A hard post to start.... The last post I started we left you in the ER. We were getting Kent checked for a possible UTI or infection and a reason he could not viod. With the help of our primary care physician and our Cancer Clinic we were able to get Kent into the Urologist.
Wednesday January 22nd Kent visited a urologist. This urologist we saw could get us in on a cancellation. The urologist was one of the kindest doctors at our meeting. He was very intersting to talk to as some of his background in being a doctor for those in the military. He was very helpful in giving suggestions in further prevention as we move on with treatment.
Kent was doing fairly well for the next few days. He had some good eating days and found things that we could adapt for his diet.
Saturday, Kent had some anxiety and we were trying to find the right mix of what would work best for him. He was on a med that was not as effective as it should be so we are adjusting things around. It is a hard desision of what he needs,what he wants, and not over medicating him. After watching his energy level decrease I began to wonder what could be happening. His appitite was slowly decreasing, his energy was dwindling and his ability to walkand be moble was non-existant.
Sunday and Monday I had both Mom's share one night each to come and help me transfer Kent as we walked from chair to bed and in the morning from bed to chair. Kent tried with every ounce of what he has to get from place to place in the house and I am very proud of him and all he did.
Monday mid morning after seeing a huge decline I called Kent's oncology nurse to ask some questions. After further thoughts, we both decided he needed to be seen and also get fluids. After meeting with the doctor and nurses they agreed to send him home. When we went home we continued to watch his blood preasure which slowly declined over the next few days.
On Thursday he hit a low with very low mobility, severe pain, and very low blood pressure. We made many phone calls with Kent's Oncology Team and decided to directly admit him into the hospital to dig deeper into these problems and stabilize his blood pressure.
Throughout Thursday night Kent underwent many tests which found more progression in growth of the tumors. Moving into Friday afternoon Kent was given blood transfusions which increased his low blood pressure and hemoglobin. This greatly improved his mobilization and gave him more energy. Later in the afternoon on Friday, Kent was taken back into the operating room for a scope to see what they could find. We had no way to prepare ourselves for the findings from this scope.
We went into this scope thinking that there could be an ulcer, but when Lydia and I talked to the doctor we were told that there was internal bleeding steadily coming from the tumor in th Duodenum. This could be caused by rubbing against the stent or simply the tumor is agitated. As we asked more questions we slowly realized there is nothing we can do to stop this bleeding.We have already done all we can do. We have used up all the possible radiation and chemo will possibly make the bleeding of the tumor worse. We now find ourselves at a wall in the road.
We now continue to track Kent's hemoglobin levels and blood pressure very closely. He is emotionally drained and physically weak. Throughout these last few days we have been very thankful for all people who have stopped by and encouraged Kent with their love, prayers, and support as well as phone calls from loved ones far away. Kent's room has continued to be filled with love ones spending quality time with him. He loves seeing everyone and continues to say thank you for your kindness and support. Please pray that Kent can continue to stay comfortable and grow strength, the tumor can stop bleeding, and his levels stay consistent.
Thank You
-Lydia & Leah