Today is our anniversary. 15 years ago we were married and so normally we would celebrate that in some way and then go to the relations Birthday/Christmas get together in the evening. For several days both Leah and I expected to spend this anniversary very different. We expected to have a conversation while I was sitting in the Chemo suite getting my 4th treatment. What you have to understand is the normal procedure on a typical visit is first a Lab Blood draw, second a visit with the Doc or Nurse Practitioner or Chemo Nurse, then third and finally you get your treatment.
So today I had my blood draw and then met with the Nurse Practitioner expecting counts to be somewhat low but high enough for treatment. We talked about how the last couple of weeks went and what to do about certain symptoms like the Neuropothy (numbness in fingers and toes). She prescribed a Medication that should begin to help with that symptom. I was told in 3 or 4 weeks I may start to notice some improvement. Here's hoping I actually feel some improvement.
After the usual once over the Nurse Practitioner did she looked at my counts. My neutrophils or Infection fighting white blood cells were at 600. For a reference 7,000 is the low end of a normal range and the high level of normal is 15,000. I have teetered around 1000 or 900 for the last several treatments both in this round and the first round this summer. Due to the extremely low count today they decided to send me home without treatment. I will return next week with hopefully wbc being high enough to do treatment.
In the meantime my off day allowed Leah and I to have a small celebration of our 15 years together.
To everyone thank you for your continued prayers. They are much needed and greatly appreciated.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
who you touch!!
Leah and I stopped in at the grocery store tonight to pick up some much needed Milk. I stayed in the car as Leah went in and picked up a couple items. While Checking out the cashier asked Leah how her husband was? Leah asked what she meant since we really don't know her that well. The cashier told her the last time we were in together I was about to begin my chemo round. The cashier remembered Leah and what we had told her almost a month and a half ago. She continued to tell Leah she was praying for me.
Of all the people you talk to many of them you never expect to impact. It just goes to show you that if you share your story, people are listening whether you think they are or not. Sharing "His" story seems like the right thing to do whenever possible. It intersects with each persons story so sharing your story seems like the natural transition.
I have completed my third treatment of this round. Once again they pumped it through 4 hours faster due to us arriving around noon. When they do that it is much harder on my stomach but I still manage to keep all my food down and have to eat every couple of hours. My symptoms usually turn around and come back to "normal" on Tuesday after treatment. Therefore I am looking forward to tomorrow.
As for the Cashier in the store. Thanks much for your thoughts and prayers.
Of all the people you talk to many of them you never expect to impact. It just goes to show you that if you share your story, people are listening whether you think they are or not. Sharing "His" story seems like the right thing to do whenever possible. It intersects with each persons story so sharing your story seems like the natural transition.
I have completed my third treatment of this round. Once again they pumped it through 4 hours faster due to us arriving around noon. When they do that it is much harder on my stomach but I still manage to keep all my food down and have to eat every couple of hours. My symptoms usually turn around and come back to "normal" on Tuesday after treatment. Therefore I am looking forward to tomorrow.
As for the Cashier in the store. Thanks much for your thoughts and prayers.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Thanks and LOVE!
Greeting to all as December is upon us!
Sorry we have not written in such a long time! Kent had Chemo on Thursday, November 29th and seemed to not tolerate as well as the last round. Kent is in the second treatment of round 2 chemo. This past week his Chemo nurse was on a much deserved vacation to Ireland and so we had another wonderful chemo nurse! (many Thanks! to these chemo nurses for all they do!) To fill you all in a bit... Kent receives Chemo for about 4 hrs plus pre medications in the Cancer Treatment Center and then wears a pump home to continue the chemo over 41 to 46 hrs and then returns to get the pump removed on a Saturday. This week the nurse ran the chemo pump faster and Kent felt some of the side affects more than other treatments. He was weak and had a bit of nausea. When he felt like this he would eat, and it "cured" the nausea for the most part. Over all he did pretty well and we are thankful that he is still able to carry out work as well. Many of you ask how he works on Chemo weeks. He works the first part of the week at work and then the day of Chemo depending on how he feels does a little work or play ~ ( he loves to watch videos,do games or a snooze.) He then works on Friday at home and returns to work on Monday. This seems to work well for him and we are thankful for that.
I hope you all are able to enjoy getting ready for the Holiday's as we are at our house. It is starting to look like Christmas ! ( at least inside ) :) This year we will look at Christmas a little differently. This year we have been reminded to Cherish LIFE! We are thankful to Kent's mom who put a wreath out this Thanksgiving setting the stage for this Christmas! She put a foam wreath that was bare and put many foam leaves out so we could write what we were thankful for..... Kent wrote LIFE! I wrote the many Christian Doctors that GOD has placed in our lives to sustain LIFE! and Lydia wrote her Christian School and Church which she loves! My Dad has also set the tone for us this Christmas as his sermons have been on LOVE!
This year I think of many people and family that Struggle this holiday season....and need LOVE! This year Kent's dad struggles with daily tasks that we take for granted as he struggles with a form of Alzheimer's . We also think of his mom whom has the task of giving him the love and care he needs to be cared for. We pray for Strength for her and we say to them, "WE LOVE YOU! We pray for our niece who struggles with Diabetes at age 9 and all that goes with that! WE LOVE YOU! We also pray for grandparents, in Jenison who that in their 80's and 90's are somewhat independent and can care for themselves. WE LOVE YOU! Then I am thankful for my Gram in Chicago who went for Independence to dependence in early NOV. after a fall and major brain injury. I am thankful for her because she has been a great role model for me and my faith. Her life and faith has touched many people and now it is our time in her time of need to say, WE LOVE YOU gram! I also would like to say to my parents who caretake for their parents and children and who also are walking with cancer themselves, WE LOVE YOU!
Lastly at this Christmas Season, WE LOVE YOU JESUS!
Much Love~ Leah for Kent and Lydia
Sorry we have not written in such a long time! Kent had Chemo on Thursday, November 29th and seemed to not tolerate as well as the last round. Kent is in the second treatment of round 2 chemo. This past week his Chemo nurse was on a much deserved vacation to Ireland and so we had another wonderful chemo nurse! (many Thanks! to these chemo nurses for all they do!) To fill you all in a bit... Kent receives Chemo for about 4 hrs plus pre medications in the Cancer Treatment Center and then wears a pump home to continue the chemo over 41 to 46 hrs and then returns to get the pump removed on a Saturday. This week the nurse ran the chemo pump faster and Kent felt some of the side affects more than other treatments. He was weak and had a bit of nausea. When he felt like this he would eat, and it "cured" the nausea for the most part. Over all he did pretty well and we are thankful that he is still able to carry out work as well. Many of you ask how he works on Chemo weeks. He works the first part of the week at work and then the day of Chemo depending on how he feels does a little work or play ~ ( he loves to watch videos,do games or a snooze.) He then works on Friday at home and returns to work on Monday. This seems to work well for him and we are thankful for that.
I hope you all are able to enjoy getting ready for the Holiday's as we are at our house. It is starting to look like Christmas ! ( at least inside ) :) This year we will look at Christmas a little differently. This year we have been reminded to Cherish LIFE! We are thankful to Kent's mom who put a wreath out this Thanksgiving setting the stage for this Christmas! She put a foam wreath that was bare and put many foam leaves out so we could write what we were thankful for..... Kent wrote LIFE! I wrote the many Christian Doctors that GOD has placed in our lives to sustain LIFE! and Lydia wrote her Christian School and Church which she loves! My Dad has also set the tone for us this Christmas as his sermons have been on LOVE!
This year I think of many people and family that Struggle this holiday season....and need LOVE! This year Kent's dad struggles with daily tasks that we take for granted as he struggles with a form of Alzheimer's . We also think of his mom whom has the task of giving him the love and care he needs to be cared for. We pray for Strength for her and we say to them, "WE LOVE YOU! We pray for our niece who struggles with Diabetes at age 9 and all that goes with that! WE LOVE YOU! We also pray for grandparents, in Jenison who that in their 80's and 90's are somewhat independent and can care for themselves. WE LOVE YOU! Then I am thankful for my Gram in Chicago who went for Independence to dependence in early NOV. after a fall and major brain injury. I am thankful for her because she has been a great role model for me and my faith. Her life and faith has touched many people and now it is our time in her time of need to say, WE LOVE YOU gram! I also would like to say to my parents who caretake for their parents and children and who also are walking with cancer themselves, WE LOVE YOU!
Lastly at this Christmas Season, WE LOVE YOU JESUS!
Much Love~ Leah for Kent and Lydia
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Lasting Legacy
Happy Thanksgiving
We would like to wish our family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving.!
This year we have a little twist in our Thanksgiving plans, due to my Gram De Boer's fall a couple of weeks ago. We will stay here with Kent's family for Thanksgiving, as the rest of my family will go be with my Gram De Boer. Kent's family is getting together, and it is important due to Kent's dad still cherishing time together as his memory of family is fading due to a form of dementia. We will catch up with my Gram either this weekend if the weather cooperates or we will plan another date around Kent's Chemo schedule.
I have had many questions of how Kent is doing and How Gram is doing. I will try my best to tell you my account of both. I apologize if I get wordy.
Kent is doing well. He had Chemo on Thursday Nov. 15th. Kent goes in to the treatment center and receives Chemo and then wears a pump home for 2 days. He was quite nervous this time around. He is on a new regimen which had some side effects that could have potentially brought a halt to normal life. To date, we have not encountered those side effects. A couple of things that have happened, were every 4 hours or so he gets a feeling like he doesn't know if he needs to eat or wonders if it is nausea? It is a pain that we realized after a few days that is hunger. My only wish is that we could get him to gain weight. At 6'3 ish and 140ish lbs. I get a little nervous with the scale dipping down instead of up. The other thing we are working with is that Kent is easily fatigued. Lydia often finds Daddy laying on the couch resting. This seems to get him renewed to spend time with us later. We will be visiting the Chemo nurse tomorrow. When Kent went in to get his pump removed, they could get the blood clot meds in to prevent the clots but could not get a blood return, this could be a problem and we just need to make sure he won't get clots. Over all we are grateful that he is doing well.
On to Gram, Gram's health varies day to day. She currently reside in Marianjoy Rehab Center in Chicago area. That is until tomorrow when she moves to a Skilled Nursing facility. It is unsure at this point what lies ahead for Gram. She has been through a lot and has a long way to go to regain strength. Gram is very weak and tired but her faith is very strong and living example for many people around her. At this point it is hard to say how much she will gain back to what she was before the fall, but I honestly can say that is not my concern right now. I want to see her whether sitting or standing enjoying each day the Lord has given her. Both Gram and Grandpa De Boer have given all of us grandchildren examples of how to live for Jesus. To be generous with what we have been given and to care for those around us. I am honored to have them as grandparents and so thankful for how they have touched my life. Gram, we love and care for you now in your time of need as you have cared for so many in their time of need. We Love You !
~ Leah
We would like to wish our family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving.!
This year we have a little twist in our Thanksgiving plans, due to my Gram De Boer's fall a couple of weeks ago. We will stay here with Kent's family for Thanksgiving, as the rest of my family will go be with my Gram De Boer. Kent's family is getting together, and it is important due to Kent's dad still cherishing time together as his memory of family is fading due to a form of dementia. We will catch up with my Gram either this weekend if the weather cooperates or we will plan another date around Kent's Chemo schedule.
I have had many questions of how Kent is doing and How Gram is doing. I will try my best to tell you my account of both. I apologize if I get wordy.
Kent is doing well. He had Chemo on Thursday Nov. 15th. Kent goes in to the treatment center and receives Chemo and then wears a pump home for 2 days. He was quite nervous this time around. He is on a new regimen which had some side effects that could have potentially brought a halt to normal life. To date, we have not encountered those side effects. A couple of things that have happened, were every 4 hours or so he gets a feeling like he doesn't know if he needs to eat or wonders if it is nausea? It is a pain that we realized after a few days that is hunger. My only wish is that we could get him to gain weight. At 6'3 ish and 140ish lbs. I get a little nervous with the scale dipping down instead of up. The other thing we are working with is that Kent is easily fatigued. Lydia often finds Daddy laying on the couch resting. This seems to get him renewed to spend time with us later. We will be visiting the Chemo nurse tomorrow. When Kent went in to get his pump removed, they could get the blood clot meds in to prevent the clots but could not get a blood return, this could be a problem and we just need to make sure he won't get clots. Over all we are grateful that he is doing well.
On to Gram, Gram's health varies day to day. She currently reside in Marianjoy Rehab Center in Chicago area. That is until tomorrow when she moves to a Skilled Nursing facility. It is unsure at this point what lies ahead for Gram. She has been through a lot and has a long way to go to regain strength. Gram is very weak and tired but her faith is very strong and living example for many people around her. At this point it is hard to say how much she will gain back to what she was before the fall, but I honestly can say that is not my concern right now. I want to see her whether sitting or standing enjoying each day the Lord has given her. Both Gram and Grandpa De Boer have given all of us grandchildren examples of how to live for Jesus. To be generous with what we have been given and to care for those around us. I am honored to have them as grandparents and so thankful for how they have touched my life. Gram, we love and care for you now in your time of need as you have cared for so many in their time of need. We Love You !
~ Leah
Sunday, November 11, 2012
There and Back.
Once again I need to rewind to begin this post. It was a week ago Friday that Leah's Gram fell in her driveway while trying to open her garage door. To make a long story a bit shorter it was discovered she had bleeding in the brain. Due to the bleeding she had brain surgery to relieve pressure and drain the blood. She came through surgery well and the surgeon was glad they had done the surgery. The last week she has improved gradually.
Today Leah, Lydia and I went along with her parents to Chicago to see Leah's Gram. After the long ride down there we spent a few hours visiting with her when she wasn't dosing off. She was super glad to see that I had come along and was glad to see that I looked good and that I was smiling. We informed her I was feeling well at the moment and my treatments begin this Thursday.
