Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What goes down.....

I know what goes up must come down but what's the rule when something goes down?  I'm still not sure I know that rule fully.  The last several days have not gone great and I'll expalin why.  Yesterday day was fine through Chemo number 1 and lunch and treatment.  On Tuesday I see the Radiation doctor after treatment wich was the case again yesterday.  Things were fine through the Doc appointment and even to the car and part of the way down the road.  The further I drove the worse the pain got.  I got the car to Borculo and pulled over and we switched drivers.  Leah drove the rest of the way home even though she doesn't feel comfortable driving my vehicle.

It was on the way home I started putting the pieces together and figured out this was an Acid Reflux issue.  I took an antacid right away when we got home and then was careful with food last night and also slept more upright.  Suddenly the puzzle pieces aligned and looking backwards seemed much more clearly.  My acid reflux seems to be brought on with my high stress and anxiety.  Unfortunately this is not a new problem but shows up infrequently enough I can't really prepare for it but have to react to it.

Lately I have been eating fresh fruit like Peaches and Cherries and then eat things like burgers and occaisionally Pizza  or chicken with Barbecue sauce. None of those options are great options with Acid Reflux issues. Yesterday I had several of the foods mentioned and by the time I had to lay down for treatment I was evidently high on acid and then I laid flat for treatment (if you know acid reflux that's a No No).  

Today I continued my antacid and was careful in the food department.  Rule of thumb today for food is bland (and boring?)  While at treament today I was met by the dietician again.  We explained the happenings of yesterday and the antacid I was taking as a result.  The dietician noted she recalled a reaction between the antacid I was taking and the Chemo I am taking.  She mentioned some other options for antacid, so Tomorrow we'll try the new antacid and see how things go.

On another note the Radaition doctor said to continue on as normal and that somedays will be worse than others.  I am  hoping the worst days are behind me or at least that we've identifiued the problem.  Tomorrow's treatment will be number 14 which is half way through radiation treatments.

I would appreciate your prayers for calm and peace and stamina for the next 15 treatment.



  1. Kent I think you are doing amazing under the circumstances! I hope and pray that the new antiacid medicine helps.
    this causes a lot of stress

    which affects your stomach.
    You have hundreds of people praying for you every day!
    .You also have a caring loving wife who is the best caregiver!
    God never leaves you!
    Joshua 1:9
    Love you Mom

  2. 🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼

  3. 🙏🙏🙏💪👆💖💖💖

  4. Your “moms” are on stand-by to help. I know you would rather be independent with Leah. It works well for you, but at times you might need some help.
    Meanwhile, your prayer warriors are working hard. Thank you for the way you push yourself, the way you keep your sense of humor, the way you keep working, and the way you love Leah and Lydia.

  5. Praying for you!

  6. Hang in there. You will make it.

  7. We continue to pray for you during this part of your journey.


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