Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Room is Full!

 A hard post to start.... The last post I started we left you in the ER. We were getting Kent checked for a possible UTI or infection and a reason he could not viod. With the help of our primary care physician and our Cancer Clinic we were able to get Kent into the Urologist.

Wednesday January 22nd Kent visited a urologist. This urologist we saw could get us in on a cancellation. The urologist was one of the kindest doctors at our meeting. He was very intersting to talk to as some of his background in being a doctor for those in the military. He was very helpful in giving suggestions in further prevention as we move on with treatment. 

Kent was doing fairly well for the next few days. He had some good eating days and found things that we could adapt for his diet. 

Saturday, Kent had some anxiety and we were trying to find the right mix of what would work best for him. He was on a med that was not as effective as it should be so we are adjusting things around. It is a hard desision of what he needs,what he wants, and not over medicating him. After watching his energy level decrease I began to wonder what could be happening. His appitite was slowly decreasing, his energy was dwindling and his ability to walkand be moble was non-existant. 

Sunday and Monday I had both Mom's share one night each to come and help me transfer Kent as we walked from chair to bed and in the morning from bed to chair. Kent tried with every ounce of what he has to get from place to place in the house and I am very proud of him and all he did.

Monday mid morning after seeing a huge decline I called Kent's oncology nurse to ask some questions.  After further thoughts, we both decided he needed to be seen and also get fluids. After meeting with the doctor and nurses they agreed to send him home. When we went home we continued to watch his blood preasure which slowly declined over the next few days. 

On Thursday he hit a low with very low mobility, severe pain, and very low blood pressure. We made many phone calls with Kent's Oncology Team and decided to directly admit him into the hospital to dig deeper into these problems and stabilize his blood pressure. 

Throughout Thursday night Kent underwent many tests which found more progression in growth of the tumors. Moving into Friday afternoon Kent was given blood transfusions which increased his low blood pressure and hemoglobin. This greatly improved his mobilization and gave him more energy. Later in the afternoon on Friday, Kent was taken back into the operating room for a scope to see what they could find. We had no way to prepare ourselves for the findings from this scope.

We went into this scope thinking that there could be an ulcer, but when Lydia and I talked to the doctor we were told that there was internal bleeding steadily coming from the tumor in th Duodenum. This could be caused by rubbing against the stent or simply the tumor is agitated. As we asked more questions we slowly realized there is nothing we can do to stop this bleeding.We have already done all we can do. We have used up all the possible radiation and chemo will possibly make the bleeding of the tumor worse. We now find ourselves at a wall in the road.

We now continue to track Kent's hemoglobin levels and blood pressure very closely. He is emotionally drained and physically weak. Throughout these last few days we have been very thankful for all people who have stopped by and encouraged Kent with their love, prayers, and support as well as phone calls from loved ones far away. Kent's room has continued to be filled with love ones spending quality time with him. He loves seeing everyone and continues to say thank you for your kindness and support. Please pray that Kent can continue to stay comfortable and grow strength, the tumor can stop bleeding, and his levels stay consistent.

 Thank You

-Lydia & Leah

Saturday, January 18, 2025

"Is there ANY way I can have a Taco?!"

 I will try to update you giving you the details of this past week.

Monday we met with Nutrition and the nurses in the chemo clinic.  The nutitionist was very informative and gave Kent what I thought a bit more to eat. He was trying only to eat on the safe side for a person on a stent where food passes and to many this can be scary.  Kent asked one very important question to him, " Is there ANY way I can have a taco?!" She sat and thought for a moment and said, "Sure!"  You can have a small soft shell, tender lean chicken or turkey finely cut, taco seasonings, finely satueed onions, soft shredded cheese, and queso.  She told him,  "cut and chew carefully!" I have never seen him happier as to when he took his first bite! You see we have always enjoyed going out to eat and a favorite was always tacos! She also gave many other thoughts that helped me greatly! 