Before we left Leah's dad read scripture and before he was finished Gram began praying out loud for me and my health. She prayed that I would continue to do well and get better from my treatments. It was obvious during our stay she focused on me being there and how I was doing health wise.
It was extremely touching to me that an 87 year old woman who had brain surgery several days before was more concerned about me with my journey than she was about herself in her situation. One thing I can assure you is We love her very much and are Praying as much for her health as she is for me. We pray she recovers to a point where she can continue to bless her family and friends.
Gram thank you for your continued concern and prayers.
Today Leah, Lydia and I went along with her parents to Chicago to see Leah's Gram. After the long ride down there we spent a few hours visiting with her when she wasn't dosing off. She was super glad to see that I had come along and was glad to see that I looked good and that I was smiling. We informed her I was feeling well at the moment and my treatments begin this Thursday.
Before we left Leah's dad read scripture and before he was finished Gram began praying out loud for me and my health. She prayed that I would continue to do well and get better from my treatments. It was obvious during our stay she focused on me being there and how I was doing health wise.
It was extremely touching to me that an 87 year old woman who had brain surgery several days before was more concerned about me with my journey than she was about herself in her situation. One thing I can assure you is We love her very much and are Praying as much for her health as she is for me. We pray she recovers to a point where she can continue to bless her family and friends.
Gram thank you for your continued concern and prayers.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Fingers and Toes!!
To begin this post correctly I need to rewind roughly 2 weeks and explain what began happening. I began feeling numbness in my toes. I chalked it up to the shoes I was wearing at the time. After 2 days with symptoms more or less disappearing at night I took the shoes and placed them deep in my closet until further notice. Since then I began experiencing similar numbness in my fingers only to a lesser degree. For those technical people the term for this is Neuropathy which you often get from chemo especially one of the medications I had the joy of receiving.
Since my symptoms of Neuropathy in my fingers subsided before surgery I wasn't really sure why it came back worse and also in my toes. I asked my liver surgeon at my follow up yesterday. His response was that it was due to the chemo I had before surgery. I was still skeptical so when we met with my Oncologist today we asked again. He confirmed it was due to the chemo before surgery. He said in a few patients he has seen the symptoms show up a few months later. Oh Joy I get join the ranks of those "not Normal" patients who get symptoms late.
What does this mean for treatment was the question that followed. The Doctor said due to not wanting to cause permanent Nerve damage he would change my Chemo regimen. For most of you reading this will get more detailed than you really need but I feel this will best explain the future. I was on a Chemo combination acronymed FOLFOX I don't know exactly what the FOLF is for but after today I clearly understand the OX was the short name for the drug which causes Neuropathy as well as sensations to cold things. My new regimen will be FOLFIRI. It is the IRI that replaces the OX. It's major side effects are diahrea and hair loss.
I always said from day 1 I wouldn't care if I lost my hair or not. As of right now I still feel that way. That feeling may change after it starts happening but I won't know until it happens. The doctor said it would likely be thinning of hair not necessarily the point I would need to shave my head.
The one thing that bothers me at this point is the thought of Diahrea. I don't know if my pattern of Chemo and the process of returning to work a few days later will be the same. A lot of unknowns that scare me at the moment.
So what about My fingers and toes you ask? The Doctor said I should continue to take Vitamin B12 and feeling should return to normal. It will likely take a couple of months but should return.
The timetable is to start Chemo next Thursday and have treatments once every two weeks for a length of 2.days.
Since my symptoms of Neuropathy in my fingers subsided before surgery I wasn't really sure why it came back worse and also in my toes. I asked my liver surgeon at my follow up yesterday. His response was that it was due to the chemo I had before surgery. I was still skeptical so when we met with my Oncologist today we asked again. He confirmed it was due to the chemo before surgery. He said in a few patients he has seen the symptoms show up a few months later. Oh Joy I get join the ranks of those "not Normal" patients who get symptoms late.
What does this mean for treatment was the question that followed. The Doctor said due to not wanting to cause permanent Nerve damage he would change my Chemo regimen. For most of you reading this will get more detailed than you really need but I feel this will best explain the future. I was on a Chemo combination acronymed FOLFOX I don't know exactly what the FOLF is for but after today I clearly understand the OX was the short name for the drug which causes Neuropathy as well as sensations to cold things. My new regimen will be FOLFIRI. It is the IRI that replaces the OX. It's major side effects are diahrea and hair loss.
I always said from day 1 I wouldn't care if I lost my hair or not. As of right now I still feel that way. That feeling may change after it starts happening but I won't know until it happens. The doctor said it would likely be thinning of hair not necessarily the point I would need to shave my head.
The one thing that bothers me at this point is the thought of Diahrea. I don't know if my pattern of Chemo and the process of returning to work a few days later will be the same. A lot of unknowns that scare me at the moment.
So what about My fingers and toes you ask? The Doctor said I should continue to take Vitamin B12 and feeling should return to normal. It will likely take a couple of months but should return.
The timetable is to start Chemo next Thursday and have treatments once every two weeks for a length of 2.days.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Back to normal!!
For the past two weeks I have been on antibiotics to cure "diverticulitis" and also clear the fevers and Night Sweats. Those things it has done but those meds whacked me out. I was a different person both Physically and Emotionally. I Normally laugh at most things but during this time along with all the other side effects I could find very little if anything to laugh about. Of course the Medications messed with the Digestive system from the top side all the way to the bottom side. I finished those medications on Wednesday noon. I waited to see what would change after the meds stopped. My attitude improved on Thursday as did bodily functions back to the normal range. You can ask Leah but as we left for Gildas club on Thursday evening I was as giddy as a young schoolboy. It's amazing what those medications can do to you.
This next week we have a final follow up with the Surgeon and then we have another meeting with the Oncologist. He will tell us when we start chemo treatments again. Likely it will be the week prior to Thanksgiving. This will give me the chance to feel somewhat "normal" during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Onward and forward with treatment. I will be really happy when I can say I am cancer free and can live like a normal person on a semi consistent basis.
This next week we have a final follow up with the Surgeon and then we have another meeting with the Oncologist. He will tell us when we start chemo treatments again. Likely it will be the week prior to Thanksgiving. This will give me the chance to feel somewhat "normal" during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Onward and forward with treatment. I will be really happy when I can say I am cancer free and can live like a normal person on a semi consistent basis.
Monday, October 29, 2012
So far So good..... !
It is Monday evening and I am glad to report fevers and night sweats have been gone for about 5 days now. We are thrilled! Kent has about two days left on his Antibiotics so we will evaluate when he is done that they will be gone totally.
The other thing that we are happy to report is that Kent has been back to work almost full time. He leaves a few days early when the tiredness sets in but other than that we are grateful that he is back in the swing of things. He is getting around well these days as well. Walking around the island on the cold days and walking around the culdesac and block on the little bit warmer days.
We met with the oncologist on Thursday. He said that Kent looked great. He asked Kent how he was feeling and Kent said "I am doing as well as can be expected." Kent has some pain in the colon area. we are trying to find out how to manage that the best way we can. The oncologist did say once the fevers and night sweats go away we will be back on track for starting Chemo again. He is slated for Chemo on the week before Thanksgiving. If his white count stays up all the way through 6 rounds we will miss all holidays being on Chemo. Can we say Ya HOOOO!
We also need to say a huge THANK YOU to a crew of about 30 to 50 people who helped us put up new shingles. It was great to see so many help us. We can't say enough how thankful for we are for all of you. We had kids, moms, dads, Grandparents and even a photographer. We don't even know how to begin to repay all of you !
I will sign off for now. have a great night !
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Prayers needed!!
Today is Leahs birthday however she said it didn't really seem like a birthday to her. We made it as special as we could by doing a small dinner out tonight after a very busy day.
One of our many stops was at my Oncologist. He talked through some of the symptoms going on and what he suggested. Per chemo he said he would not start until after 4 weeks after surgery. He wants me to finish my antibiotics and hopes the fevers and night sweats are gone then we see him in 2 weeks. Given I return back to "normal" he will want to start chemo in two weeks which would be the week prior to Thanksgiving.
We really appreciate all the support and prayers from everyone already. I would ask you all pray the Fevers and nightsweats go away before 2 weeks. This not happening would delay my future treatment course. The doctor did say he saw everything as exactly on schedule with no surprises.
Thanks in advance for your prayers.
One of our many stops was at my Oncologist. He talked through some of the symptoms going on and what he suggested. Per chemo he said he would not start until after 4 weeks after surgery. He wants me to finish my antibiotics and hopes the fevers and night sweats are gone then we see him in 2 weeks. Given I return back to "normal" he will want to start chemo in two weeks which would be the week prior to Thanksgiving.
We really appreciate all the support and prayers from everyone already. I would ask you all pray the Fevers and nightsweats go away before 2 weeks. This not happening would delay my future treatment course. The doctor did say he saw everything as exactly on schedule with no surprises.
Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Back to the Grind!
Today I called my Doctor asking for a release. After me convincing them for a few minutes they obliged and wrote a release for me to return back to work tomorrow. I will go in as soon as I can manage to drag my bones out of bed. I will work as long as I can and if I start feeling icky or exhausted I will return home and worry about completing the rest of my day later.
It will be good to get back into a routine again. Per the medical journey I meet with my Oncologist on the 25th to see what the plan is for the set of Chemo. I will have 6 rounds in 12 weeks followed by my next surgery. This all depends on when Chemo is started and if I manage to stay on schedule this round.
I follow up with my Liver surgeon on the 7th of November in order to approve the next phase of the treatment.
Im not really looking forward to the rest of treatment but I know it is necessary so here we go plugging through it.
It will be good to get back into a routine again. Per the medical journey I meet with my Oncologist on the 25th to see what the plan is for the set of Chemo. I will have 6 rounds in 12 weeks followed by my next surgery. This all depends on when Chemo is started and if I manage to stay on schedule this round.
I follow up with my Liver surgeon on the 7th of November in order to approve the next phase of the treatment.
Im not really looking forward to the rest of treatment but I know it is necessary so here we go plugging through it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Time to lose the Pool.
It's been a week since I wrote on the blog. Sorry about that for those of you looking for a more regular update. I have been having fevers and Night sweats almost if not daily. They started about a week after getting home from the hospital. Last Friday night the fever peaked at 101 so the after hours doc sent me to the ER to further investigate any possible issues. While there I had a chest x-ray, CT scan, blood culture, and of course a urine test. Near 1 in the morning on Saturday I was told there was some small fluid collection in the area of surgery as well as some inflammation around the Sigmoid Colon ( area of my tumor). They suggested due to the Lack of pain that I should go home and medicate the fever and call if they got higher. Of course I was to follow up with my Liver surgeon this week. After several nights of Severe night sweats continued I called to make my follow up with the Doc. The Nurse at his office suggested me to medicate fevers around the clock and come in to see the Doc on Wednesday. Yep today.
My appointment with the doctor and his staff involved more pushing and tugging on the incision site. The doctor told me I likely have colon diverticulitis. He prescribed 2 antibiotics and told me if the fevers and sweats aren't gone in 4 days or so I need to call him but He thinks this will solve the heat I have been feeling lately.
I really hope this takes care of the fevers as well. I will be really disappointed and frustrated in 5 days if this doesn't work. 3 of us in our house want the old me back. I'm not sure who wants me back worse.
My appointment with the doctor and his staff involved more pushing and tugging on the incision site. The doctor told me I likely have colon diverticulitis. He prescribed 2 antibiotics and told me if the fevers and sweats aren't gone in 4 days or so I need to call him but He thinks this will solve the heat I have been feeling lately.
I really hope this takes care of the fevers as well. I will be really disappointed and frustrated in 5 days if this doesn't work. 3 of us in our house want the old me back. I'm not sure who wants me back worse.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Hot Head!!
As much as you might think from the title I am not typically angry. That shows it's ugly head on a very rare occasion. What has been happening the last week or so is I have been dealing with low grade fevers and night sweats. Not the least bit fun but evidently something I have to deal with. I called my Surgeon's office yesterday to let them know and see what else I could do.
They bumped my post-op appointment from the 17th to today. Today I saw the PA and she did what most doctors tell you not to do. Due to her not being able to see the incision in between the steri strips she rather happily pulled them all off instead of letting them fall off on their own. That hurt a little but not terribly. She found a small infection at the top of my incision. Thinking that might be to cause of the fevers she poked around in that spot and made it bleed again. It wasn't very deep so that ruled out the cause of the fever. The incision looks pretty good at this point so they aren't exactly sure what is causing the fever. Possibly something in the lungs caused by not breathing deep for a period of time. I tried to take several deep breaths this afternoon but I guess I need to find and start using that dreaded plastic lung toy again. Oh boy!!
Leah had an appointment with our primary care physician today. Out of 20 minutes of conversation 15 or so were about me. Our pcp was concerned about me being to sedantary. So I guess besides taxing my lungs and abdominal cavity I need to start getting out for my marathons. Today Leah pulled me out for one of our longest walks. It went fine so maybe more of those aren't a bad idea. The walk was worth it for a bar one of Leah's coworkers made to go along with the scrumtious dinner she made.
Thanks to everyone for prayers and support.
They bumped my post-op appointment from the 17th to today. Today I saw the PA and she did what most doctors tell you not to do. Due to her not being able to see the incision in between the steri strips she rather happily pulled them all off instead of letting them fall off on their own. That hurt a little but not terribly. She found a small infection at the top of my incision. Thinking that might be to cause of the fevers she poked around in that spot and made it bleed again. It wasn't very deep so that ruled out the cause of the fever. The incision looks pretty good at this point so they aren't exactly sure what is causing the fever. Possibly something in the lungs caused by not breathing deep for a period of time. I tried to take several deep breaths this afternoon but I guess I need to find and start using that dreaded plastic lung toy again. Oh boy!!
