Monday, September 18, 2023

"Thank You Lord!"

Pardon me for bringing you into my 3's preschool circle time for a short bit.  A song we sing often and is fun because of the motions is, "Thank You Lord."  "Let everything that has breath, say thank you Lord!"  As it goes through the verses of the song it mentions the animals that say,  "Thank you Lord!" 

Often around chemo treatment Kent has to take deep breaths to get though moments that are tougher to get through.  You can hear me say, "Take deep breaths."  This past treatment has taken a bit longer for him to get through and has taken many deep breaths too.  Kent surely amazes me as he rallies through even if he doesn't feel like it.  "Thank You Lord!" 

As many know Kent works from home 100%.  Tonight I had a Preschool/ lower elementary event at a local farm.  Kent and I often go, see a few preschoolers and visit with those from school.  Coming off treatment I was unsure if he would be up for going. I encouraged him as breaths of fresh air would be great and a little walk around the farm builds strength too.  Who could resist a pumpkin donut and cider also right?  "Thank You Lord!" 

Kent and I have been asked several times, how are things going since last treatment?  We met with the NP on Sept 14th prior to treatment number 7.  She had a lot of positive things to say to us. One thing she did mention after Kent's scan was reviewed by radiology, was that she questioned what she saw on the scan.  As many of you heard and read in our last blog post, we shared that the numbers decreased in the size of the tumor which we say, "Thank You Lord"!  She was curious as were we on why it increased on one side so drastically and decreased on the other side.  After a conversation with her she was going to talk to our physician who can read scans (which not all physicians can).  He too works with clinical trials for others and can read scans well.  Soon we should get another read on what the scan really reveals from him. In which then they will need to correct the scan readings for  Kent's chart.   Again we say "Thank You Lord" for NP's and Physician's who look out for Kent's health. (please stay tuned as we will update if there is a change) 

So as I close this blog update, I again bring you back into my preschool classroom.  We start each day singing, "This is the day." "This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it."   We are thankful for every breath and we say "Thank you Lord!" 


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Bigger isn't always better.

 Last Thursday I had a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis.  The scan shows the difference in tumor sizing between my Pet scan in June and the scan I recently had this past week.  While I was hoping and praying for a miracle that the cancer would be gone. For some reason God chose not to answer that prayer how I ( and many others) wanted.  

This is not bad news however.  Realize this post is a little premature.  I recieved results today however today when my chart notified us ,but we have not had the opportunity to have an appointment with a Doc or equivalent yet.  That meeting will likely happen this Thursday prior to treatment.  

All that being said I got an email late this afternoon after Leah was home from work.  I told her  to come into my home office so I could read through the results out loud.  Leah is a visual and Auditory person so I had to draw a picture of what it was back in June and what is now.  I'll include a screenshot of that drawing in this post.

Cancer was present in 2 places. 
Obviously there is a mass around the Portal Vein but there is also cancer along the suture line of my Liver where the Right Lobectomy was performed.  The cancer along the suture line reduced from 35 mm to 32 mm.  The mass  itself around the portal vein was originally 54 mm x 53 mm the current size  is 58 mm x 40 mm.  While this isn't movement on a grand scale the fact is the cancer is shrinking.  Beyond that simple fact you would have to read the images.  I can read my CT 's fairly well after all the years of practice.  I have never been able to look at an image and understand exactly what I'm looking at.

So until my NP appointment on Thursday this all the information I have.  While I'm a little disappointed that it's not gone I'm at least happy it's shrinking.

prayer appreciated for the Next treatment and to not have the typical associated nausea


Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Today is Wednesday September 6.  Since May I have completed 6 chemo treatments with the goal of "shrinking the tumor".  Tomorrow morning I have a CT scan which will "show" what has been happening.  I am eager, nervous, anxious for this test to take place.  It gives a more complete picture and roadmap of what the current state is and what the future looks like for treatment options for me.

If you read through the Bible you see several miracles happen, blind people see, lame people walk, dead people raised to life.  I also believe that miracles still happen today.  If my God can make a blind person see he can  surely cause cancer to disappear!  Not for my benefit (although if I'm honest that would be nice) but to show the power my God has.  My hope and prayer is when they take the scan tomorrow that they find no tumor and no cancer along the Liver!

Of course the tech isn't allowed to share findings so the results will be discussed with my Oncologist on the 14th right before my 7th treatment.

Prayers surrounding the scan and results are apprreciated.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Chemo Sucks!

11 Years ago I got a card that said "Chemo sucks"  On the inside of the card it said "but if the Chemo sucks out the cancer then Yay chemo".  This is not exactly how I feel.  I plain struggle with going through Chemo and have Nausea sometimes before, during, and after

Thursday was chemo day and I thought everything was fine especially since I saw my nurse.  We talked with her but shortly after my port was accessed and saline was running I had to go to the bathroom,  I got so nauseated in the bathroom I lost my lunch.  Or at least a little bit of lunch.  I notified Leah when I returned back to the pod.  She notified the nurse shortly after. We talked to her briefly and her concern was whether I had been given my Ativan on board,  which I had taken shortly before our conversation.

Each and every time I went to the bathroom I felt Nausea.  Often Anticipatory Nausea.  Mind over matter they say but my mind is pretty isnistent it knows what is going on in the future.

Today is Saturday.  I got my pump disconnected which seemed to go ok.  I came home and had a small amout to eat and then I watched the first half of the U of M football game.  At that point tired rolled in heavy and I slept for several hours.  When I woke it was nearly 6 p,m, and I went to the bathroom then went to sit on the deck.  Leah had invited my mom to stay for dinner and she had wonderfully made and took over peach cobbler,   When she arrive we had a conversation as to where the meal should take place.  The kitchen table was the consensus.  I finished putting my mayo in my chicken salad and had 2 bites and hit a wall.  I stopped and decided I needed Ativan. We were about 12 hours out from my last dose.  I got that on baord and then I laid down on the couch for a while.  

When Leah and my Mom finished eating they both came in the living room.  By that point I felt I could handle some peach cobbler and ice cream.  I had one serving and about 20 minutes later had another serving. We both were very thankful for peach cobbler as it is one thing that if cold goes down easy and I like.

For the rest of tonight it will be trying to figure out what my body needs.  Meds or food and how much if any.

Prayers for Nasuea to subside.


A note from Leah.... Kent is tired of chemo, exhaustion has settled in, and he has tried to be the most upbeat he can be, but has hit a wall. He has a hard time letting anyone see how worn he is.  I ask... please pray for him.  I am thankful for his good days but on the not so good days I am thankful he lets his tears show so I know that he is struggling.  For someone with cancer who is an introvert he shares little of what he feels and for his extrovert wife its hard to "read."  I ask for prayers for Kent to be able to tell me how he is and feels!  One more request, please pray for his Sept. 7 Cat scan and the best results possible!