We then met with the chemo nurses in the clinic.They both saw Kent and thought he had made progress! Small, but doing well. They commented, on his color improving since hospitalization, we addressed pain meds, and a few other things.  Kent's numbers from his labs were still ok, so no shots needed and we were set for chemo on Thursday.

Tuesday, We recieved our washer. Yay! It is a learning curve , but I have been keeping it running often.

Wednesday, Kent's Uncle picked us up and we headed to START midwest.  We first brought a mind boggling amount of paper work to the registration desk, he then was whisked away to grab labs and then to triage to get vitals.  We then waited and were called back to the area where he was going to be able to talk to his old oncoligist who strictly is a clinical trail oncoligist now. He shook Kent's hand, told Kent he was sorry to see his weakened state and gave us some knowledge on the trails.  He said they will put kent on a waiting list for 3 possible trials but were unable to do a trail until 2 things happened.  First kent needs to be able to walk into and out of appoointments,  Secondly they would only start a trail if traditional chemo treatment was no longer successful. We were ready to leave and before we did he stated that labs were a bit unstable and he would most likely not be recieving Chemo.  He told us to stay put and he was going to be calling our current oncoligist and let us know the plan before leaving.  A nurse a few minutes later appeared and said, "no chemo Thursday."  We want your body to gain strength in the next week we will revisit Chemo.  So this coming Thursday, we pray for good numbers.

Thursday, Kent woke as he normally does, he tried using the rest room and had some trouble voiding.  He to had trouble earlier in the week but was able to void then.  I quickly began thinking what should we do?  I had gone to work that day and when I came home I quickly made a text to our wonderful chemo nurse, asking her advice .  Here is what her plan was.. She called in for us to go to a lab and grab a sample? Easier said than done for someone who can't void.  Then the plan was to visit a local ER to see if a UTI or a Medication was causing this problem. After almost an hr in the lab he produced a small ammount. As he came out, he told me he was feeling as if he might faint.  My mom was waiting for us in the car, she came in and we discussed what would be best .  I decided to walk over to urgent care, see if they could help us while my mom stayed with Kent.   They said, we do not have the proper medical supplies to help Kent.  My mom and I got Kent to the car and we were headed home for a brief moment.  My Mom had some obligations the rest of the night so Kent's Mom took over as driver and we headed to the ER.  Kent was quickly taken in, asked all the questions! He was taken to a room and here are the findings.... Kent was in a lot of discomfort because there was plenty to void, he was given a cath to wear home, and told he was being refered to an uroligist, and was given word that he did not have a UTI or most likely not a Medication, was then placed on an antibiotic and he came home.   

Kent and I have made a few phone calls and it appears that uroloigist are very busy. The first date avalible is Mid February! We are also trying to get someone in his primary care facility to see him so that we can move forward with healing.  We have also been in contact with all the staff at the cancer clinic for help in this matter.  Both of us have had our fair share of conversation with medical personal! I am very thankful for all of them! 

Friday and Saturday, Kent has been trying to do as much as he can physically. He had a short visit with Lydia Sat afternoon. Lydia is always a bright spot for Kent! 

So as I leave you in this info heavy post, We all pray for added strength each day for Kent.  We hope that he can have many good days with little to no pain, while eating we ask that his body tolerates the food and lastly I ask for prayers that we can work up to days where he can get out of the house for more than medical appointments and be able to work again at his desk at home.  All these things require mental strength and a lot of it, something he's not just ready for yet! 

Thanks again for journeying with us! Go have a taco, and a prayer for Kent too! We love you all! 

Leah, Kent and Lydia too! 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A little of this and a whole lot of that.

Hello blog family! 

We start this blog on Saturday January 11th. 

Today, Kent is doing fairly well.  He woke up and started his day looking at emails and doing some nornal routine things he would do if his life would not been overtaken by cancer.  I was amazed.  It was shortly into his morning routine I saw him hit a wall and get a bit sad, he couldn't continue.  I reminded him to look at the progress thus far and let's focus on that. He, stated I just want to do things I used to do. We conversed.... we have to start from somewhere and he is doing great!