Leah had an appointment with our primary care physician today. Out of 20 minutes of conversation 15 or so were about me. Our pcp was concerned about me being to sedantary. So I guess besides taxing my lungs and abdominal cavity I need to start getting out for my marathons. Today Leah pulled me out for one of our longest walks. It went fine so maybe more of those aren't a bad idea. The walk was worth it for a bar one of Leah's coworkers made to go along with the scrumtious dinner she made.
Thanks to everyone for prayers and support.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day out.
I am currently watching the Tigers division series game 2. I am hoping for more outs for the A's and more runs for the tigers. Speaking of out I made it to Church this morning. I wasn't so sure that was going to be the right choice after my shower this morning. I made it through but my body called for pain meds in the middle of the service. I took those as soon as the service came to a close. It was a mere 20 minutes before the pain turned the corner. We debated what to do for lunch but managed to make it out for a bit. I felt a lot better after lunch than I did during church. It was good to spend a little time with my family in a little different scenery. It was great to talk to all the supporters, family, and friends at church as well. So far a very good day. I love everyone who prays for me. Thanks much for your continued support. I greatly appreciate it.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Journey Continues....
It has been a week since we have written a post or have communicated with people, for that we apologize. A week it has been.... We came home on Sunday. I stayed home with Kent on Monday. It was a day of "gingerly" walking around the house, a long shower with many tasks that should come easy to one, they were hard and required help from a wife made caretaker. A 20 lb weight limit made simple tasks as lifting a computer to his lap and holding certain things hard. Kent takes plenty of naps as this task he has no problem following the doctors orders on the other hand other doctors orders are more difficult to follow. Walking and keeping things moving is not one of those things he enjoys doing. He also doesn't like moving out of the house. I think he feels safe and knows what his limits are if he is at home. The one exception is that he has wanted to go to church for a week now. I don't blame him as I wanted to go when I was cooped up when I had surgery.
Today, the weather was nice, so I thought it would be nice to go for a ride to see Kent's work and visit. The ride down was great and the visit was great as well. We then left with intentions to go for a quick bite out before returning home. We made it around the corner and had to pull in to a parking lot quickly as Kent needed to make it out of the car. Unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way. This action was due to an empty stomach and a mix of Miralax. That stuff is terrible, for anyone :( Kent is resting comfortably in his chair and we will try some good food later on this evening. We have been treated to some food from a co -worker of mine and maybe that will be the comfort Kent needs right now . As a side note we are thankful beyond words for all the meals and care people have done for us. We are just brought to tears as we a humbled by those remembering us.
Lydia is doing well. She seems to like school. She's doing some school work after school with my cousin at Sylvan Learning, and along with that she stays busy at Gymnastics and Gilda's Club. Gilda's is a support group that she is able to be with other kids and discuss Cancer. She has made many friends and even went on the night of Kent's Surgery by herself.
I am doing somewhat okay. I defiantly am frustrated not knowing how to help Kent. At times I don't know how to manage Lydia by myself as sometimes it requires both of us. I just want to help them both and encourage them and feel sometimes I don't have it in me, I'm tired and just need help myself.
We are both glad we made it one week past Surgery and look to the future. We know that we are in God's hands and that he will do great things for us and through us. We will take each minute at a time knowing God all ready has our journey planned. So for now we keep climbing and fighting for Kent's Cure with a cross for the T in Kent. We will keep following Jesus in this climb for a cure! For now we say Thank You for journeying with us! ~ Leah
Today, the weather was nice, so I thought it would be nice to go for a ride to see Kent's work and visit. The ride down was great and the visit was great as well. We then left with intentions to go for a quick bite out before returning home. We made it around the corner and had to pull in to a parking lot quickly as Kent needed to make it out of the car. Unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way. This action was due to an empty stomach and a mix of Miralax. That stuff is terrible, for anyone :( Kent is resting comfortably in his chair and we will try some good food later on this evening. We have been treated to some food from a co -worker of mine and maybe that will be the comfort Kent needs right now . As a side note we are thankful beyond words for all the meals and care people have done for us. We are just brought to tears as we a humbled by those remembering us.
Lydia is doing well. She seems to like school. She's doing some school work after school with my cousin at Sylvan Learning, and along with that she stays busy at Gymnastics and Gilda's Club. Gilda's is a support group that she is able to be with other kids and discuss Cancer. She has made many friends and even went on the night of Kent's Surgery by herself.
I am doing somewhat okay. I defiantly am frustrated not knowing how to help Kent. At times I don't know how to manage Lydia by myself as sometimes it requires both of us. I just want to help them both and encourage them and feel sometimes I don't have it in me, I'm tired and just need help myself.
We are both glad we made it one week past Surgery and look to the future. We know that we are in God's hands and that he will do great things for us and through us. We will take each minute at a time knowing God all ready has our journey planned. So for now we keep climbing and fighting for Kent's Cure with a cross for the T in Kent. We will keep following Jesus in this climb for a cure! For now we say Thank You for journeying with us! ~ Leah
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The phrase, "There is no place like home.", has new meaning. Kent has simply amazed me. Home is where I feel like he will heal best. He has some pain yet but is getting to be manged pretty well. I called him this morning to tell him I loved him and that I would see him after church and he told me that the resident from surgery and the general surgeon came in to see him and they asked , "So would you like to go home." Kent said, "Yeah Sure!" He waited for me to get out of Church and then I came to visit him and a few hrs, and later was discharged. So thankful. I stayed with him 2 nights and 1 came back to Lydia.
Through this whole journey I know why the Lord gives us a spouse. Kent and I each now have been in the ICU, Each have 2 of the same Doctors (not recommended) :) and support each other through some pretty intense health situations. We have done things for the other that you would only trust your spouse for. I leave you with this today~ Support you loved one, through whatever challenge health or other... This has made Kent and I say thank You Lord for marriage and family who truly are there for each other!
PS~ Kent would love to have visitors! He seems to enjoy the company and it brightens his day! Thanks to all! Good night from HOME SWEET HOME!
~ Leah
Through this whole journey I know why the Lord gives us a spouse. Kent and I each now have been in the ICU, Each have 2 of the same Doctors (not recommended) :) and support each other through some pretty intense health situations. We have done things for the other that you would only trust your spouse for. I leave you with this today~ Support you loved one, through whatever challenge health or other... This has made Kent and I say thank You Lord for marriage and family who truly are there for each other!
PS~ Kent would love to have visitors! He seems to enjoy the company and it brightens his day! Thanks to all! Good night from HOME SWEET HOME!
~ Leah
Saturday, September 29, 2012
With it!!!
Now that I am conscious and coherent I thought I would take my crack at writing a a post. The last couple of days have been filled with medications to knock me out and sedate me as well as medications to fight the pain. Most of the medications I have dealt with fine with the exception of one. I don't really remember its name all I do remember is that it gave me moments of forgetfulness and hallucinations. Those were not fun moments to have. If you ever want to hear about them feel free to ask Leah or I wee can each give you plenty of stories with our side of the spin on them.
Per my health I am on the mending stretch. I have today gone to the bathroom on my (of the liquid variety) and tonight I started producing a few gas bubbles (of the not so liquid variety). Besides that I have made 4 trips around the required walking portion of the wing I am on. I faintly remember walking around one of these with Leah when she was in the hospital several years ago.
I'm sure i haves more on my list of goals over the next few days how many those end up being. The doctor told us yesterday my day to go home would likely be Tuesday. We have heard other answers from other people but at this point I'm sticking to what my Doctor tells me and take every other opinion as a slim possibility.
For now back to relaxing and or healing.
Per my health I am on the mending stretch. I have today gone to the bathroom on my (of the liquid variety) and tonight I started producing a few gas bubbles (of the not so liquid variety). Besides that I have made 4 trips around the required walking portion of the wing I am on. I faintly remember walking around one of these with Leah when she was in the hospital several years ago.
I'm sure i haves more on my list of goals over the next few days how many those end up being. The doctor told us yesterday my day to go home would likely be Tuesday. We have heard other answers from other people but at this point I'm sticking to what my Doctor tells me and take every other opinion as a slim possibility.
For now back to relaxing and or healing.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What am I Chopped Liver!
Greetings from the ICU!
Today was a Big day for Kent. The day started off a little later than we hoped.
A 10:30am surgery ended up being 12:45 pm. When Kent was taken back he was roughly in Surgery 2 hrs before they called us with an update. They said that things were moving smoothly they were able to use his port for things they needed to. They then told us that they were looking at the left lobe to see if ablation could happen and I am happy to report they could. At this time Kent was able to have His right lobe of the liver out, left lobe had 2 spots or "tumors" ablated and the Dr.was able to assess the tumor in the colon and it is definitely shrinking. Over all Kent is doing well! The Surgery roughly was a total of 4 hrs. He is in good spirits and at the moment resting well, as much as he can. We would like to thank you all for your love a support. Your prayers have all been so appreciated.
Okay, so do you want to know where I got this title? Thanks for askin' While we were arriving for dinner at my parents Kent, Lydia and I were walking into the house and my 3 year old nephew asked me and Lydia if we were ready for a hug our response was you bet. A hug we got! Kent told Lukas "I didn't get my hug. What am I Chopped Liver? We all laughed. In all seriousness we are grateful for the surgeons the Lord has given us. Nurses to give us continued care and loved ones who sat by our side. If you are reading this you have probably said a prayer on Kent's behalf. We thank you and Love you! Blessing to all, and to all a good night. - Leah
Today was a Big day for Kent. The day started off a little later than we hoped.
A 10:30am surgery ended up being 12:45 pm. When Kent was taken back he was roughly in Surgery 2 hrs before they called us with an update. They said that things were moving smoothly they were able to use his port for things they needed to. They then told us that they were looking at the left lobe to see if ablation could happen and I am happy to report they could. At this time Kent was able to have His right lobe of the liver out, left lobe had 2 spots or "tumors" ablated and the Dr.was able to assess the tumor in the colon and it is definitely shrinking. Over all Kent is doing well! The Surgery roughly was a total of 4 hrs. He is in good spirits and at the moment resting well, as much as he can. We would like to thank you all for your love a support. Your prayers have all been so appreciated.
Okay, so do you want to know where I got this title? Thanks for askin' While we were arriving for dinner at my parents Kent, Lydia and I were walking into the house and my 3 year old nephew asked me and Lydia if we were ready for a hug our response was you bet. A hug we got! Kent told Lukas "I didn't get my hug. What am I Chopped Liver? We all laughed. In all seriousness we are grateful for the surgeons the Lord has given us. Nurses to give us continued care and loved ones who sat by our side. If you are reading this you have probably said a prayer on Kent's behalf. We thank you and Love you! Blessing to all, and to all a good night. - Leah
Monday, September 24, 2012
Phone Home!!
The last couple of weeks have been interesting. Last Thursday I got a call telling me I was being reffered to West Mi Heart center. When I asked why they told me my pre-op EKG showed I likely had a heart attack in the last few years. WOW!!! That was when the anxiety started. They told me they had trouble with the machine during the pre-op so I doubted it actually showed a heart attack but they insisted on a stress test. As if I wasn't stressed enough I had my stress test on Friday. It consisted of Ultrasounds before and after a 6 minute "walk" on the treadmill. We tried getting results yet Friday but were unable to get any results.
Today was full of phone calls. The first of those was from my Primary Care Doc. They looked at the test and said I passed and said I was cleared for surgery. Next I got a call from the Procedure Prep department. They asked hundreds of questions from do I smoke or drink to do I feel safe where I am living. I answered them all to the best of my ability. They gave a surgery time of 10:30 with an arrival time of 8:30. This Thursday at 10:30 for roughly 4 hours I will be getting my Liver's right lobe removed in order to remove the Cancer in it.
I was supposed to meet with a cardiologist tomorrow to go over the stress test. Leah spent hours on the phone with my Liver surgeon, my Primary Care doc, and the office of the cardiologist. After all her back and forth phone calls the Liver Surgeon and Primary care Docs both clear me for surgery. The Cardiologist won't clear me without seeing me but I believe Leah convinced his office we would not be coming unless they called and insisted.
So for now T- 3 and counting.
Today was full of phone calls. The first of those was from my Primary Care Doc. They looked at the test and said I passed and said I was cleared for surgery. Next I got a call from the Procedure Prep department. They asked hundreds of questions from do I smoke or drink to do I feel safe where I am living. I answered them all to the best of my ability. They gave a surgery time of 10:30 with an arrival time of 8:30. This Thursday at 10:30 for roughly 4 hours I will be getting my Liver's right lobe removed in order to remove the Cancer in it.
I was supposed to meet with a cardiologist tomorrow to go over the stress test. Leah spent hours on the phone with my Liver surgeon, my Primary Care doc, and the office of the cardiologist. After all her back and forth phone calls the Liver Surgeon and Primary care Docs both clear me for surgery. The Cardiologist won't clear me without seeing me but I believe Leah convinced his office we would not be coming unless they called and insisted.
So for now T- 3 and counting.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Gold medal winner Pt 2

She told me she imagined it was lonely going through chemo treatments. So to feel what that might be like she ran alone and didn't listen to music. Both through the 12 weeks of training and the marathon today. During her time in training as well as today she used her time being alone in a conversation with God. Conversation topic was Kent De Young and curing cancer.
By this point I am simply amazed and extremely blessed but there is more. She endured injuries to ankles and knees during training and nearly was not able to run. I believe it was God healing her to continue their conversation time. Thank you Aunt Pam for your conversations with God. Thank you for your determination to continue. I consider you a real Gold medal winner. There probably aren't many people who run with this much determination with someone like me in mind the whole journey. I am deeply honored.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11 has a different meaning for me this year. First off I want to thank the service men and women for the fine job they all do. I Think of our friends in the military who are being deployed and who are stationed in our homeland. God bless as you serve our country.
