Saturday, January 18, 2025

"Is there ANY way I can have a Taco?!"

 I will try to update you giving you the details of this past week.

Monday we met with Nutrition and the nurses in the chemo clinic.  The nutitionist was very informative and gave Kent what I thought a bit more to eat. He was trying only to eat on the safe side for a person on a stent where food passes and to many this can be scary.  Kent asked one very important question to him, " Is there ANY way I can have a taco?!" She sat and thought for a moment and said, "Sure!"  You can have a small soft shell, tender lean chicken or turkey finely cut, taco seasonings, finely satueed onions, soft shredded cheese, and queso.  She told him,  "cut and chew carefully!" I have never seen him happier as to when he took his first bite! You see we have always enjoyed going out to eat and a favorite was always tacos! She also gave many other thoughts that helped me greatly! 

We then met with the chemo nurses in the clinic.They both saw Kent and thought he had made progress! Small, but doing well. They commented, on his color improving since hospitalization, we addressed pain meds, and a few other things.  Kent's numbers from his labs were still ok, so no shots needed and we were set for chemo on Thursday.

Tuesday, We recieved our washer. Yay! It is a learning curve , but I have been keeping it running often.

Wednesday, Kent's Uncle picked us up and we headed to START midwest.  We first brought a mind boggling amount of paper work to the registration desk, he then was whisked away to grab labs and then to triage to get vitals.  We then waited and were called back to the area where he was going to be able to talk to his old oncoligist who strictly is a clinical trail oncoligist now. He shook Kent's hand, told Kent he was sorry to see his weakened state and gave us some knowledge on the trails.  He said they will put kent on a waiting list for 3 possible trials but were unable to do a trail until 2 things happened.  First kent needs to be able to walk into and out of appoointments,  Secondly they would only start a trail if traditional chemo treatment was no longer successful. We were ready to leave and before we did he stated that labs were a bit unstable and he would most likely not be recieving Chemo.  He told us to stay put and he was going to be calling our current oncoligist and let us know the plan before leaving.  A nurse a few minutes later appeared and said, "no chemo Thursday."  We want your body to gain strength in the next week we will revisit Chemo.  So this coming Thursday, we pray for good numbers.

Thursday, Kent woke as he normally does, he tried using the rest room and had some trouble voiding.  He to had trouble earlier in the week but was able to void then.  I quickly began thinking what should we do?  I had gone to work that day and when I came home I quickly made a text to our wonderful chemo nurse, asking her advice .  Here is what her plan was.. She called in for us to go to a lab and grab a sample? Easier said than done for someone who can't void.  Then the plan was to visit a local ER to see if a UTI or a Medication was causing this problem. After almost an hr in the lab he produced a small ammount. As he came out, he told me he was feeling as if he might faint.  My mom was waiting for us in the car, she came in and we discussed what would be best .  I decided to walk over to urgent care, see if they could help us while my mom stayed with Kent.   They said, we do not have the proper medical supplies to help Kent.  My mom and I got Kent to the car and we were headed home for a brief moment.  My Mom had some obligations the rest of the night so Kent's Mom took over as driver and we headed to the ER.  Kent was quickly taken in, asked all the questions! He was taken to a room and here are the findings.... Kent was in a lot of discomfort because there was plenty to void, he was given a cath to wear home, and told he was being refered to an uroligist, and was given word that he did not have a UTI or most likely not a Medication, was then placed on an antibiotic and he came home.   

Kent and I have made a few phone calls and it appears that uroloigist are very busy. The first date avalible is Mid February! We are also trying to get someone in his primary care facility to see him so that we can move forward with healing.  We have also been in contact with all the staff at the cancer clinic for help in this matter.  Both of us have had our fair share of conversation with medical personal! I am very thankful for all of them! 

Friday and Saturday, Kent has been trying to do as much as he can physically. He had a short visit with Lydia Sat afternoon. Lydia is always a bright spot for Kent! 

So as I leave you in this info heavy post, We all pray for added strength each day for Kent.  We hope that he can have many good days with little to no pain, while eating we ask that his body tolerates the food and lastly I ask for prayers that we can work up to days where he can get out of the house for more than medical appointments and be able to work again at his desk at home.  All these things require mental strength and a lot of it, something he's not just ready for yet! 

Thanks again for journeying with us! Go have a taco, and a prayer for Kent too! We love you all! 

Leah, Kent and Lydia too! 


  1. Praying for you guys! PTL for that taco, for mom's and your precious daughter.

  2. 🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💪👆🙏

  3. Oh wow! What a week it has been for you guys! We continue to pray for all of you, and especially Kent. Thank you for the update, so that we know to pray. ❤️‍🩹

  4. Praying for you Kent and your family!🙏💕

  5. It’s been quite a week! Kent has been tolerating so many issues. Leah has been learning to cope with so many new issues. Lydia is trying to balance College responsibilities and tragedies and still support her parents. Praying for all 3 of you. Praying that Kent can void naturally. That his blood levels adjust and tolerate chemo. Praying that pain for Kent is tolerable and under control. Praying for joyful moments in life. (Like more tacos?) Praying for energy for Kent AND for Leah and peace for everyone who loves you.

  6. My prayers are with you always.

  7. Keeping you in my prayers!

  8. Continuing praying for all of you as you continue on this long and difficult health journey. Thank you for the update Leah. It helps to pray more specifically for both you and Kent.

  9. Praying for Kent and you and Lydia, and all who know and love you and your family!🙏

  10. Always praying with you and your family. Stretch, we’ll keep the tacos available for you always. 💕


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