Wednesday, July 5, 2023

"Prepare for the worst"

There is very little on the physical side to report at this point since last week.  For the most part I've had a very good week with a great appetite and able to continue / finish some of my projects.  Last night I noticed a little spot of infection at the incision site of my port.  I got junk out of that spot and put neosporin on it overnight.  Today it looked much better, yet Leah called the oncology office to report what had happened.  We earned a visit out of it since they wanted to see it and apperently had no way of receiving a photo.  I went in for 2 reasons. First a blood draw to look for a possible infection and second to see a nurse and NP to look at the port incision where the infection had been.  My labs came back a little less shiny than you see your reflection in a mirrior but still shiny enough to say my numbers were all in the normal range.  It's  like saying if your gas tank is at 1/4 full that you're in normal range.  So tomorrow we take our bags like we're staying overnight because we're camping out in the chemo pod for the majority of the day.   

While talking with the NP she said,"Plan for the worst", therefore I was instructed to get one of my anti nausea meds on board prior to treatment tomorrow.  They will pre hydrate tomorrow and will give me emend which is the 48 - 72 hour anti nausea med.  I will stay on one of the two anti nause meds I have at home through Sunday at which that point I can take both of them I have at home.  If this works as expected I will stay ahead of nausea and I will try to stay hydrated. The only thing left for me is the mental part that goes with treatment.  I am currently scheduled for hydration on Monday.  If I get to Sunday/Monday and I feel good enough to keep hydrated on my own I have the option to cancel that appointment.  Obviously prayers are appreciated for calm mind and minimal side effects for this treatment cycle and that the best decisions can be made medically through the course of this and each treatment.

The past treatment was VERY rough on my body and yet through the middle of the roughest feeling I saw Jesus.  By now I've likely piqued your interest.  Leah has been one of the best at taking care of me.  Whether sitting with me no matter how crummy I felt, or just plain being my cheerleader when doing something she though I might never be able to do.  She has been amazing by thinking and being ten steps ahead of me both mentally and physically at most times.  She cared for me as I imagine Jesus would for each and everyone of his followers.  Thank you Leah for showing Jesus both inside and outside the home!



  1. That’s her dad, through and through.❤️

  2. We are praying for you and Leah, as you go through this treatment cycle this weekend. 💙

  3. I have been through chemo - my doctor told me the chemo dose brings your body to the edge of death -your toes are up the the line…. And then the dose is to work it’s “magic”. I also learned that chemo is in your body for the next ten years! I don’t think people understand how miserable this magical poison really is. We aren’t sure whether to be happy or mad about it.
    Family support is so much better of a drug for healing. You have amazing humans in your corner.
    Rubbing alcohol- in a little packet (for washing glasses) was the most helpful for me to combat the nausea.
    Keep your chin up and your typing fingers on these updates.

  4. Praying for you all. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  5. Praying hard for both of you. Been the Leah in your life so know what she is going through also. How many times I wished it was me on the chemo side but God knew best. Love you both! Aunt Carole

  6. I'm praying for you and Leah all the time!! I'm so thankful for Leah. She does a great job! She is full of compassion ❤️ Love both of you!!

  7. Continuing to pray for you. Ruth Scholma

  8. Praying for you today, brother.

  9. Kent, I am praying for you that this treatment goes much better than the last and that hydration ahead of time makes this round less difficult. Praying for Leah as she supports you.

  10. You and Leah continue to be in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Praying for minimal side effects for you and for extra strength for both you and Leah. Love from afar to you both and Lydia too.

  11. Leah is a gift! Praying for you both.

  12. Praying for you, Kent, Leah & Lydia!

  13. Kent, we are praying for fewer side effects and most if all that the chemo is effective. Leah, prayers for you as you are Kent’s faithful caregiver. Lydia prayers for the best daughter!


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