Besides the history of 9/11 eleven years ago, this day has a special meaning for me. 4 Months ago today I was diagnosed with colon cancer. That is a day I will never forget. That day my world was turned upside down. Since then the past 4 months have been challenging at times. For the most part I have to say this journey has not been as terrible as I had expected it might be. I know there are people going through their own cancer journey who have felt much worse than I going through treatments.
May God Bless those (who like me) are going through their own journey with cancer.
Besides the history of 9/11 eleven years ago, this day has a special meaning for me. 4 Months ago today I was diagnosed with colon cancer. That is a day I will never forget. That day my world was turned upside down. Since then the past 4 months have been challenging at times. For the most part I have to say this journey has not been as terrible as I had expected it might be. I know there are people going through their own cancer journey who have felt much worse than I going through treatments.
May God Bless those (who like me) are going through their own journey with cancer.
Friday, September 7, 2012
We Are Blest.
This week there were many things put back into routine. As school has begun so have the routines of early Bed times, lunches made the night before, clothes laid out and the thought of what each will have for breakfast. Even my texting fingers are back into the swing of things as my mom likes a warning that we are on our way to my sisters where she watches the kids in the mornings as they get ready for me to pick them up as school is all of our destination.
One other thing was, outdoor playing and relaxed mornings with a bowl of cereal for Lydia and a cup of "Joe" for me, was replaced with books and pencils for Lydia and making up the preschool classrooms ready for our 101 preschoolers this year for myself.
Another Routine put back into our schedule is that we attended Gilda's Club again. This has proved to be a good support to Kent and Lydia and myself follow along as we are not left out of the support groups. Lydia attends a group of about 8 or 9 kids in which they discuss many topics. Some of them are related to Cancer and others are not. Lydia has made many friends that she now knows by name and hugs as she leaves. Kent often comes out of support group with a smile and talking with someone that he came out of support group with. I, myself is finding that I may be put into my group not as someone that is gaining but an encourager, This past week I learned that the 3 of us are Blest just as my title says. It is often that I become discouraged and think," how and why me,." and I think about those that are in our Gilda's family and we are simply Blest.
We often say a prayer, for all those who include a prayer for us. We often say, "how would we manage without those around us who help clean, grab a grocery or mow our lawn. For the ones who take Lydia so that we can go to a chemo treatment or Dr. Visit. Those who spend a moment to send a text of encouragement or send a kind gift that we so don't deserve. WE CAN'T SAY THANKS ENOUGH! We love and thank God for each of you. We appreciate each of you. As I sign off for now please know you mean the world to us and couldn't face this mountain climb without YOU! Much Love
One other thing was, outdoor playing and relaxed mornings with a bowl of cereal for Lydia and a cup of "Joe" for me, was replaced with books and pencils for Lydia and making up the preschool classrooms ready for our 101 preschoolers this year for myself.
Another Routine put back into our schedule is that we attended Gilda's Club again. This has proved to be a good support to Kent and Lydia and myself follow along as we are not left out of the support groups. Lydia attends a group of about 8 or 9 kids in which they discuss many topics. Some of them are related to Cancer and others are not. Lydia has made many friends that she now knows by name and hugs as she leaves. Kent often comes out of support group with a smile and talking with someone that he came out of support group with. I, myself is finding that I may be put into my group not as someone that is gaining but an encourager, This past week I learned that the 3 of us are Blest just as my title says. It is often that I become discouraged and think," how and why me,." and I think about those that are in our Gilda's family and we are simply Blest.
We often say a prayer, for all those who include a prayer for us. We often say, "how would we manage without those around us who help clean, grab a grocery or mow our lawn. For the ones who take Lydia so that we can go to a chemo treatment or Dr. Visit. Those who spend a moment to send a text of encouragement or send a kind gift that we so don't deserve. WE CAN'T SAY THANKS ENOUGH! We love and thank God for each of you. We appreciate each of you. As I sign off for now please know you mean the world to us and couldn't face this mountain climb without YOU! Much Love
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Up up up.
Every morning I have a routine as I wake up and get ready for my day. One of those steps is to step on the scale. Over the past 5 treatment weeks that number has read 145 ish. Not today. That number read 150 instead. I know normally people aren't usually excited about weight gain but after losing 15 lbs I am elated about the 5 pound gain. I hope to put on a few more before surgery
I told many people in the last week it would be good to live like a normal Human for a few weeks. I plan to continue to do that as much as possible but occasionally I will have something a Cancer patient has on their schedule. Tomorrow is my Pre Operation appointment. Normally my Primary Care Physician would perform this but his schedule is full until after surgery is schedule so I get the PA to do what is needed. Just wait the BP will be high again due to the white coat and yet another new person I'm seeing. She will likely criticize me for the high BP even though it is normally not.
One other thing not normal occurred tonight. During dinner we were presented with bread. It looked so good the I ignored my gluten free diet for just a minute and caved in to the temptation of 1 small slice of bread. It is the first bit of gluten I have had in 4 + months. Of course I was careful not to have enough to do anything serious. After no real bread for 4 months it didn't even taste like I thought it would. Oh well back to my gluten free diet.
I told many people in the last week it would be good to live like a normal Human for a few weeks. I plan to continue to do that as much as possible but occasionally I will have something a Cancer patient has on their schedule. Tomorrow is my Pre Operation appointment. Normally my Primary Care Physician would perform this but his schedule is full until after surgery is schedule so I get the PA to do what is needed. Just wait the BP will be high again due to the white coat and yet another new person I'm seeing. She will likely criticize me for the high BP even though it is normally not.
One other thing not normal occurred tonight. During dinner we were presented with bread. It looked so good the I ignored my gluten free diet for just a minute and caved in to the temptation of 1 small slice of bread. It is the first bit of gluten I have had in 4 + months. Of course I was careful not to have enough to do anything serious. After no real bread for 4 months it didn't even taste like I thought it would. Oh well back to my gluten free diet.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Snow Lepards, Cheetas, Giraffes and Great Friends oh My!
Today we went to the zoo for Lydia. Since our church will be at John Ball zoo in a couple weeks we decided not to go there but instead made the short drive to the Battle Creek area to go to Binder Park zoo. When arriving and entering after paying our fee we went to the Africa exhibit to feed the Giraffes since that closed earlier than the rest of the zoo. On our way to that exhibit we ran into friends of ours from church and their extended family. It was great to see them there several times today. It was sort of funny to bump into them in Battle Creek at the zoo when we both live just a few miles apart.
We went on to feed the Giraffe's. What beautiful animals. I could stand there almost all day. Had I not been pulled away by my family I might still be standing there. I have plenty of pictures to show for it. I even saw a Giraffe run today which I believe I have never seen.
We got caught in the rain a little while while watching monkeys jump around but didn't get overly soaked. Thanks to Leah we managed to find solid cover for a while. A few drips during the day but nothing to damping.
After the Rain we went to see the Snow Leopard and the cheetah. Both amazing cats. Cheetas being the fastest animal on earth can run 70 MPH. Next time you are driving down the highway think about that and watch out if there is a large cat keeping up with you :-).
When we got by the snow leopard it was in the back of it's cage rubbing it's head against a tree and yawning. We expected to see it take a nap. It proceeded to get up and and stretch and then come and take a drink out of the small pool right in front of the window. He turned to look at us a few times during and after his drink. Lydia at one point asked what he ate and I told her they ate 8 Year old blonde girls. She didn't like that idea to much but I didn't get in to much trouble from that.
We made the trip home and now it is time for bed before another busy and eventful day tomorrow.
We got caught in the rain a little while while watching monkeys jump around but didn't get overly soaked. Thanks to Leah we managed to find solid cover for a while. A few drips during the day but nothing to damping.
We made the trip home and now it is time for bed before another busy and eventful day tomorrow.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
It is time!!
I had an MRI of my Liver this past Monday. Since then we met with my Liver surgeon. He told us we are ready for surgery. The newest thing he had to say was they only saw 2 - 3 spots in the left half of the liver. This is amazing due to the fact there were originally 5 -6 spots in the left half. He said some have likely completely melted.
So for now we stop Chemo and prepare for surgery. That is scheduled for September 27th. During this surgery they will remove my right half of liver and possibly cut out the few spots which are on the surface of the left half of my liver. Until then I have roughly 4 weeks to live semi normally. Chemo will likely start 2 - 3 weeks after surgery depending on what my Oncologist decides.
Today was a rough day for me. I started out with a lot of pain in my colon. I tried doing my business and couldn't. All the pain and pressure caused vomiting bile. Not a fun thing for Lydia as she very much dislikes anyone Throwing up. After three times of that the stomach calmed a bit but the pain in the colon stayed around for a while. Later in the morning I was able to get rid of what was pressing on my tumor. I never before imagined that much pain would come from a natural bodily process. What resulted was a work at home day.
Tonight we went to Gilda's Club of GR to meet with the support groups. It was good to see all the people I saw roughly a month ago. I will miss talking with those people while I'm in the hospital and in recovery. We will probably try going to a activity night once besides a group meeting night.
Once again Thank you for all your prayers and support. Please keep them coming.
So for now we stop Chemo and prepare for surgery. That is scheduled for September 27th. During this surgery they will remove my right half of liver and possibly cut out the few spots which are on the surface of the left half of my liver. Until then I have roughly 4 weeks to live semi normally. Chemo will likely start 2 - 3 weeks after surgery depending on what my Oncologist decides.
Today was a rough day for me. I started out with a lot of pain in my colon. I tried doing my business and couldn't. All the pain and pressure caused vomiting bile. Not a fun thing for Lydia as she very much dislikes anyone Throwing up. After three times of that the stomach calmed a bit but the pain in the colon stayed around for a while. Later in the morning I was able to get rid of what was pressing on my tumor. I never before imagined that much pain would come from a natural bodily process. What resulted was a work at home day.
Tonight we went to Gilda's Club of GR to meet with the support groups. It was good to see all the people I saw roughly a month ago. I will miss talking with those people while I'm in the hospital and in recovery. We will probably try going to a activity night once besides a group meeting night.
Once again Thank you for all your prayers and support. Please keep them coming.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Pain in the .......
The title of this post may make you think of the neck. Not so for me. My pain is where my cancer started. While trying not to be to gross Colon Cancer patients like me become very aware of the digestive system. Let me put it this way I am very eagerly anticipating my Colon surgery. Unfortunately the doctors are putting my Liver ahead of the Colon. Maybe they just have a hankering for Liver and Onions.
Seriously though tomorrow we meet again with the Liver surgeon after an MRI. We are anticipating a Date for surgery. If he doesn't see what he likes in the MRI he will tell my Oncologist to schedule more chemo. Personally at this point I want to move into and through the next phase of treatment. I will be as willing as able to resume chemo after surgery. We are told that we have 2 weeks after surgery to begin chemo again. Not exactly the recovery period I wanted. I can certainly attest to the fact that the Doctors are sticking to one thing they all told me. They are being AGGRESSIVE with this treatment plan. Most treatments I had I should have been sent home instead. Sounds like I should just get used to and expect aggressive. Will be par for the course as far as I understand it.
Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. They mean a lot to me and the rest of my family.
Seriously though tomorrow we meet again with the Liver surgeon after an MRI. We are anticipating a Date for surgery. If he doesn't see what he likes in the MRI he will tell my Oncologist to schedule more chemo. Personally at this point I want to move into and through the next phase of treatment. I will be as willing as able to resume chemo after surgery. We are told that we have 2 weeks after surgery to begin chemo again. Not exactly the recovery period I wanted. I can certainly attest to the fact that the Doctors are sticking to one thing they all told me. They are being AGGRESSIVE with this treatment plan. Most treatments I had I should have been sent home instead. Sounds like I should just get used to and expect aggressive. Will be par for the course as far as I understand it.
Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. They mean a lot to me and the rest of my family.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Final Days.
Last night we visited the fair again with Lydia and her cousins along with the rest of the family. The rides were running which Lydia was excited about. The boys on the other hand had a difficult time looking at anything other than the large plumes of black smoke pouring out of whatever the vehicles were in the grandstands! I have to say it looked pretty enticing. Unfortunately I didn't feel so hot after being there a while. Leah and I headed home and waited for our princess to arrive home from having all her fun.
We spent the time shortly before bed preparing for today. Today is what we really hope is my last Chemo treatment before surgery. I am currently in the reclining chair waiting to receive my meds. So for the time I need to sit and wait while tied to the Med pole I will try to eat some lunch and then during my three hour med I will be watching The Two Towers. For those of you who don't know what that is you can read all about it at For those of you who do recognize the title you know that 3 hours is the perfect amount of time for this movie. I cant believe my dear wife is putting up with me watching this today even though she doesn't care for the movie.
I have to say Thank you to some people. Two of the best chemo nurses in the business. They were nice enough to oblige us to take a picture with me. They have been administering the "cocktails" as some call them, that are fighting the cancer cells in my body. For that I have to thank you. It is not fun but I know it is working so I am making the best of a bad situation.
The other group I have to thank is my work. Tonight at the family work picnic our director asked the staff and families to lay hands on me and pray for upcoming surgery. None of them knows how much that means to me. A very caring and understanding group almost very much like a family. Thank you to all for your care.
We spent the time shortly before bed preparing for today. Today is what we really hope is my last Chemo treatment before surgery. I am currently in the reclining chair waiting to receive my meds. So for the time I need to sit and wait while tied to the Med pole I will try to eat some lunch and then during my three hour med I will be watching The Two Towers. For those of you who don't know what that is you can read all about it at For those of you who do recognize the title you know that 3 hours is the perfect amount of time for this movie. I cant believe my dear wife is putting up with me watching this today even though she doesn't care for the movie.