Kent continues to manage pain or anxiety with meds but he really tries to manage with the minimum.  He is gaining strength every day.  He has gone from me walking with him through house to walking independently with stability of a wall from time to time.  We are encouraged that even though he is on a soft diet indefinitely he tries to expand things that sound good.  Now Kent was already a picky eater so finding things gets difficult.

We are grateful, each day Kent adds more he can do by himself.  I am very proud of him.  

I just wanted to let you know of some apointments and things coming up, So that  you can be in prayer for Kent as we go through this week.  

Monday, Kent will be seen by his Chemo nurse after a visit with labs and we will see if Kent needs a white blood count booster.  

Tuesday, I can't leave out.  In the middle of all the medical things going on our washer stopped working.  So after roughly 2 weeks and both moms doing endless loads of laundry I will be getting my new washer.  We are thankful for the many people who made that possible. 

Wednesday, We will be meeting with the START program which is a program that tests Clinical trials in a dosing Phase of the trial  We will just be learning if there are any advancements that could protentially be a benefit to Kent. As we are unsure what is involved in this meeting we are looking forward to it as one of Kent's old oncoligists will be sitting down with us in this meeting.  

Thursday, brings treatment yet again.  This day brings up many feelings with Kent. We will have labs, meet with Kent's current oncoligist and have treatment.  Kent tolerated treatment well last time but as Chemo becomes more cumalitive we pray he still tolerates every ounce of the drugs that take away his cancer. 

Friday, This day I think Kent will look forward to.  Kent will just focus on sleep and lettting the chemo do its work. He gets a much needed day to let his body absorb chemo and rest. This is easier said than done, but we pray for a good day.

Saturday, Kent will get his pump off and have an opportunity if his White blood count is low to boost that through a shot. So the next treatment will stay on track.  

Sunday, we will hopefully get a breather! We look forward to watching our Church online.  I am so thankful that we have a church that allows for online church.  I love doing church with Kent in person, but I too enjoy sitting in our living room watching with him when treatment and low energy only allows it to be at home! Thank You Beechwood Church!

So as I finish this post, I just want to thank you for praying, sending cards, being a driver for us,  visiting, thank you to those who have done our driveway, or any way you have helped us or are still continuing to do this in some sort of way, thank you! You have touched our entire family grately!

I also just want to add one other quick prayer request. Please pray for Lydia as she continues in her education at Hope College and pray as she navigates coming home in incliment weather from time to time just to spend time with her dad that she does so safely.  We are thankful for the time she sets aside and ask for her safety in traveling.

Kent or myself will blog again soon! We will update you all what has happened, until then we hope you can pray for a little of this and a whole lot of that! 


Friday, January 3, 2025

Through his strength

 How can one person handle so many medical things to their body? How do they still do amazing well?   My only answer is through God's strength and power! Kent has had many medical procedures including two stents, in recent hospital stays. One in his bile duct and one in his Doudendum. In addition, many adjustments to his diet. He is very weak from all that he has gone through.  I also stand amazed to whom God places in our paths to help us though these valley's. So many people have prayed and helped in so many ways that I can not even begin to say thank you indivdually.  Thank You, from the bottom of our hearts!  

 To start this blog post I have to refer back a bit to December 29th. This is the day we welcomed Kent Home!  Kent came home weak and tired, but he navigated each step with our help as best he could.  Kent was experiencing pain with no pain meds. He also had not a single full nights sleep to this point, but he never complained!  I think the last blog left us at our Anniversary.  (which wasn't what we hoped for but we were together.)  So I'll start chatting from that point. 

