Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Bigger isn't always better.

 Last Thursday I had a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis.  The scan shows the difference in tumor sizing between my Pet scan in June and the scan I recently had this past week.  While I was hoping and praying for a miracle that the cancer would be gone. For some reason God chose not to answer that prayer how I ( and many others) wanted.  

This is not bad news however.  Realize this post is a little premature.  I recieved results today however today when my chart notified us ,but we have not had the opportunity to have an appointment with a Doc or equivalent yet.  That meeting will likely happen this Thursday prior to treatment.  

All that being said I got an email late this afternoon after Leah was home from work.  I told her  to come into my home office so I could read through the results out loud.  Leah is a visual and Auditory person so I had to draw a picture of what it was back in June and what is now.  I'll include a screenshot of that drawing in this post.

Cancer was present in 2 places. 
Obviously there is a mass around the Portal Vein but there is also cancer along the suture line of my Liver where the Right Lobectomy was performed.  The cancer along the suture line reduced from 35 mm to 32 mm.  The mass  itself around the portal vein was originally 54 mm x 53 mm the current size  is 58 mm x 40 mm.  While this isn't movement on a grand scale the fact is the cancer is shrinking.  Beyond that simple fact you would have to read the images.  I can read my CT 's fairly well after all the years of practice.  I have never been able to look at an image and understand exactly what I'm looking at.

So until my NP appointment on Thursday this all the information I have.  While I'm a little disappointed that it's not gone I'm at least happy it's shrinking.

prayer appreciated for the Next treatment and to not have the typical associated nausea



  1. Thankful for shrinkage! Praying for continued shrinkage. Thank you for the update even though you don’t have the “full picture” yet - described by your medical team. Since tomorrow is “chemo day” I will pray for no nausea and confidence in the fact that the tumor/cancer is shrinking.

  2. Thankful for overall reduction in the size of the tumors. We will pray that the treatment tomorrow has no side effects.

  3. I'm praying for you many times a day 🙏 I'll be praying for no nausea tomorrow and a good meeting with the NP. Even though the tumor isn't gone it did shrink! Thank you God!
    Love you Mom

  4. Praying for continued change in the right direction, and peace for you in this journey

  5. Thankful for positive changes. We continue to pray for you both. The Cooks


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