I have to say Thank you to some people. Two of the best chemo nurses in the business. They were nice enough to oblige us to take a picture with me. They have been administering the "cocktails" as some call them, that are fighting the cancer cells in my body. For that I have to thank you. It is not fun but I know it is working so I am making the best of a bad situation.
The other group I have to thank is my work. Tonight at the family work picnic our director asked the staff and families to lay hands on me and pray for upcoming surgery. None of them knows how much that means to me. A very caring and understanding group almost very much like a family. Thank you to all for your care.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Hello Goodbye!!
Today we met with my surgeon to discuss the upcoming surgery. He said he wants me to have my 6th chemo treatment scheduled for this Thursday. This will be my final chemo treatment until after surgery. Chemo goodbye for now. He scheduled an MRI for a week from today to get a closer look at my liver. This will be followed up shortly with another appointment with the surgeon. He claimed roughly 2 to 3 weeks I will be in surgery.
Later this evening we went to the Hudsonville Fair to spend some Family time with Lydia. She was very bummed the rides weren't whirring around already. Frankly I didn't understand it either since we saw plenty of them rolling in Yesterday. Since Lydia didn't care about the tractor pull we simply roamed around admiring all the big and small animals the fair had to offer. During our roaming we bumped into and old coworker and friend. It was great talking with him and his family. Both his children and ours have grown so much in the last couple of years.
After the fair we grabbed some supper and ran into a waitress we had a couple years ago who was back in town for a short time before having to head back to WA state. What a happy surprise to see her and her husband. We had a great time talking.
Overall we had the opportunity several times today to say both Hello and Goodbye too people who have been and continue to be very supportive. Thank you to everyone.
Later this evening we went to the Hudsonville Fair to spend some Family time with Lydia. She was very bummed the rides weren't whirring around already. Frankly I didn't understand it either since we saw plenty of them rolling in Yesterday. Since Lydia didn't care about the tractor pull we simply roamed around admiring all the big and small animals the fair had to offer. During our roaming we bumped into and old coworker and friend. It was great talking with him and his family. Both his children and ours have grown so much in the last couple of years.
After the fair we grabbed some supper and ran into a waitress we had a couple years ago who was back in town for a short time before having to head back to WA state. What a happy surprise to see her and her husband. We had a great time talking.
Overall we had the opportunity several times today to say both Hello and Goodbye too people who have been and continue to be very supportive. Thank you to everyone.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Overwhelmed by support!!
Today I met my new colorectal surgeon. The meeting went very well and as much as one can be thrilled with a surgeon I am. He was very nice and compassionate and talked though my treatment cycle with us. We didn't learn a lot new from this appointment but he did confirm I would get Liver surgery first in which my Liver surgeon would take the right lobe of my liver. Following that surgery and recovery I would get more chemo. This would be followed by a surgery combining my liver surgeon and colorectal surgeon. They would work together to remove the tumor area in my colon and locally burn the spots remaining in the left lobe of my liver. He said they have worked together many times doing the same surgery they would perform on me.
So Monday I will meet with my liver surgeon to see what the game plan is. Then it will be on to surgery whenever he wants to schedule it. My colorectal surgeon told us today he would come and visit me in the Hospital after my first surgery. We found this news really comforting and supportive since his expertise wont really be needed until the second surgery. I will happily have him visit and talk with him while in the Hospital. To be honest I'm almost excited to talk with him there. I would rather have the opportunity without having to have surgery but if that's what it takes to get to talk with an outstanding Doctor I'll take it.
Speaking of support during the course of this journey (especially through my blog's comments) I have felt an overwhelming amount of support by friends and family. Many comments I read bring tears to my eyes. I don't feel like I'm that different going through this than anyone else would be. Several people (including a dear friend) have noted I am inspiring and I have gone through this as a challenge God set before me and walked through it without asking why. My dear friend says it best like this
"You truly are an inspiration
Instead of focusing on; "Why me God?"
You took his hand and basically said "Ok Lord, lets do this together"".
I am truly honored to be an inspiration to others but honestly all I hope is when this is done this all points directly toward heaven and shows the magnificent power our God has.
So Monday I will meet with my liver surgeon to see what the game plan is. Then it will be on to surgery whenever he wants to schedule it. My colorectal surgeon told us today he would come and visit me in the Hospital after my first surgery. We found this news really comforting and supportive since his expertise wont really be needed until the second surgery. I will happily have him visit and talk with him while in the Hospital. To be honest I'm almost excited to talk with him there. I would rather have the opportunity without having to have surgery but if that's what it takes to get to talk with an outstanding Doctor I'll take it.
Speaking of support during the course of this journey (especially through my blog's comments) I have felt an overwhelming amount of support by friends and family. Many comments I read bring tears to my eyes. I don't feel like I'm that different going through this than anyone else would be. Several people (including a dear friend) have noted I am inspiring and I have gone through this as a challenge God set before me and walked through it without asking why. My dear friend says it best like this
"You truly are an inspiration
Instead of focusing on; "Why me God?"
You took his hand and basically said "Ok Lord, lets do this together"".
I am truly honored to be an inspiration to others but honestly all I hope is when this is done this all points directly toward heaven and shows the magnificent power our God has.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
This past week they stopped one of my medications due to the anticipation of surgery. The medication is the one that stops the growth of new blood vessels so they don't grow into the tumors. This medication also brings on the tiredness. I didn't sleep as much this weekend but did manage to get a couple of naps in.
For most of the weekend my appetite remained close to normal. This is helpful for getting High calorie diet. There is one more day in the weekend so hopefully the appetite continues to be as normal as possible
hopefully the next week will bring news about the surgeries. We need to both make and receive phone calls from surgeons this week.
For most of the weekend my appetite remained close to normal. This is helpful for getting High calorie diet. There is one more day in the weekend so hopefully the appetite continues to be as normal as possible
hopefully the next week will bring news about the surgeries. We need to both make and receive phone calls from surgeons this week.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Gold Medal Winner!!!
Today we Met with the Doctor and received great news. Leah's Aunt called me a personal Gold Medal winner.
The pet scan showed the tumors in both Liver and colon have responded well to my Chemotherapy regimen and have begun shrinking. Yea God!!! "Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings flow" The doc said the Active cancer would glow on the scan and due to no glowing in the liver and very little glowing in the Colon this means the Chemo is doing it's job.
He said it is now time to get the surgeons involved again. Our hope is all the functions necessary can be done in one surgery. Our fear is that the Liver work will require 2 surgeries. This is news we will discover again soon. So soon is Phase 2. It is becoming more real to me I am beating this cancer.
I also had another round of Chemo today. That went well and I managed to sneak a 2 -3 hour nap in as well. Normally my appetite tanks shortly after chemo starts. Not today. I managed to take advantage of a large dinner in order to keep the calorie count and weight up where it should be.
Thanks to everyone for all their prayers.
P.S. K. Boeve and Family I responded to your comment a few posts ago. Please feel free to check it out.
The pet scan showed the tumors in both Liver and colon have responded well to my Chemotherapy regimen and have begun shrinking. Yea God!!! "Praise be to God from whom ALL blessings flow" The doc said the Active cancer would glow on the scan and due to no glowing in the liver and very little glowing in the Colon this means the Chemo is doing it's job.
He said it is now time to get the surgeons involved again. Our hope is all the functions necessary can be done in one surgery. Our fear is that the Liver work will require 2 surgeries. This is news we will discover again soon. So soon is Phase 2. It is becoming more real to me I am beating this cancer.
I also had another round of Chemo today. That went well and I managed to sneak a 2 -3 hour nap in as well. Normally my appetite tanks shortly after chemo starts. Not today. I managed to take advantage of a large dinner in order to keep the calorie count and weight up where it should be.
Thanks to everyone for all their prayers.
P.S. K. Boeve and Family I responded to your comment a few posts ago. Please feel free to check it out.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Adjusting to life ....
...... Lydia is back! We went for a week child free. Well that may sound inviting, I missed her tons . She was at Camp Geneva. She had a great time. She talks about her great experience with her counselors and the many friends she made.
I need to tell you all a brief story. Lydia loves going to Hope College events with her Papa. One of the counselors was a Calvin Student. The Calvin Student wore a beat Hope necklace and Lydia saw that. The Next day Lydia thought she would have her own fun and wear a sweatshirt that read Hope College. May I remind you the weather was 95 degrees.
Lydia loved them and I think her enthusiasm was contagious to them as well. Hearing her tell the stories of the love she received brings tears to my eyes. Lydia shared her prayer request, she needed prayer for her daddy, so the cancer would disappear. I am glad she trusts the counselors to be able to bring such a heavy burden that this dear 8 yr old has on her heart. I am so thankful also that the counselors came up to me at the end and said we will pray for your husband. She has known Lydia a week and she has invested her prayer time for a Father of that precious 8 yr old. I will never forget my Daughters 2012 experience at Camp Geneva. Oh.... can I tell you a God Sighting ....... Lydia only got in on a cancellation. God only knew that my Child needed that week. Only a God like you, could make that happen.
I need to tell you all a brief story. Lydia loves going to Hope College events with her Papa. One of the counselors was a Calvin Student. The Calvin Student wore a beat Hope necklace and Lydia saw that. The Next day Lydia thought she would have her own fun and wear a sweatshirt that read Hope College. May I remind you the weather was 95 degrees.
Lydia loved them and I think her enthusiasm was contagious to them as well. Hearing her tell the stories of the love she received brings tears to my eyes. Lydia shared her prayer request, she needed prayer for her daddy, so the cancer would disappear. I am glad she trusts the counselors to be able to bring such a heavy burden that this dear 8 yr old has on her heart. I am so thankful also that the counselors came up to me at the end and said we will pray for your husband. She has known Lydia a week and she has invested her prayer time for a Father of that precious 8 yr old. I will never forget my Daughters 2012 experience at Camp Geneva. Oh.... can I tell you a God Sighting ....... Lydia only got in on a cancellation. God only knew that my Child needed that week. Only a God like you, could make that happen.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
PET Scan!
I had a PET scan today. I hope they only find the fish I have. I don't have a dog and we got rid of the cats a few years ago. Seriously though the test went as good as can be expected. It is difficult waiting a few hours for all the Injections through the IV. Then the 1 hour countdown for you body to "suck up" the Sugar and radioactive molecules. After the hour they hook you up to the contrast die which at this point i'm sort of used to.
The first pass at the test had a glitch so they started over to get a good scan. Since they play any music you want I didn't really mind the extra time. So the test is done and now we wait. One bit of news I did receive is that white blood count is still low. My nurse was very concerned. So until we meet with the Doc next Thursday we wait and wait and wait!
The first pass at the test had a glitch so they started over to get a good scan. Since they play any music you want I didn't really mind the extra time. So the test is done and now we wait. One bit of news I did receive is that white blood count is still low. My nurse was very concerned. So until we meet with the Doc next Thursday we wait and wait and wait!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
No umph!
Today, we worshiped with Hudsonville UCC in an outdoor sevice, as a celebration between two church's uniting for VBS. it was geat to show others what VBS was about this past week as the kids sang and Pastor Dave talked about our hearts.
Half way through the service Kent had no more umph. He was exhusted. We had a busy week celebrating with the little kids but this "big" kid just ran out of steam. This next week we will await a scheduled PET scan and a treatment later in the next weeks .
Lydia is going to try her week out at Camp Geneva . I pray she will have a good week and that she will have some great counselors to walk next to her and show her learning about God. She will be spending the nights out at the cottage because it is just down the road and is easy to get there with my parents as the drivers. She will be at camp with her cousin Jake. Hopefully they have a great week together.
Kent and I will continue work this week, when we are not seeking medical care for Kent. Please pray for him as many things are weighing heavy on his heart which he chooses to leave unmentioned at this point. Each day we are given new grace. Each day we are thankful for the MANY friends that circle us with their love. We are so greatful we serve the great physician! Love to all! Leah
Half way through the service Kent had no more umph. He was exhusted. We had a busy week celebrating with the little kids but this "big" kid just ran out of steam. This next week we will await a scheduled PET scan and a treatment later in the next weeks .
Lydia is going to try her week out at Camp Geneva . I pray she will have a good week and that she will have some great counselors to walk next to her and show her learning about God. She will be spending the nights out at the cottage because it is just down the road and is easy to get there with my parents as the drivers. She will be at camp with her cousin Jake. Hopefully they have a great week together.
Kent and I will continue work this week, when we are not seeking medical care for Kent. Please pray for him as many things are weighing heavy on his heart which he chooses to leave unmentioned at this point. Each day we are given new grace. Each day we are thankful for the MANY friends that circle us with their love. We are so greatful we serve the great physician! Love to all! Leah
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Pumped up?
Today was a better pump disconnect day than previous ones. I expected nausea as I've the last three treatment pump disconnect days. So far not a huge appetite but no Nausea. I would say I ate more today than Saturdays the last several treatments.
Due to the Nasty headache I had Friday I didn't get my work day in until today. Not a lot of energy today but overall things seem to be a little better than it has been following previous treatments.
Due to the Nasty headache I had Friday I didn't get my work day in until today. Not a lot of energy today but overall things seem to be a little better than it has been following previous treatments.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Growing or Going???
Today is treatment number 4. I am currently getting Avastin which I'm sure has another name but it is my first med out of many. They are reducing one of the Meds which is causing both tingling in my fingers and keeping my white counts lower than they want them to be. They are also running it longer as to help minimize the tingling somewhat. The rest of the day will likely be devoted to naps and try to eat what I can.
Sometime before my appointment with the Oncologist two weeks from today I will have a Scan scheduled so they figure out if the Cancer in liver and tumor in Colon are getting smaller or not. Today the doctor told me to mentally get ready for a couple more round of chemo. The scan will determine whether those happen or he will get me ready for surgery on my Liver.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement and support.