Sunday, December 29th, Kent had to master two things before he could leave the hospital. He had to keep two Pureed items down!  He had mashed potatoes at noon and that was a sucsess, and a little later on he had a nurse tell us he had orders that the Doctor wanted one more thing to stay down.  Kent had unsweetened applesause and even though his taste buds didn't like unsweetened flavord applesause, he did it!  So the nurse said, at that point he was working on discharge papers from the doctor! We were excited after 8 unconsecutive days Kent would be back together with us!  The excitement of having him home was wonderful, but I would not tell the whole truth if I didn't share these thoughts. It was a huge responsibility I was feeling.  I was in charge of managing pain managment, making sure meds were properly spaced out, getting up in the middle of the night to walk him to the bathroom and helping him manage food when not everything agrees with him all the time. Now I mention this..... I am not complaining, but I sure was feeling the weight of all this. It was a bit overwhelming.  Kent is one amazing man and I would do it everyday if I needed to.  I just wanted the reassurance that I was doing it ok and keeping ucomfortable and not miserable.

He now has had several days home and we are getting used to our "new" routine.  Many new wrinkles to think about we never had before.  Together we will conquer. We pray Kent again will regain strength and will gain independance again soon! 

This brings me to today. January 2, 2025.  A day Kent has not been looking forward to for a long time.  Chemo day!   You see the reasons for the stents I mention ealier is because cancer has pushed its way back into the bile duct area and doudendum area of Kent's body. Earlier this summer we tried oral Chemo and Radiation which resulted in the news we didnt want.  So here we are in January working hard with the help of an amazing Chemo nurse to shrink and hopefully say good bye to the cancer that invades Kent!   This is where you all come in.  We ask all our prayer warriors to bang on God's door to take this cancer away!   Cancer is ugly and robs so much from those we love!   

Today Kent had a very long day.  I just want to share a day in the life of Kent on Chemo days... This may help you all understand it a bit more.  We entered the chemo clinic, Kent recieved labs and they tested his protein levels, we then wait to either talk to a PA or Doctor depending on the week.  They review labs to see if it is "safe" to press on with treatment.  If it is "safe" then we proceed to the treatment area to start the day.

To start the Chemo Process there are many meds and there is a clear order. They are in order getting the best results to achieve the most benifits from Chemo meds that hopefully take away the cancer. 

  Kent first get 2 meds to help with nausea. He also gets saline at rougly the same time.  One drug is called Amend and the other is Aloxi.  These meds run for 30 minutes.

 Next a drug called Dexemethadrone which helps treat cancer and decrease inflimation and can be used for nausea in Chemotherapy regimines and runs for a 30 min time. 

 Next a drug called Ivastin this runs for a little over a hour.  This drug helps reduce the growth of blood vessels. 

  The next and final in clinic drug is called Irinatican.  It runs 90 minutes and is the main Chemo Kent gets.  This hopefully attacks the cancer.   When this is done he gets a pump that he wears home in a pouch over the weekend.  In this pump  the drug, also  is Chemo and is called 5 FU. Kent wears this home from the clinic and has it removed in clinic on a Sat Morning.  

The last step before leaving the clinic on Saturday is he gets a shot to help with boosting while blood count in order to stay on track every other week in Chemo Cycle. 

Before I sign off I want to recognize one person who very rarely gets mentioned in this blog.  

Lydia.   Lydia has been amazing.  I just want to tell you, she has drove her mom to the Hospital, stayed long days with me when medical things involving cancer is not easy for her, she has ran to the store numerous times for things that Kent needs, she stayed with me at the house, she has hugged and loved on us both more times than I can count and the last thing I will share is her heart for her dad is huge  and caring for him is something I have never seen a 20 year old do.  We love you Lydia! We are so thankful for you! 

As we enter into this new year with many unknowns for Kent's medical path. We ask for your prayer! Please pray that Kent can move past pureed food and start tolorating a soft food. pray for calories and nurishment! Please  pray that Kent can get through every Chemo Cycle he is asked, please pray for his pain that it now will be manged with meds will be minimal and pray for him overall.  This is not an easy road.

Thank you all for your continued love and care and support.  Each day is a gift. Love those around you. 


PS.  I appoligize for typos! My proof reader is back at college and Kent is resting!