Saturday, February 15, 2025

1 week and 2 days after.....

 1 week and 2 days after.....

That's today, Friday February 14 th, this is how many days it has been since Kent has passed.

Kent was surrounded by all of the family that was able to standby him after he was welcomed into heaven on February 5,  2025.  We all stood by,  as several  reminisced about the many fun times we had with him.  

 I was so thankful to have so many by my side, as Kent wanted to be cared for in his/our home until the end.  I struggled with the fact that I might be by myself or have him in my care as he would have entered Heaven.  Kent's family and my family have been absolutley amazing as they have stood by my side.   

Thursday, February 6th, The funeral home had made our appointment time  9:30 am. Kent's Mom, my Mom, Lydia and Eli along with myself were there.  We were welcomed into a room where we remembered and shared important information about Kent and his visitation and Funeral details.

After we left the funeral home all our minds were boggled with the many things that were detailed in the planning. I honestly leaned on those around me that day as I often relied on Kent with the detailed plans in many situations.

As several days passed, we quickly filled them with errends and many to do lists to make things run smoothly for us as we were preparing our time to honor Kent.  

February 10, 2025 Lydia, Eli and I slowly prepared that morning, loading our car for the visitation.  We stopped for a brief lunch and as we sat in our booth, I was thinking about how I was going to see Kent for the first time. How would I feel? Being forever thankful for the people who would drive all that way, what Kent and I drive so often to church or many activities, and as we could easily call Holland Home. 

Arriving at Beechwood we all entered the church one family at a time. We gathered as family and all made our way circling in to see Kent.  I was thankful again to be surrounded by family.  Our pastors met us and shared a brief scripture and time of prayer with us.  We then, a short time later, welcomed several hundred people over 2 two hour plus visitations. They all shared stories of what Kent meant to them, what they saw in us as a family of 3, how proud he fought, or just the way they wanted us to know how they will remember him. As the evening wrapped up I was so thankful to each individual who spent their evening with us. 

February 11, 2025, We all got up early and got ourselves ready for the funeral.  Lydia was a bit nervous as her sweet Dad requested her to take part of the eulogy.  We all loaded up and again made our way to Holland.  

We started the day with a 1 hour visitation.  It quickly came apperent that we had a longer line than an hour would allow! I want to thank each invidual that came through the line as we tried to talk to everyone, but didn't get the chance.  Each of you mean the world to Kent, Lydia, and myself.  Kent would have been so surprised at all those who loved and cared for his family.  

The Funeral was almost ready to begin as we were taken in a room off to the side to pray together before the service of celebration would start.  

I am so thankful for our two pastors that participated in preparing our hearts as were getting ready to honor Kent. 

As we were waiting out in the atrium I could see the video that my brother so carefully put together from photos selected from family.  I could also see those photos in and around visitation  that my sister and family so carefully put together.  I saw Kent's grin as I looked through the window into the church auditoruim, on the screen and I knew I would be ok!  

The service started just as he wanted, Worship!  Thank God by Stars Go Dim is a song that Kent would crank in the car as he fought cancer..... not nessisarily the most singable song, but one he requested be in the service because the words meant everything to him.  

"Time to lift my Eyes back up, Remember all the things he's done. Doesn't matter where I go, I have a future and a hope.

So I will thank God for a new sunrise. Thank God for every breath inside. There's not anything, I'm going to let steal my joy, let steal my joy!" 

At the service, Kent's Drums were being played as he requested in the worship set, his favorite psalm, psalm 23 was recited, a message on Hope as that was important for him to have people hear. Our Hope in Jesus! Family and friends shared in prayer and a wonderful eulogy.  I want to thank each person who came out to Kent's Celebration of life.  He loved you.  He was thankful for each friendship and relationship. 

As family gather at his Graveside we shared another of his favorite psalms.  Psalm 24.  We prayed as a whole family and cried as we said, our "See you later."   

As days pass and the funeral is behind us, it's time for all the logistical things we need to do.  The many phone calls of who and what need to be contacted.  The many people I need to converse with to make life a little easier as we move forward.  Always in the back of my mind is "how would Kent have done this?" OR  I have to wait for someone to volunteer to do it because I can't always ask for someone to do that..... Kent did SO much for me! Its so hard to envision me doing it now alone or  possibly with Lydia when shes around.

Today, I was graciously surprised with two friends dropping off gifts just because.... what those two individuals don't know is that they touched me deeply by their acts of kindness. Along with those two people  I am also thankful for people all around who have over and over cared and continue to care for me. It means the world. 

So as I end this post, I want to reassure people I won't go away yet.  I will continue to update on how our families are doing and share what is going on.  

Thank you for your love and support to Kent, journeying with him, and also us as we stood by his side in this cancer journey. 

We love you all!  We'll check in soon! 


Sorry I am posting a day late. 


  1. It was a beautiful tribute to Kent and his faith. And now…what? When I became single again there were times I just couldn’t breathe. So many questions about the house, finances, raising the kids. After a loss they say not to make any major changes for one year, to give yourself time to adjust. Wise advice. During that time my head began to clear, my heart began to heal and faith became even more real.

    Looking back 40 years later, I know that “in all things God [really] does work for the good of those who love him.” He has cared for, provided for, and protected me. Even with my limitations He has made me strong and resilient.

    So as the numbness starts to wear off…it’s okay…and it will be okay. Allow yourself to feel and to heal. Know that you are stronger than you may feel at times. And so loved.

  2. You and Lydia and all Kent’s family are daily in our prayers for God’s strength and support and loving arms to surround you.

  3. What a beautiful update, post, and tribute to your husband. The visitation and celebration of life showed us Kent’s faith in His Savior. It was a touching service that was done so well. We continue to pray for you and Lydia as you grieve.

  4. Sweet Leah, I won't go away either, I'll continue to pray. I've followed Kent's journey from afar, and admired his faith, his strength, his honesty, his love. You and Lydia also shared your faith, strength and love. Such a beautiful picture of God's love. As your journey on earth continues, you'll be covered in prayers. And I know that you'll be carried by God.

  5. So many people loved you and your family as I do Continue prayers for you and hope our paths meet soon. Love you Leah as i think of our time at Sheldon Meadows. Blessings to you 🙏

  6. Continuing to pray for srength for you, Leah and Lydia too, as you navigate these days without Kent. 🙏🙏💕💕

  7. Such a difficult time as you navigate life without Kent. He was an amazing helper and confidant. You two were a team. Even as Lydia made her life at Hope College, you two remained a strong team. Now as you are overwhelmed with fragile feelings and so much paperwork, I pray that you feel God’s constant presence and the many helpers He provides along the way.
    I see you as doing better than you ever thought possible. It’s hard to not have people to lean on. Lydia has lost her dad and is trying to catch up on school work.
    Your mom is “old” and grieves so differently. Your mother in law has lost her son, is trying to manage her own family situation and has broken her foot.
    Your siblings work full time and are trying to manage their own families.
    I am thankful for the many friends who have stepped up to help and support you. I am thankful for your strong faith and your “can do” attitude. I pray that the anxiety you feel turns to peace and that your fears are turned into comfort from God and His Son who understands our needs - even in sorrow.


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