Sometime before my appointment with the Oncologist two weeks from today I will have a Scan scheduled so they figure out if the Cancer in liver and tumor in Colon are getting smaller or not. Today the doctor told me to mentally get ready for a couple more round of chemo. The scan will determine whether those happen or he will get me ready for surgery on my Liver.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers and words of encouragement and support.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Apoligies are in order!
BUSY! That explains our life right now. We are currently involved in a lot of extra nightly activities that are taking place of time to blog. We are currently majorly involved with our Vacation Bible School. All 3 of us are enjoying spending time with 80 + kids the first night and 90 the second night, after an incentive of a candy bar for those who brought the most friends from no other than good ol' Pastor Dave! Along with that, Kent and I have been working full days. We have taken on other tasks and making sure Lydia is well cared for.
Lydia tried her hand at a new adventure... Gilda's Club has a camp for those children who have a loved one or themselves face cancer. Camp Sparkle! She loved it. Today they traveled to India . They met some people from India and was offered to try food from India. She declined saying it wasn't Gluten free. I (her mom) think that was a way of saying no thanks! She tried to dance as they do in India as well! She does have her dad's rhythm, thank goodness! It might be embaressing otherwise.
Kent will have chemo #4 on Thursday if everything goes as planned. He has a blood test right in the cancer clinic in Holland so hopefully he will be able to know the results right away and we'll be a all clear for Thursday. We meet with Kent's Oncologist as well, so maybe he will tell us more of the plan on what is next and when we will have a scheduled PET scan to see if the Chemo is doing its Job. Kent is anxious to see and frankly so am I. We will pray that the many prayers that have been lifted will be answered. Thanks so much for ALL your Love!
Lydia tried her hand at a new adventure... Gilda's Club has a camp for those children who have a loved one or themselves face cancer. Camp Sparkle! She loved it. Today they traveled to India . They met some people from India and was offered to try food from India. She declined saying it wasn't Gluten free. I (her mom) think that was a way of saying no thanks! She tried to dance as they do in India as well! She does have her dad's rhythm, thank goodness! It might be embaressing otherwise.
Kent will have chemo #4 on Thursday if everything goes as planned. He has a blood test right in the cancer clinic in Holland so hopefully he will be able to know the results right away and we'll be a all clear for Thursday. We meet with Kent's Oncologist as well, so maybe he will tell us more of the plan on what is next and when we will have a scheduled PET scan to see if the Chemo is doing its Job. Kent is anxious to see and frankly so am I. We will pray that the many prayers that have been lifted will be answered. Thanks so much for ALL your Love!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hairpin Corner
Yesterday was a rough day for both energy and appetite. I would rather have stayed in bed after getting to sleep basically at 4 in the AM on Monday morning. I was encouraged to work anyway so we could save our days for treatments. I know I have to but I still mentally have a difficult time not spending my PTO days for "fun" days. When I got home from a full day at work I got a package in the mail from my Brother and Sister-in-law containing a card and Blanket. The card noted the blanket was for days I was not feeling well. Pretty appropriate for most of my day Yesterday. I, of course cried due to the kindness and wrapped up in the blanket almost immediately. I would like to say the blanket had some part in helping me feel better
Last night at about 9 I turned the corner on both energy and appetite. It is rare I would want cold grapes at that time of night on Chemo week but sure enough that sounded good. I have come to realize that when food sounds good I eat. So grapes it was and not just one cup full but two. Today was more of the same. More energy at work and more of an appetite. I was thankful for the increased appetite both for my team lunch and dinner with my family. I ate good today and I almost feel like I'm boasting when I say that but when you despise food for 5 days I guess you have a small reason to boast.
Last Sunday I had very little energy but managed to muster Just enough to celebrate Lydia's birthday at her favorite restaurant with many of her friends there. Besides the flowers you see in the photo she also got a Pink sharpie and a pink coverse shoe turned into a pencil case full of mechanical pencils for the new school year. She was so excited and immediately asked if she could have her "shoe" at school as a pencil case. I would imagine this will be tolerated in her classroom. She will no doubt be the coolest kid in her class for at least her 15 minutes of fame.
Last night at about 9 I turned the corner on both energy and appetite. It is rare I would want cold grapes at that time of night on Chemo week but sure enough that sounded good. I have come to realize that when food sounds good I eat. So grapes it was and not just one cup full but two. Today was more of the same. More energy at work and more of an appetite. I was thankful for the increased appetite both for my team lunch and dinner with my family. I ate good today and I almost feel like I'm boasting when I say that but when you despise food for 5 days I guess you have a small reason to boast.

Saturday, July 14, 2012
Lazy Day.
Today I was unleashed from my pump. Hooray for that. I managed to eat half an omlette when arriving home along with a small cup of fruit. After that it was off to the first nap of the day. I slept for roughly 3 hours and then woke up for a little bit only to lull back into sleep for a few minutes at a time. I woke up enough for my "health shake" as well.
We brought Lydia to a Movie for something fun for her to "do" before her birthday. Of course that took all the energy I could muster but worth seeing the smiles on my daughter's face. We came home and after talking with my friend for a few minutes I had 2 pieces of left over pizza for dinner. Now I am watching the "American Girl" movie on TV with my family before we head off to bed.
I am trying to save up some energy for Someone's 8th Birthday tomorrow.
We brought Lydia to a Movie for something fun for her to "do" before her birthday. Of course that took all the energy I could muster but worth seeing the smiles on my daughter's face. We came home and after talking with my friend for a few minutes I had 2 pieces of left over pizza for dinner. Now I am watching the "American Girl" movie on TV with my family before we head off to bed.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Happy Anniversary
Today was my two month anniversary since being diagnosed with colon cancer. Two months of survival on my way to being cancer free. Obviously I am quite a ways away from remission but looking forward to that moment each day. Since tomorrow I am scheduled for my third treatment and since my white blood count was low last time, I went for a blood draw this morning. I did so in order to not have to go down town if I am going to get turned away anyway. Unfortunately I still don't know my counts due to Spectrum's computer network being down all day.
I talked with a dear friend of ours to wish her a Happy Birthday tonight. She works for Spectrum and while expressing her own frustration of the network outage she did confirm it was back up to some capacity tonight. Hopefully if I don't have a treatment tomorrow they can let me know prior to my arrival time.
Quite an anniversary gift to get a blood draw and make multiple phone calls to the doctor's office. Oh well. I was warned Chemo would be inconvenient. This is evidently what my doctor meant when he said that. I am trying to have a perspective that my schedule is fluid. Not an easy perspective for a left brained individual to have. Maybe the Lord is teaching me flexibility. I thought I was pretty flexible already. I think we're about to find out exactly how flexible I am.
I talked with a dear friend of ours to wish her a Happy Birthday tonight. She works for Spectrum and while expressing her own frustration of the network outage she did confirm it was back up to some capacity tonight. Hopefully if I don't have a treatment tomorrow they can let me know prior to my arrival time.
Quite an anniversary gift to get a blood draw and make multiple phone calls to the doctor's office. Oh well. I was warned Chemo would be inconvenient. This is evidently what my doctor meant when he said that. I am trying to have a perspective that my schedule is fluid. Not an easy perspective for a left brained individual to have. Maybe the Lord is teaching me flexibility. I thought I was pretty flexible already. I think we're about to find out exactly how flexible I am.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Boy in a bubble
Sorry to those of you regular reader who expect to see an almost daily update from one of us. I realize it has been a week since my last post. Our family has been spending time in the Hoffmaster State Park campground this week with my sister's family and my parents. Lots of relaxing time has been had through the week so far even though I'm making the commute in to work each day. It will be good next week to not have to drive through Spring Lake and Grand Haven twice each day.
In regards to my health I have spent the last week trying to keep a sanitary lifestyle. W ithout physical reminders I have been trying to be a boy in the bubble all week. This consisted of bringing paper towel with me to the bathroom in order to escape without touching the handle. I also was on the spot for others not having sanitary fingers. Wash your hands is a favorite saying of mine around our camp site. Our evening at Craigs cruisers for Go-karts and Mini golf was very fun but also included clorox wipes for hands and golf Clubs and Golf Balls (yes even the balls). So far a week later other than typical symptoms I am doing well and have not gotten sick. For that I am thankful. I suppose the constant hand washing is paying off. At least the paper-towel industry isn't going to suffer any time soon.
In regards to my health I have spent the last week trying to keep a sanitary lifestyle. W ithout physical reminders I have been trying to be a boy in the bubble all week. This consisted of bringing paper towel with me to the bathroom in order to escape without touching the handle. I also was on the spot for others not having sanitary fingers. Wash your hands is a favorite saying of mine around our camp site. Our evening at Craigs cruisers for Go-karts and Mini golf was very fun but also included clorox wipes for hands and golf Clubs and Golf Balls (yes even the balls). So far a week later other than typical symptoms I am doing well and have not gotten sick. For that I am thankful. I suppose the constant hand washing is paying off. At least the paper-towel industry isn't going to suffer any time soon.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wash your hands!!!!
Today when arriving at the Doctors office I had my blood draw ( via finger poke today). I think I will go back to the arm next time. Then I met the doctor to go over how the last 2 weeks went. Everything went well and no out of the ordinary symptoms to speak of. The doctor did mention that the infection fighting part of my white blood cells was lower than they normally like. He made the decision to do the chemo anyway today since I am young and "healthy". I was right on the tipping point of where they make that call. Any lower they would have sent me home. With most people my number would have sent them home as well. Due to my age and the fact the doctor has a job to do he kept the schedule as is.
So currently I am tied up to my med Pole with avastin the Bio Agent running for 60 minutes. Then to be followed by a few others before I go home with 5FU.
Today is Mentally difficult for me knowing my White numbers are low. Partially from that and partially from the meds my appetite is low at the moment.
Please pray for the appetite to increase as well as the White blood cells to increase enough before the next treatment. If the White cells are lower next time than they were today I will basically show up for a blood draw and then be sent home only to return a week later.
Per the wash your hands title, I was really told today to watch interactions with sick and potentially sick people. I was told to consider investing and using hand sanitizer to keep the germs away. We are planning on camping starting Saturday so we don't anticipate big crowds, but if you are around us please remember to not spread the germs.
So currently I am tied up to my med Pole with avastin the Bio Agent running for 60 minutes. Then to be followed by a few others before I go home with 5FU.
Today is Mentally difficult for me knowing my White numbers are low. Partially from that and partially from the meds my appetite is low at the moment.
Please pray for the appetite to increase as well as the White blood cells to increase enough before the next treatment. If the White cells are lower next time than they were today I will basically show up for a blood draw and then be sent home only to return a week later.
Per the wash your hands title, I was really told today to watch interactions with sick and potentially sick people. I was told to consider investing and using hand sanitizer to keep the germs away. We are planning on camping starting Saturday so we don't anticipate big crowds, but if you are around us please remember to not spread the germs.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day 15
Day 15 for me is tomorrow. Since I have a 2 week chemo cycle Day 15 is the first day of my next cycle. That means a long day in the chemo "suite" after which I get to be tied to a pump for two days. Let the exhaustion begin. I am planning a lot of naps over the next few days. Of course I need to stay out of the fridge for my fingers sake. Hopefully I can pack in enough calories while I still have a small appetite the next couple of days. Saturday and beyond I will be "living" on my anti nausea medication. Overall It won't be to bad just not as fun as days 20 through 28.
Monday, June 25, 2012
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye.
The title for this post comes from a song in "Sound of Music". The children are saying goodbye to guests from their father's party. Tonight I said goodbye to my Brother who after 5 days is flying back to his family and home in Idaho. We get along so well and Love each other a lot. Even though I expect to see him in a couple of months, it was very difficult for me to see him go. I Love his family just as much and I know they would be sad if he didn't come home. I am very eager to see him in early August regardless of where I am in my journey with cancer.
Speaking of cancer. This Thursday is round #2 of chemo. I am not looking forward to the treatment or the weekend after. I obviously know I need the treatment to maintain or improve my health. However this doesn't make the treatments any easier.
Thank You to everyone who has continually shown support in many verbal and non verbal ways. I covet this support as I continue to trudge forward in this journey at some points and run forward at others.
Speaking of cancer. This Thursday is round #2 of chemo. I am not looking forward to the treatment or the weekend after. I obviously know I need the treatment to maintain or improve my health. However this doesn't make the treatments any easier.
Thank You to everyone who has continually shown support in many verbal and non verbal ways. I covet this support as I continue to trudge forward in this journey at some points and run forward at others.
Friday, June 22, 2012
In support of a kid brother
It has been a while since we we have written. Not much in the medical world has changed. We are headed into a chemo week here but we have many fun things planned this weekend for Kent.
Kent is honored to have his brother here from Idaho. He arrived on Wednesday and after a 45 min delay, we were happy to see him and he was just happy to be on Michigan soil. Kent and I had to work on Thursday so Ed hung out with there Mom doing a few things that needed to be done at her house. Today we both took the day off to hang with Ed. We decided to take in a few movies. The Boys decided they wanted to watch the Hunger games and the girls decided to watch Brave. Well I will tell you that the youngest girl, aka Lydia was not brave and had to hide in her mom's shirt. I could see why she might be a little frightened. :) We then took Ed on a road trip to Kent's work. We gave him the 5 cent tour. Ed had the privilege of meeting Kent's supervisor and Boss. Later, that evening we caught up with the Bro's, Mom and had a special dinner out. Dinners out don't happen often for her and she had the Boys right next to her. We had a good time together. We then came to our house and had a nice visit with there Dad joining. We are now in anticipation of having Vonda ( sister) and family join in on the Fun. When you get the whole family together there is never a dull moment and usually a lot of laughter. We plan on having a fire in our NEW fire pot, in our back yard, (Thank you, Stuart! you Rock! :) tomm. night. Pizza pies are on the menu. A family favorite!
