Friday, July 21, 2023

40 hours.

Today is Friday, the day after my chemo infusion.  Yesterday went as well as could and I recieved a lot of the aswers I asked in the NP appointment. First off since my colonoscopy is a recheck I was requested to bump this out aways.  If there is something in the Colon we are attcking it with chemo anyway and we'll see what we can see in the CT scan in which  there was nothing shown in the first CT  scan.  Since I've had 2 treatments and 2 UTI's the NP decidced it was best to put me on a low dose of the antibiotic that I had last been on to take the duratuion of my treatment schedule.  We'll take it through the next week and if no UTI's  show up we'll get refills of that med.  If however a UTI still shows up they will have me see a urologist to see if there are other meds which are "Safe" to take while on chemo meds.  

Another question I brought up with the NP is that I'm scheduled for 12 weeks of treatment.  I often have treatment along with my off week being a meeting with my Doc or with his NP.  They said this is normal and that a scan might happen in the middle but will be after a Doctor appointment.  They said the can move or cancel treatments as needed but this is my schedule.  As you all  are thinking of Holloween , however you do, I'll be reciving my "last" chemo treatment.  

While I'm feeling daunting about an additional 6 weeks in the Blue Pod.  I also get a pump to take home which delivers 5FU  (another chemo) from Thursday  to Saturday after all my other pre meds and chemo meds are complete.  Every med runs for a specific time. When in the pod another appropriate question for the med they have given me  to take home was ,"How long does this run?"  I asked my Chemo nurse, as  they were beginning to hook up my pump. The answer that she returned was "40 hours"!  The first thing that zipped through my head is that is a work week.  40 hours to me was again daunting.  

This meeting brought a lot of expected answers and some not so expected.  I'm anxious about the number of treatments and the amount of time on the pump.  Prayers are appreciated for my anxiety, also quicker energy bounceback, also that the Chemo is effective in shrinking the mass.



  1. Praying for you Kent that your anxiety would lessen. It is challenging because there are unexpected answers by I am praying that these hours will be the most productive hours invested in your healing. These are the carefully executed plays of a game of chess. Oh how we wish it could be a quick sprint. Praying for strength, patience and peace for throughout this process.

  2. Uncle Russ always came home with a Fanny pack also along with his chemo. He also had chemo inserted in his liver pump. The Fanny back never bothered him except when he golfed! Prayers for a good couple of weeks and good numbers!

  3. Kent, your journey has been uphill far too long. I pray that the road flattens out and you get to coast for a while. God walk with you.

  4. Thank you for taking the time and energy to update those of us who love and care about you. Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while but I've been on a journey of my own. Still, you often cross my mind and heart and when that happens, I pray.


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