while in treatment. I wish the acid reflux late in my treatment didn't knock out a lot of fruit.  Iam eating watermelon on a fairly regular basis as it is one fruit that is ok with acid reflux.  One thing that changed is my liquid diet.  I previously could not stand the taste of water and had to have crystal light in my water.  Lately I've been drinking water bottles and can handle that, and water when we go out to eat.  I had Mexican a few time recently and did just have Pizza 1 time this past weekend and that went well.

Since today was 1 month,  it was the day my CT scan was scheduled for.  Previously you would pick up contrast (barium) at your provider and drink that the night before and the morning of yout CT scan.  Today I was told to arrive at Lemmen Holton 90 minutes prior to my 9:30 scan.  I arrived a few minutes after 8 and checked in.  We sat down in the lobby and a few minutes later my tech came out to deliver my contrast.  What he had in his hand were 2 normal bottles of water.  This supposedly had my contrast in each bottle.  I personally was hoping for the best but expecting the worst.   I took the first swig of the bottle and couldn't taste or smell anything than water.  I got 90 minutes to down those 2 bottles which took me about 40 minutes.

Shortly before 9:30 am my tech came out and called me back. I got settled into the CT table as they took 2 images prior to port access.  I then had nice long conversation with the tech while I waited for the nurse.  The nurse is the person that has to do the port access.  I mentioned I didn't want him to miss and explained I had someone miss recently.  He said he only missed about 1 in 1000.  I know he's been doing port access there for at least 10 years.  He  told me everyone with a port wanted their CT scan done today.  Which really meant he was busy and that's why I ended up waiting.  Once port access was complete I got another image with the IV contrast and then got the port access removed.

And now.... The waiting begins.  I think I'm o.k. with this particular scan but based on conversations i've had, it seems like I might be the only one who feels that way.  I meet with  my Oncologist next Monday the 19th during which we will discuss the results of this scan if we have those results.  She will be looking at the place of radaition but more importantly she will be looking elsewhere throught the scan for new growth.  I am personally hoping they find absolutely nothing.

So until next week we'd like prayers for clear results and calm minds.