On another note, Kent signed up for a mentor at Gilda's Club. This week he received a call that he has a mentor and that he can contact her sometime this week. We pray that they may share the cancer journey together. I believe they share similar cancer walks.
Kent received the port roughly a week ago and it is healing nicely. One of our friends puts it like this, " The port is my best friend." I think Kent will find that to be true. He is a bit black and blue from that yet but never the less healing.
Overall this has been a great week for Kent. After Chemo, his appetite finally came back and the nausea has subsided. He then can begin to enjoy life a bit. We are so thankful for each day that there is with Strength. We know that the strength we find is in God, but also couldn't be without the prayers that all of you lift in our behalf. We are truly blessed. We are 3 very blessed people. -- Leah
Kent is honored to have his brother here from Idaho. He arrived on Wednesday and after a 45 min delay, we were happy to see him and he was just happy to be on Michigan soil. Kent and I had to work on Thursday so Ed hung out with there Mom doing a few things that needed to be done at her house. Today we both took the day off to hang with Ed. We decided to take in a few movies. The Boys decided they wanted to watch the Hunger games and the girls decided to watch Brave. Well I will tell you that the youngest girl, aka Lydia was not brave and had to hide in her mom's shirt. I could see why she might be a little frightened. :) We then took Ed on a road trip to Kent's work. We gave him the 5 cent tour. Ed had the privilege of meeting Kent's supervisor and Boss. Later, that evening we caught up with the Bro's, Mom and had a special dinner out. Dinners out don't happen often for her and she had the Boys right next to her. We had a good time together. We then came to our house and had a nice visit with there Dad joining. We are now in anticipation of having Vonda ( sister) and family join in on the Fun. When you get the whole family together there is never a dull moment and usually a lot of laughter. We plan on having a fire in our NEW fire pot, in our back yard, (Thank you, Stuart! you Rock! :) tomm. night. Pizza pies are on the menu. A family favorite!
On another note, Kent signed up for a mentor at Gilda's Club. This week he received a call that he has a mentor and that he can contact her sometime this week. We pray that they may share the cancer journey together. I believe they share similar cancer walks.
Kent received the port roughly a week ago and it is healing nicely. One of our friends puts it like this, " The port is my best friend." I think Kent will find that to be true. He is a bit black and blue from that yet but never the less healing.
Overall this has been a great week for Kent. After Chemo, his appetite finally came back and the nausea has subsided. He then can begin to enjoy life a bit. We are so thankful for each day that there is with Strength. We know that the strength we find is in God, but also couldn't be without the prayers that all of you lift in our behalf. We are truly blessed. We are 3 very blessed people. -- Leah
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wooo Hooo!!!!
Today has been a great day! It's the first day since Saturday I didn't need Anti-Nausea meds. This is also the first day since Thursday that my appetite returned. Banana and dry cereal for breakfast, leftover steak, onions & salsa for lunch. several candy bars for afternoon snack. Supper was Pizza. To cold to suit my taste but nevertheless hungry.
As usual I forgot my iron supplement during the evening meal so I asked Leah if she would make a "shake" for me. These shakes consist of Milk, yogurt, banana, instant breakfast (chocolate flavored this time). Truth be told I didn't choke on it and managed to drink a full mug of it. Not what I normally think of when I think of shakes but I didn't hate it either. It was pretty good considering what was in it. More of these in my future I'm sure and I'm o.k. with that. Thanks to our good friend who suggested these!!
Through many acquaintances, friends and even physicians Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids came very well recommended. Last night the 3 of us went to the "New Member" meeting. This was a talk by one of the staff about what Gilda's club did and was about and what it was not. The meeting moved into a time of introductions and telling what brought us to Gilda's club. This was difficult for me to share but important for me and the others in the room I am sure. Besides the staff person there was an existing Member in the room who shared her current and past experiences at Gilda's club. This woman also gave our group a tour of the clubhouse and all its many rooms. Lydia for last night got to play in the basement called Noggieland. She had quite a bit of fun and then when we were leaving she had to check out the playground. On meeting nights she will be in a "support" meeting as well as each of us in our own groups. This looks to be a very good club and am waiting to take part in some of the fun activities. If any of you have considered going to Laugh-Fest but hesitated, please reconsider. Many of the proceeds from Laugh-Fest go back into the Gilda's Club. More to come about that journey as we experience it together.
As usual I forgot my iron supplement during the evening meal so I asked Leah if she would make a "shake" for me. These shakes consist of Milk, yogurt, banana, instant breakfast (chocolate flavored this time). Truth be told I didn't choke on it and managed to drink a full mug of it. Not what I normally think of when I think of shakes but I didn't hate it either. It was pretty good considering what was in it. More of these in my future I'm sure and I'm o.k. with that. Thanks to our good friend who suggested these!!
Through many acquaintances, friends and even physicians Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids came very well recommended. Last night the 3 of us went to the "New Member" meeting. This was a talk by one of the staff about what Gilda's club did and was about and what it was not. The meeting moved into a time of introductions and telling what brought us to Gilda's club. This was difficult for me to share but important for me and the others in the room I am sure. Besides the staff person there was an existing Member in the room who shared her current and past experiences at Gilda's club. This woman also gave our group a tour of the clubhouse and all its many rooms. Lydia for last night got to play in the basement called Noggieland. She had quite a bit of fun and then when we were leaving she had to check out the playground. On meeting nights she will be in a "support" meeting as well as each of us in our own groups. This looks to be a very good club and am waiting to take part in some of the fun activities. If any of you have considered going to Laugh-Fest but hesitated, please reconsider. Many of the proceeds from Laugh-Fest go back into the Gilda's Club. More to come about that journey as we experience it together.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Diamonds are not just best friends... so are our Dad's.
Today brings a lot of emotion. Kent and I went to church together and were able to sit in church thanks to some friends that did kidzone for me. Kent sat for most of the service and was able to enjoy it for the most part beside him being a little on the cold side and his stomach being off. He was glad so many people were there telling him that they were praying for him. My dad said a little update on Kent and thanked all those around us who have truely been a blessing, We second that. We are just amazed and humbled by all those who love us. We want to say a big thank you to ALL of you that have prayed , worked or showed us your care and concern in any way.
Dad Breen-- How can we say thank you for the many days you sat in Doctors appointments, arranged lend-a-hand nights at our house, prayed for us, took us places and just talked to us, just checked in with us because you cared , took Lydia places, helped me with kidzone projects and so much more. We are so proud to have you as our dad. We Love you so very much and are so blessed to have you as a dad!
Dad DeYoung-- Dad, you show us each day through your smile how much you love us. You are a blessing. You have showed us so much how to be a great example to many. Your faith is contagious, your prayers have always been an encouragement to us. We are so greatful that we get to spend each Tuesday and Thursday with you as you wait for your ride to go to "school." We Love You! ( for those who don't know Dad DY has alzhiemers and is very special to all three of us.)
Today we were able to go to my mom and dad's. We had a great dinner and Kent even ate a lot for lunch. We will have Kent's parents over for strawberry shortcake this evening to spend some time with his dad.
Our dad's are our best friend's. Diamonds are nice, but Dad's are better! We love both of you.!
Ps-- I said a few extra prayers for a few dad's that are no longer here and are celebrating in Heaven. Those of you in our immediate family that have lost dad's-- those prayers are for you!
Happy Father's Day!
-- Leah
Dad Breen-- How can we say thank you for the many days you sat in Doctors appointments, arranged lend-a-hand nights at our house, prayed for us, took us places and just talked to us, just checked in with us because you cared , took Lydia places, helped me with kidzone projects and so much more. We are so proud to have you as our dad. We Love you so very much and are so blessed to have you as a dad!
Dad DeYoung-- Dad, you show us each day through your smile how much you love us. You are a blessing. You have showed us so much how to be a great example to many. Your faith is contagious, your prayers have always been an encouragement to us. We are so greatful that we get to spend each Tuesday and Thursday with you as you wait for your ride to go to "school." We Love You! ( for those who don't know Dad DY has alzhiemers and is very special to all three of us.)
Today we were able to go to my mom and dad's. We had a great dinner and Kent even ate a lot for lunch. We will have Kent's parents over for strawberry shortcake this evening to spend some time with his dad.
Our dad's are our best friend's. Diamonds are nice, but Dad's are better! We love both of you.!
Ps-- I said a few extra prayers for a few dad's that are no longer here and are celebrating in Heaven. Those of you in our immediate family that have lost dad's-- those prayers are for you!
Happy Father's Day!
-- Leah
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Eat or not eat is the question?
Today, we left roughly at 8:30 am. We went to the Lemon Holton cancer center to get Kent "unhooked" from the pump. It was a long line in the lobby that we waited for roughly 45 min. for. He didn't cry but said it hurt bad.
My next step was to find Kent food. He has no appetite so trying to get him to even eat anything is like making your child eat a huge helping of peas. It just isn't happening. We went to I-Hop and and we got a omellette. He roughly ate 4 bites and said, "I am done." We left in a hurry because he was not feeling the greatest.
We then came home and Kent helped me do some things for Church. At the same time I was Hulling
Strawberries and a friend of ours came to help put in a fire pit so that we can have a fire when Kent's brother and Sister come over in a week. Both of them live out of town so it is appreciated when they come to visit.
Tonight we have Kent's dad coming over so that his mom can go to a reunion. We will have him over for supper. He loves coming over and we in return love having him, but him having Alzhiemers makes it very had for him to realize what is happening with Kent.
Over all Kent is doing fine. We are sure that this is all a learning week. We will take this one step at a time and we will pray through each situation. God is our Great Physician!
My next step was to find Kent food. He has no appetite so trying to get him to even eat anything is like making your child eat a huge helping of peas. It just isn't happening. We went to I-Hop and and we got a omellette. He roughly ate 4 bites and said, "I am done." We left in a hurry because he was not feeling the greatest.
We then came home and Kent helped me do some things for Church. At the same time I was Hulling
Strawberries and a friend of ours came to help put in a fire pit so that we can have a fire when Kent's brother and Sister come over in a week. Both of them live out of town so it is appreciated when they come to visit.
Tonight we have Kent's dad coming over so that his mom can go to a reunion. We will have him over for supper. He loves coming over and we in return love having him, but him having Alzhiemers makes it very had for him to realize what is happening with Kent.
Over all Kent is doing fine. We are sure that this is all a learning week. We will take this one step at a time and we will pray through each situation. God is our Great Physician!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Day 2.
So today is day 2 on chemo via the pump I've been toting around since yesterday. I had the best intentions of working today. I got a late start partially due to being awake during the night last night and partially due to trying to shower and not get the "electronic pump" wet. I could have use more tubing during that episode but I managed.
I got to work and managed to keep up with it for an astounding 5 hours. Of course the Fatigue set in once again so I headed home for some shuteye.
My other big problem is my appetite has almost disappeared. I have been told by many people Calories help chemo so I'm trying to keep the food intake as high as I can. I might have to result to cereal often during the day.
What a life!!!!
I got to work and managed to keep up with it for an astounding 5 hours. Of course the Fatigue set in once again so I headed home for some shuteye.
My other big problem is my appetite has almost disappeared. I have been told by many people Calories help chemo so I'm trying to keep the food intake as high as I can. I might have to result to cereal often during the day.
What a life!!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
zippety but no doo dah!!
Today I started my first treatment of Chemo. It is a long process of hanging out while hooked up via IV ( through port access) while a pump on an IV pole is pumping several medication through you at a certain rate until that dose has reached its limit. Total process took roughly 5.5 hours due to slow pharmacy and other variables. I am wearing a portable pump with a 42 hour dose that we will return to get removed on Saturday am. Near the beginning I was given tylenol and benadryl to help some of the medications. Roughly 3 hours in, either due to the Benadryl or something else I lost my Zip and felt a nap come on. Handy that was right in the middle of my meal time. I have been told Meals are very important so I struggled to stay awake through my food and then dozed off for a little while. I wasn't sure how tired I would actually be but VERY might be an accurate assessment
We want to say a big thank you to the two volunteers who cleaned our house while we were out today. It was super nice and greatly appreciated to come back to a clean house.
We want to say a big thank you to the two volunteers who cleaned our house while we were out today. It was super nice and greatly appreciated to come back to a clean house.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A woman of Faith....
Tonight we went to pick up Gram De Boer from the cottage. It had been a while since we had seen her or shared what the latest was on the medical side of things. It was great to see and talk to her. We visited Logan's in Holland where Lydia , Gram and I sat on one side of the table all crammed and Kent solo on the other side. Lydia had it in her head that she wanted to be by both of us. Silly Girl. Lydia also recieved a baloon animal from a friend that works there. He does a great job and amazed us all by his talent.
After dinner we asked Gram if she would like to see where Kent was working and she said yes. We walked in and showed her where Kent sat, showed her Lydia's favorite spot... hot chocolate machine and the Excercise room. Gram was amazed on how clean and neat it was. We then dropped her off and headed home to settle in.
Gram is so important to all three of us. Her faith is amazing ! I wish could have her kind of faith. Grandpa and Gram have taught me so much and now more than ever I am going to tap into finding that kind of Faith to endure the road ahead.
I don't know how to tell you all enough, how much we appreciate all the kind acts and deeds everyone has done for us. My yard took shape and it looks beautiful as does the inside. Thank you Friends! The prayers and Hugs are unreal. and the support of immediate family truely doesn't go unnoticed. The many appointments gone to , discussions made and trips to store for us are all counted as a blessing . We love you!
As you enter into this mid week I pray you will be blessed upon as you ALL have blessed us !
-- Leah
After dinner we asked Gram if she would like to see where Kent was working and she said yes. We walked in and showed her where Kent sat, showed her Lydia's favorite spot... hot chocolate machine and the Excercise room. Gram was amazed on how clean and neat it was. We then dropped her off and headed home to settle in.
Gram is so important to all three of us. Her faith is amazing ! I wish could have her kind of faith. Grandpa and Gram have taught me so much and now more than ever I am going to tap into finding that kind of Faith to endure the road ahead.
I don't know how to tell you all enough, how much we appreciate all the kind acts and deeds everyone has done for us. My yard took shape and it looks beautiful as does the inside. Thank you Friends! The prayers and Hugs are unreal. and the support of immediate family truely doesn't go unnoticed. The many appointments gone to , discussions made and trips to store for us are all counted as a blessing . We love you!
As you enter into this mid week I pray you will be blessed upon as you ALL have blessed us !
-- Leah
Monday, June 11, 2012
Stop Poking me Please!!!!
The title may indicate a small amount how I feel about pokes. Thankfully (I think) is one of the last times I will be getting poked. Due to the port being placed today I will be poked significantly less. Any labs taken will not be accessing the port so I guess I'll still have to tuff it out now and again.
I had one of the same nurses as when I had the biopsy and she remembered the Pain I had during that procedure so they added a bit more and thankfully I was "out cold". I am Way happy about that! Unfortunately the pain comes back shortly after you come out of it. Hopefully this is one of the last times for that to.
After port placement I went to have training on Chemo. They brought us around and showed us where my pod would be according to who My oncologist is. They showed us what the stations looked like and told us the basic ground rules. Thankfully not at all like school. I can go outside on a patio, or to the Cafe for food or hang out in my cube and watch TV, or take a computer and/or DVD player. Of course I didn't ask about loud obnoxious Fuzzy laughing Chemo Buddy characters, but I'm sure we'll find out how that fits into the ground rules soon after we give him a tickle ;-) he he ho ho haw haw.... Overall for having to sit hooked up to "medications" for 4 or so hours it seems like it can be somewhat endurable.
I'll find out for sure how this will all go this week Thursday. 9:15 arrival time.
I had one of the same nurses as when I had the biopsy and she remembered the Pain I had during that procedure so they added a bit more and thankfully I was "out cold". I am Way happy about that! Unfortunately the pain comes back shortly after you come out of it. Hopefully this is one of the last times for that to.
After port placement I went to have training on Chemo. They brought us around and showed us where my pod would be according to who My oncologist is. They showed us what the stations looked like and told us the basic ground rules. Thankfully not at all like school. I can go outside on a patio, or to the Cafe for food or hang out in my cube and watch TV, or take a computer and/or DVD player. Of course I didn't ask about loud obnoxious Fuzzy laughing Chemo Buddy characters, but I'm sure we'll find out how that fits into the ground rules soon after we give him a tickle ;-) he he ho ho haw haw.... Overall for having to sit hooked up to "medications" for 4 or so hours it seems like it can be somewhat endurable.
I'll find out for sure how this will all go this week Thursday. 9:15 arrival time.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Laughter is the best medicine!!
It has been a busy weekend with a fair amount of fatigue. A wedding Friday night, a Birthday party for a special Aunt on Saturday, Sound duties at church today. All very enjoyable activities but never the less tiring.
Even though it begins early, tomorrow begins the first step in the process of treatment. Arrival at 7:30, port placement actually happens between 8:30 and 9:00 am. I will be out of recovery roughly at 11:30. I will then need to get lunch and go upstairs to my Oncologists "office" for chemo training. I'm expecting Chemo to start this Thursday.
I want to say a deep heart felt thank you to one of my best friends who I called tonight. He always makes me laugh and tonight was no exception. It was one of the best 40 minutes I have spent in a few weeks. Incidentally some of the conversation revolved around my "Chemo Buddy" (pictured right) The target on his tummy starts laughter and flapping ears. The more you tickle the more uncontrollable the laughter gets. I named mine after him because the laughter reminds me of him. I believe I can say he felt honored that in spirit at least he could be with me during Chemo. At some point he may be able to join me but We'll see.
Per those of you who have not been able to post comments, you should now be able to comment away. I had chose to have logged in users comment. Now you can comment as an anonymous user. One note is that since you may have already viewed this blog you will want to "clear your cache" or in Layman terms "delete your browsing history" and temporary internet files. If you have specific questions feel free to contact me and I can likely help you through that.
Even though it begins early, tomorrow begins the first step in the process of treatment. Arrival at 7:30, port placement actually happens between 8:30 and 9:00 am. I will be out of recovery roughly at 11:30. I will then need to get lunch and go upstairs to my Oncologists "office" for chemo training. I'm expecting Chemo to start this Thursday.
Per those of you who have not been able to post comments, you should now be able to comment away. I had chose to have logged in users comment. Now you can comment as an anonymous user. One note is that since you may have already viewed this blog you will want to "clear your cache" or in Layman terms "delete your browsing history" and temporary internet files. If you have specific questions feel free to contact me and I can likely help you through that.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Let the Battle begin!!
Thank You to everyone from our Church family, family, and friends. Your acts of help and kindness at our house is greatly appreciated and simply amazing!!
For those of you reading this who aren't aware what I'm talking about Leah's Dad arranged a "Lend a Hand" evening at our house. The primary audience were people in our church but family and friends outside of the church circle also did their part to lend a hand. In 2 hours stretched out to 3 and 1/2 the whole crew put Pea gravel under the deck, raised the sinking deck stairs, weeded and planted the garden, organized the shed, organized the garage, pulled out shrubs, planted plants and flowers in 4 areas of different size, laid landscape fabric and bark. Inside they Cleaned the kitchen appliances and cupboards, cleaned all the bathrooms, cleaned Lydias bedroom including dresser and closet, replaced 2 exterior doors and 1 interior door, stained existing trim and door, installed missing trim in several rooms. I'm sure I probably missed something or over summarized here but you get the idea!!
The reason for this "Lend a Hand" is due to my inability to do many of these things due to my Medical situation. Today was a big day with a lot of "news" for my future. First thing this morning I went for an MRI. My first one and not a pleasant experience. I got to feel what Dracula's victims might feel like due to 3 attempts for 1 IV in 2 arms. After the noisy MRI was complete I met with my Oncologist to review the results of the PET Scan and find out the results of the Liver Biopsy. We all wanted to see the PET Scan so the Doctor was happy to show and explain exactly what they saw when looking at it. The Biopsy of the Liver confirmed that the Diagnosis of Colon cancer is in fact correct. The Doctor said the cancer is aggressive and so partly due to my young age they will use an aggressive treatment plan. With people in their 60's and 70's with my type of cancer they would only use Chemo. Since I am young and they believe I will be able to handle it they will begin with Chemo, run a Pet scan to see progress, then do the first surgery which will be removing half of my Liver. they would Likely repeat this cycle with the next surgery concentrating on the Colon and some local procedures on the other "half" of the liver.
The Next step in the process is beginning the treatment phase. Monday morning i get a Port put in. While i'm nervous about the procedure, I understand I am not their first patient recieving one of these. Also I know this is a necessary step in the process and so I will ready my mind to take this step no matter how my emotions are feeling at the moment. I have a training session with my Chemo nurse on Monday after the procedure and likely will begin my Chemo treatment next Thursday.
Thanks again for all your thoughts prayers and concerns. Continued prayers would be much appreciated.
For those of you reading this who aren't aware what I'm talking about Leah's Dad arranged a "Lend a Hand" evening at our house. The primary audience were people in our church but family and friends outside of the church circle also did their part to lend a hand. In 2 hours stretched out to 3 and 1/2 the whole crew put Pea gravel under the deck, raised the sinking deck stairs, weeded and planted the garden, organized the shed, organized the garage, pulled out shrubs, planted plants and flowers in 4 areas of different size, laid landscape fabric and bark. Inside they Cleaned the kitchen appliances and cupboards, cleaned all the bathrooms, cleaned Lydias bedroom including dresser and closet, replaced 2 exterior doors and 1 interior door, stained existing trim and door, installed missing trim in several rooms. I'm sure I probably missed something or over summarized here but you get the idea!!
The reason for this "Lend a Hand" is due to my inability to do many of these things due to my Medical situation. Today was a big day with a lot of "news" for my future. First thing this morning I went for an MRI. My first one and not a pleasant experience. I got to feel what Dracula's victims might feel like due to 3 attempts for 1 IV in 2 arms. After the noisy MRI was complete I met with my Oncologist to review the results of the PET Scan and find out the results of the Liver Biopsy. We all wanted to see the PET Scan so the Doctor was happy to show and explain exactly what they saw when looking at it. The Biopsy of the Liver confirmed that the Diagnosis of Colon cancer is in fact correct. The Doctor said the cancer is aggressive and so partly due to my young age they will use an aggressive treatment plan. With people in their 60's and 70's with my type of cancer they would only use Chemo. Since I am young and they believe I will be able to handle it they will begin with Chemo, run a Pet scan to see progress, then do the first surgery which will be removing half of my Liver. they would Likely repeat this cycle with the next surgery concentrating on the Colon and some local procedures on the other "half" of the liver.
The Next step in the process is beginning the treatment phase. Monday morning i get a Port put in. While i'm nervous about the procedure, I understand I am not their first patient recieving one of these. Also I know this is a necessary step in the process and so I will ready my mind to take this step no matter how my emotions are feeling at the moment. I have a training session with my Chemo nurse on Monday after the procedure and likely will begin my Chemo treatment next Thursday.
Thanks again for all your thoughts prayers and concerns. Continued prayers would be much appreciated.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Today I had a biopsy of one of the spots on my Liver. Due to me being skinny and Muscular (Who knew!!) they had a difficult time. I was sedated enough to be "comfy" but still aware of what was going on. I needed to be able to follow instructions during the procedure like holding by breath. I don't remember doing that but I do remember the poking and prodding going on. I cant say it was pain I felt but it was for sure pressure. I am very sore now. Feels like they got pretty close to one of my Rib bones. I hope they didn't try to go through it cuz i'm pretty sure that wouldn't work ;-)
My brother called me tonight to see how I was doing. During our conversation he informed me that he will be flying here to MI to stay with us for a few days later this month. I am very excited to see him since He lives in Idaho. The last time I saw him was roughly a year ago for spring break. It will be good to have him with us for a week.
Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support.
My brother called me tonight to see how I was doing. During our conversation he informed me that he will be flying here to MI to stay with us for a few days later this month. I am very excited to see him since He lives in Idaho. The last time I saw him was roughly a year ago for spring break. It will be good to have him with us for a week.
Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Road Map of the near future.
I met my Liver surgeon today and had a consult with him to see what his perspective was on my treatment plan should look like. He agreed with the opinion of my Oncologist that Chemo should be the first item of business. He would like me to go through 6 cycles (each being 2 weeks long) and then have surgery to remove the right half of my Liver. The right half of my Liver has the largest spot in it which why they want to remove that section. After Liver surgery they would likely follow up with more chemo and then do Colon surgery as well as treating remaining spots on the left lobe of the liver.
The reason they want to limit initial chemo to 6 treatments is that more chemo can cause liver damage. I really liked the doctor and he explained things very well. He even drew a chart (liver & colon) on the paper "bed" sheet they have in the exam room. Not that I'm interested in the paper sheeting but mainly due to the contents I ripped the section off so I could take it home for reference.
We received a bit of great news while talking with the doctor today. He told us that the Pet Scan I had last week didn't show any new locations with cancer. It of course showed the known areas of the Colon and the Liver. We thank God for this miracle that the cancer hasn't spread more than it has.
Tomorrow is a Liver Biopsy and then an MRI is scheduled for Thursday AM. My other appointments this week are conversations with my oncologists to go over the treatment plan and one with my Primary doctor to keep him in the loop.
The reason they want to limit initial chemo to 6 treatments is that more chemo can cause liver damage. I really liked the doctor and he explained things very well. He even drew a chart (liver & colon) on the paper "bed" sheet they have in the exam room. Not that I'm interested in the paper sheeting but mainly due to the contents I ripped the section off so I could take it home for reference.
We received a bit of great news while talking with the doctor today. He told us that the Pet Scan I had last week didn't show any new locations with cancer. It of course showed the known areas of the Colon and the Liver. We thank God for this miracle that the cancer hasn't spread more than it has.
Tomorrow is a Liver Biopsy and then an MRI is scheduled for Thursday AM. My other appointments this week are conversations with my oncologists to go over the treatment plan and one with my Primary doctor to keep him in the loop.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Marathon begins...
Getting ready for a busy week. 5 Docs. appointments & 7 days. Wow! A lot of my extended family does short "marathons," but one marathon of a week that I would rather not have to run. We are headed tommorrow to the Liver Surgeon. We will report what is on his mind on Tuesday.
This past Saturday we did a lot of work to prepare for a lend a hand night that our church will be doing at our house so that Kent can concentrate on his medical recovery from the Liver Biopsy he will have on Tuesday . The lend a hand night will be Wednesday. We are very greatful for all our friends that will help make our yard and house not such an eye sore!:)
Today, we loved going over to my parents and having burgers on the grill. Lydia, told us she hoped Uncle David was making them because she thought he made the best burgers. He was our chef for the afternoon and they weren't a disappointment!
This afternoon Kent and I packed up and were able to relax before our busy week. We hope you enjoyed your weekend and that you have a great week. We are very thankful to all for your love and support and most important your prayers! Leah
This past Saturday we did a lot of work to prepare for a lend a hand night that our church will be doing at our house so that Kent can concentrate on his medical recovery from the Liver Biopsy he will have on Tuesday . The lend a hand night will be Wednesday. We are very greatful for all our friends that will help make our yard and house not such an eye sore!:)
Today, we loved going over to my parents and having burgers on the grill. Lydia, told us she hoped Uncle David was making them because she thought he made the best burgers. He was our chef for the afternoon and they weren't a disappointment!
This afternoon Kent and I packed up and were able to relax before our busy week. We hope you enjoyed your weekend and that you have a great week. We are very thankful to all for your love and support and most important your prayers! Leah
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